Chapter 393 Sending back to the Imperial Capital
What Jiang Yifan said in this call was very satisfying, and that meant that Wan Ke was not by his side, otherwise he would definitely take out firecrackers and ring them for days and nights!

Song Menqing watched Jiang Yifan's mouth twitch a few times, "What do you want? We will give you money if you want it, and you can discuss things if you want it."

"No, no, no." Jiang Yifan held up a finger and shook it a few times, "First of all, your money is the baby's money, not yours, so don't pack yourself so generously, and second, what I want is to sell you. If you can't afford it, finally talk to me about material things, and I can smash you to death with money and things!"

"I know we are wrong. These days we are like rats crossing the street, please let us go." At this moment, Ma Jinlian leaned forward and murmured aggrievedly.

Jiang Yifan pursed his lips, "Tsk tsk tsk, are you still pitiful? I feel a little ashamed of what I said. Now you two have tens of millions. This net worth is pitiful? But you are right in saying that you are now Rats crossing the street, if I drag you out to parade now, the residents living on both sides of Huarong Avenue can smash you two to death with rotten eggs and rotten leaves!"

"Brother, just say what you want. Yes, we were wrong, but things will pass one day. You can't always treat us like this."

What Song Menqing said was also very pitiful, and he spread his hands and continued, "Besides, we really love each other, why can't we be together? We are sorry for the baby, but we are worthy of this love. "

"Boom!" When Song Menqing finished speaking, Jiang Yifan punched him.Gritting his teeth, he said angrily, "What an awe-inspiring love! Why do I feel so disgusted by the love that comes out of your mouth!"

"Damn, you are worthy of your disgusting love, but what about the baby? He feeds you, drinks for you, and cultivates you from a slut to the glamorous one you are now. A so-called love is enough. trample on the dignity of others!"

Jiang Yifan became more and more annoyed, he picked up Song Menqing, and punched him punch by punch, his face was covered in blood!

"Please don't hit me!" Ma Jinlian also hurried over, tugging at Jiang Yifan's arm, already crying to the point of tears.

Jiang Yifan let go of Song Menqing with a cold snort, and then said with a smile, "I remember Sister Feng once said that if you go to the United States, you will find a black man for you. I don't think you can go to the United States now. There are no black people in Chenbei City, but we can satisfy you." Yours will definitely not be less."

Jiang Yifan waved his hand and shouted to the outside, "Lu Zhuang, go find some beggars for me to come in."

Lu Zhuang responded from outside, and within 10 minutes came in with a dozen beggars.

There was an evil smile on the corner of Jiang Yifan's mouth, "Today, I will find some benefits for you, and you don't have to do too much, just go up and disgust these two people. You can beat, scold, or even touch them, but you absolutely can't do that. sort of thing."

Jiang Yifan also has a bottom line, it would be a little bad for these people to give Ma Jinlian something.

A group of beggars looked at each other, some didn't understand Jiang Yifan's words.

Lu Zhuang explained at this time, "Go up and pull the man away, you can release the man, you can vent, but you just touch and hit the woman a few times."

"Afterwards, I will give you 1000 yuan each." Jiang Yifan added.

As soon as they heard the money, these people's eyes lit up immediately, they threw the things in their hands on the ground, and surrounded Ma Jinlian and Song Menqing.

"Don't do this...don't!"

"Don't touch me!"

The two of them roared with all their strength, but these people didn't have so many scruples. The four of them directly pulled Song Menqing aside, and their dirty hands directly touched his face.


Standing outside, Jiang Yifan and Lu Zhuang were smoking cigarettes, listening to the painful wailing inside, they felt a sense of comfort on their faces.

About half an hour later, the voice gradually became quieter, and Jiang Yifan and Lu Zhuang walked back, only to see some blood on Song Menqing's face, and his clothes were particularly messy.And it can really be said that the chrysanthemum is injured everywhere!
And Ma Jinlian sat on the ground with messy hair, her clothes were torn and torn, and she stared at the ceiling with absent-minded eyes, as if she had nothing to love.

"Take them out, give each of them a red envelope of 1000 yuan, and then send you to eat." Jiang Yifan said to Lu Zhuang.

And he himself looked at the two people on the ground. From the loud wailing in front to the present, he couldn't make a sound at all. How embarrassed the two of them were.

To be honest, Jiang Yifan really thought about pulling them out for a parade. Now that so many people hate them, it is estimated that some impulsive people will kill them both directly.

After thinking about it carefully, forget it, humiliating the two of them is enough, and the rest should be handed over to the imperial capital.

He squatted beside Song Menqing, "I believe the two of you are also very satisfied with this special meal, then the next thing is to send you back to the imperial capital."

"No, we don't want to go back!"

"Can't go back!"

The two people's originally dull expressions suddenly became a little scared.Shaking his head vigorously.

Jiang Yifan stood up, looked at them indifferently and said, "It's up to you, you have to pay it back when you come out to mess around. Since you dare to do these unconscionable things, you have to think about the day you will be punished."

"Please, don't let us go back. We will get the documents to go abroad soon." Ma Jinlian said anxiously.

The corner of Jiang Yifan's mouth rose, "Then I have to send you back to the imperial capital, otherwise, if you really go abroad, wouldn't the baby suffer even more? Go back to the imperial capital well, pay back what should be paid, and face it earlier, maybe you can find it in China." A place to linger."


"But what?" Before Song Menqing could finish speaking, Jiang Yifan pulled his hair and said word by word, "Remember, even if you run away to the ends of the earth, you will not spend the rest of your life in peace, acting like that shamelessly." Do you have a good conscience?"

"Let me tell you, you will spend your whole life in abuse, accusations, and guilt. If I were you... Bah, bah, I would never be like you."

After scolding, and relieved, Jiang Yifan asked Lu Zhuang to call a few clever brothers and tied them to the car, and then found a car and took them back to the imperial capital.

"Just let it go?" Lu Zhuang asked a little annoyed.

Jiang Yifan nodded, "There are a lot of things that we can't just solve. It's easy to kill them, but things will be even more chaotic on the baby's side if they die. It's better to send them back and let him solve it himself."

"Zhao Liu called just now, saying that someone from the imperial capital came over, who seems to be the person behind Xiao Tianquan..." Lu Zhuang frowned and said.

ps: This small plot is not added abruptly. It has been foreshadowed before, so it will not be incomprehensible. I also write this to really relieve my anger, and it has no other meaning.It will not affect the normal plot.

(End of this chapter)

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