Chapter 422

Lin Yanran was really pissed off, her eyes were hazy, she looked like a violent young lady!Just now, she advised Jiang Yifan not to be impulsive, but after a few seconds passed, she couldn't restrain herself anymore.

The fat man next to him trembled for a moment, and looked at Jiang Yifan, "Give the knife... to sister-in-law?"

The corner of Jiang Yifan's mouth twitched, and he pulled Lin Yanran behind him, "Let me handle this matter. Don't meddle in it."

"No!" Lin Yanran was so angry at this moment that she couldn't listen to anyone's words. Seeing that the fat man didn't give her the knife, she stepped forward and snatched it away. She raised the knife and walked straight towards the man in the sportswear.

Seeing this, the man in sportswear hurriedly started to back up, as if he was afraid of being stabbed!

Lin Yanran took a few steps forward, and immediately raised the knife in her hand and slashed at the man in sportswear.

What he didn't know was that the man in the sportswear suddenly grabbed Lin Yanran's wrist, snatched the knife, then turned around suddenly, and directly placed the knife across Lin Yanran's neck.

He shouted at Jiang Yifan and the others, "Don't move!"

"Damn!" Lu Zhuang cursed loudly, the original active situation has now become passive!It's really annoying.

Jiang Yifan narrowed his eyes slightly, and said lightly, "Let her go, or she will die!"

"Jiang Yifan! You just stay calm now, I have a hostage in my hand now! Call me a car right away, I want to get out of here." The man in sportswear suddenly gained momentum, looked at Jiang Yifan proudly, and yelled Said, "If you dare to act rashly, I will kill your little daughter-in-law! At worst, we will die together!"

But I was thinking in my heart, Jiang Yifan, Jiang Yifan, you have said before, these women are undoubtedly your weakness, now in my hands, let's see how arrogant you are!

Pay back the humiliation you just suffered!
Jiang Yifan raised his eyebrows slightly, a cold and arrogant smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, and the coldness in his eyes was evident. The moment the man in sportswear just finished speaking, the golden needle on Jiang Yifan's fingertips shot straight away!

"Chi!" The golden needle pierced the air, making trembling sounds, and directly pierced the wrist of the man in sportswear holding the knife!

The knife fell to the ground in an instant, and when he was about to react and hold Lin Yanran hostage again, Jiang Yifan had already arrived in front of him, punched him in the face, and took advantage of this gap to drag Lin Yanran into his arms. arms.

Lin Yanran was in a dazed state the whole time, because Jiang Yifan's moves were too fast!It was so fast that there was no room for her to react!
In just a moment, Jiang Yifan put Lin Yanran aside, grabbed the man in the sportswear by the hair and lifted him up, kicking him upside down!
"Boom!" He hit the wall heavily, and blood flowed from the corner of his mouth.

"Lu Zhuang drew up two property transfer contracts and asked that guy to sign them." Jiang Yifan said coldly.

"How... how to write it?" Lu Zhuang had never done such a thing before.

Lin Yanran looked at the angry Jiang Yifan, paused for a moment, then walked to the side table, found a pen and paper and began to write.

After about a few minutes, Lin Yanran came to Jiang Yifan's side and handed him two handwritten contracts.

Jiang Yifan took a closer look, smiled at Lin Yanran, "I didn't expect you to have these two tricks."

"Who do you look down upon!" Lin Yanran snorted proudly.

Jiang Yifan handed one of the copies to the previous man and said, "Sign it, and I will send someone to go through the formalities with you after this is over, and you will be free after that."

After the man took the contract with a trembling hand, he signed it without even looking at it.

"Lu Zhuang asked a few clever brothers to deal with him. His companies are all sold in the form of equity transfer, and then sold to the shareholders of his company at a reserve price. Try to bring back checks or cash, and then his real estate and other things, All go to the real estate certificate to change the name."

Lu Zhuang listened to Jiang Yifan's words, nodded slightly, then called the four brothers directly, and took the man out to deal with it.

After sending the man away, Lu Zhuang turned his head to look at Jiang Yifan, and pointed to the man in sportswear, "What about this guy?"

"According to this contract, let him sign it. If he doesn't sign it, let him press his fingerprint." Jiang Yifan said coldly, and then changed the subject, "After processing, just pull it out and bury it!"

"This..." Lu Zhuang stopped, feeling a little dazed.

Jiang Yifan smiled, "What is this, don't bury it to death, it's almost buried, find a way to call Zhong's side, let them come to save people."

Hearing this, Lu Zhuang thought for a while, smiled and nodded, and went to operate these things.

At this time, Jiang Yifan walked to Lin Yanran's side, and asked with concern, "Are you okay?"

Lin Yanran was stunned for a moment, then shrugged, "What can I do?"

"The next time you encounter this kind of thing, you girl, don't move forward. If I didn't react quickly, he really hurt you. How can I explain to your father?" Jiang Yifan said solemnly.

Lin Yanran made a 'cut', and said disapprovingly, "What's the big deal. I can still handle it without you." But she looked at Jiang Yifan not joking, and added a sentence after that, "Okay, okay, I won't move forward in the future Still can't do it!"

The reason why Jiang Yifan was in a hurry and talked to Lin Yanran so seriously was because he was worried about Lin Yanran's safety.

This is the kind of person he is, he would rather be injured and bleed than see the people he cares about suffer a little bit of grievance.

In the following time, everyone also forgot what happened just now, and they sat together and played Zhajinhua again.

About two hours later, it was already dark, and Lu Zhuang walked in with someone from outside, carrying a few boxes.

Put it in front of Jiang Yifan, and said, "Two of these five boxes are cash, about 200 million, and the other two are gold bars and jade, damn, that bastard in sportswear is rich, There is no cash in the company's safe, it is all these golds. It is conservatively estimated that the value of these is more than ten million."

Jiang Yifan pointed to the last box and asked, "What's in there?"

Lu Zhuang opened the box and said with a smile, "This is just a post. Where are some real estate contracts and some project contracts of the two guys in this box. I have to say that these guys are all eyeing the real estate in Chenbei City now. The sum of these two guys owns more than 100 properties in and around Chenbei City, including more than 20 villas!"

Jiang Yifan said with a smile, "That's not a loss!"

"Not only is it not a loss, it's like a pie in the sky!" Lu Zhuang exclaimed in surprise.

(End of this chapter)

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