Chapter 412 That Nurse Is So Fierce
Jiang Yifan, who squinted his eyes, was ready to be pushed down, and he was still looking forward to it.

But the other side paused for a moment, and after he was puzzled for a moment, he opened his eyes. Before he could see Lin Yanran's face clearly, he felt a burst of coldness sweeping over him.


A basin of cold water was poured directly on Jiang Yifan's face...

"I thought your head might be sleepy, so you're talking nonsense. I went out and asked the doctor, and they said this method is the most effective." Lin Yanran smiled coquettishly, "Don't thank me."

Jiang Yifan huffed his face, not only was he sober, but even that wonderful reverie was shattered!He pursed his lips in great grievance, "Miss, I'm a wounded number now, is it really okay to treat me like this?"

Lin Yanran hugged her arms together and smiled, "I take care of you like this only because you are injured, otherwise..."

"Otherwise what?"

"Ever heard the old saying?"

"What old saying?"

"I'll kill you while you're sick!" Lin Yanran put her hands on her waist, "I swore once before that I would definitely kill you in this life. Now that you're wounded, I don't bother to talk to you, but if you go too far, I will kill you." But really take advantage of your illness and kill you."

Jiang Yifan was crying, how wronged he was.

"Huh?" At this moment, a suspicious voice came from the door, and Lin Yaran came in with two meals, and looked at Jiang Yifan, "You took a bath early in the morning?"

Jiang Yifan sighed, "Sister Yara, my heart has been severely traumatized and I need your kiss to comfort me."

"Shameless!" Lin Yanran glared at the guy and scolded.

Lin Yaran covered her mouth and smiled, put down the food and put the table on the bed, stretched out her slender jade fingers to pull the blue hair scattered around her ears, took the towel from one side and handed it to Jiang Yifan, and said softly "Hurry up and wipe off, let's eat."

Jiang Yifan took the towel and wiped his hair and face. It was also because there was not too much water, otherwise he would have to change clothes.But he wanted to change clothes in front of the two beauties, so that they could experience his unique masculine charm!
After dinner, Lin Yanran went to see Tang Guo.

And Lin Yaran sat next to Jiang Yifan and said, "I originally thought that you could go with me to meet those rich businessmen today, but it looks like this is unlikely."

"Today..." Jiang Yifan slapped his forehead and suddenly remembered that today is the day to confirm the suburban project!
Then he lifted the quilt and was about to get out of bed, "I'm fine, I'll go with you."

Lin Yaran hurriedly stopped him, "Okay, okay, I can go, and let them go directly to the Lin Group this time, there is no need for protection, and you have told them before that it is almost the same. It's just a contract."

Jiang Yifan thought for a while, if he was in the Lin Group, he would be at ease. Yesterday, the old god stick told him that the people of Xiao Tianquan's stepfather would attack the girls around him, so he had to keep an eye on them all the time. protection of.There can be no mistakes.

If the contract is signed in the Lin Group, he can rest assured, after all, it is the territory of the Lin Group, even if Xiao Tianquan's stepfather is strong, it is absolutely impossible!
After Jiang Yifan gave a few more simple instructions, Lin Yaran left.

He called Lu Zhuang and asked someone to secretly protect Lin Yaran. After Lu Zhuang agreed, he wanted to visit the hospital, but Jiang Yifan refused.

The injuries on his back were not that serious. Compared with the injuries he suffered before, they were simply pediatrics.

After about 20 minutes, Wan Ke and Hua Zi walked in, holding a fruit basket in their hands.

"Boss." The two greeted each other.

Jiang Yifan nodded, "Where's the old magic stick?"

"I locked the room, don't worry, nothing will happen this time." Wan Ke frowned and asked, "Who did that belong to yesterday, so rampant!"

"Xiao Tianquan's stepfather sent it." After Jiang Yifan answered, he picked up an apple and ate it.

Wan Ke and Hua Zi looked at each other, took apart the fruit basket and ate it, as if it wasn't for Jiang Yifan, but something he wanted to eat.

Chewing an orange in his mouth, he muttered, "This incident is quite a big one. The police have already intervened. There was an explosion at the beach yesterday, and they found your damaged car and a few other broken cars on the northern street. But no one was seen."

Jiang Yifan pondered for a moment, he actually only killed one person yesterday, and most of the others were beaten to the point where they lost their ability to move.

However, since Xiao Tianquan's stepfather was able to do this, he must be very good at dealing with the aftermath, otherwise those people would also be discovered by the police.

After thinking for a while, he looked towards Wan Ke and the others. The fruit in the fruit basket had been eaten and only a few strawberries were left.

Some scolded angrily, "Are you here with a fruit basket to see me? Why didn't I finish an apple, but you all finished it!"

Wan Ke and Hua Zi looked at each other and laughed, "Don't be so stingy, it's just a fruit basket!"

"Damn it! It's not a matter of fruit basket or not, but a matter of politeness between the two of you. On the surface, you came to see me, but in fact you came to my place to eat fruit. You don't respect me too much."

Seeing Jiang Yifan's indignant expression, Wan Ke spread his hands, "I respect you for making wool, everyone is so familiar with it."

"I don't know you well. Get out." Jiang Yifan waved his hand, he was already drunk with Wan Ke's cuteness.

Wan Ke bared, laughed and got up and looked at Huazi, "Boss, let's go first."


Jiang Yifan turned his head to the other side, but Wanke and Huazi immediately picked up the delicious food on the table and smiled shamelessly at him, "Boss, since you have said that about us, then we will Take it all away."

"Fuck! Put it there for me, the beauty bought it for me!" Jiang Yifan turned his head suddenly, and saw that those two guys took away some of the delicious food that Lin Yaran bought.

"What are you yelling about!" At this moment, a nurse with a big chest came in and shouted sharply.

Wan Ke and Hua Zi froze in place at the same time. Although this nurse is not very beautiful, her breasts are really big!Both eyes were straight.

The nurse shouted, "This is a hospital, not a vegetable market."

"Yes, yes, sister nurse is right." Wan Ke touched Hua Zi, and walked in from the door again, with a mean smile on his face.

When the nurse walked up to Jiang Yifan, she asked, "How is your condition? Do you feel unwell?"

Jiang Yifan rolled his eyes and pinched his forehead directly, "Oh, I'm a little dizzy." He said and fell into the nurse's arms...

"Fuck, shameless!" Wan Ke and Hua Zi shouted at the same time.

(End of this chapter)

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