Chapter 435

From the moment Jiang Yifan got up, the eyes of the people around him were on him, wanting to hear what the person involved was going to explain!

The corners of Shen Rong's mouth moved a few times, and she looked at Jiang Yifan with some concern. Jiang Yifan was undoubtedly the target of public criticism at this time, and almost most of the people were thinking about this matter from the standpoint of Yang Qiusheng.

Looking at Jiang Yifan's firm eyes, Shen Rong sighed slightly and sat back in her seat.

Jiang Yifan walked to Yang Qiusheng's side, put his shoulders on his shoulder and said with a smile, "Do you think I'm very upset?"

"What do you think?" Yang Qiusheng snorted coldly.

"I just like the way you see me unhappy, but you can't make me look like that!"

"Boom!" Just as Jiang Yifan finished speaking, he suddenly raised his fist and knocked Yang Qiusheng to the ground with one blow.

Immediately, he picked him up again by pulling his hair, picked up a glass full of beer and splashed Yang Qiusheng in the face, and dropped the glass to the ground with a 'click'.

Jiang Yifan said with a cold face, "You are a crazy dog! I'm a **** and I stole your corn cobs! I won't let you go!"

"You dare to hit me!"


As soon as Yang Qiusheng finished speaking, Jiang Yifan slapped him, "I hit you, what can I do?"

"How can you hit someone?"

"What Yang Qiusheng said is right. Could it be that he wants to kill someone to silence him?"

"It's because you have ghosts in your heart that you coveted the property of Lin's group, so you colluded with Zhong's."

At this time, watching Yang Qiusheng being beaten, two male students also stood up, pointed at Jiang Yifan and shouted angrily.

Jiang Yifan grinned, turned to look at the two, and asked, "Do you understand me?"

"Do you need to understand? You have already been exposed in front of us, you are a scum, a complete bastard!" Although Yang Qiusheng was beaten with blood from his mouth and nose, he still looked neither humble nor overbearing.

And he was very angry, as if he had been wronged so much!
Jiang Yifan hugged his arms together and smiled, "Okay, I'm a scumbag, I'm a bastard, you said I was in collusion with Zhong Shi, then you call people from Lin Shi over here now, and say that I used dirty and despicable means to make Lin Shi treat you right." I'm good, then you call them over, let's face to face, if I am really as you said, then you can call the police and arrest me."

"Do you think we dare?" Yang Qiusheng yelled, "I tell you Jiang Yifan, today I will let Lin Yanran know what a disgusting face you have! You have lost your face, and after today's incident, let's see what face you have to go back to school!"

Jiang Yifan shrugged indifferently, "Okay, I want to see how you make me lose face, how you make me afraid to go back to school."

After finishing speaking, he glanced at everyone, "If it is really my fault, then I will let you deal with it, but what if you falsely accuse me?"

"Impossible! You are already notorious in our eyes, how can we wrong you?" Yang Qiusheng snorted coldly.

Jiang Yifan's gaze became deep, filled with a deep chill, and he changed the subject and said, "If you have falsely accused me, then I will chop off each of your hands, and then use super glue to cover your mouths. Seal it!"

Everyone almost shrank their pupils when they heard it, and gasped, this is too cruel!

Jiang Yifan looked at the appearance of the crowd, and sneered, "Don't think that I dare not do it, and don't compare yourself with me. If you compare with me, I am your ancestor!"

Since they are all shameless, why should they care so much?
Jiang Yifan thinks that people live forever, just want to have a good time, he doesn't care what others think of him, he can give pointers, but absolutely not allowed!
Respect others for one point and return others ten points.

Every inch of bullying will be repaid!
Yang Qiusheng listened to Jiang Yifan's words and looked at his expression, his heart suddenly became a little confused, because the words just now were also based on his thinking.

His eyes flickered a little and he looked at the people around him.

At this time, the students standing around were a little shaken. They all knew Jiang Yifan's reputation. After all, they had all practiced in the Lin Group. When Jiang Yifan participated in the selection of the assistant to the president, they all saw the strong strength he showed. If it is true Chopping hands, I'm afraid he really dares to do it.

Someone stood up and said, "It was Yang Qiusheng who said it, so why chop off everyone's hands?"

Jiang Yifan sneered, "What? You want to admit defeat before the confrontation?"

"Me!" This person was speechless for a while, but he was a little speechless. They really didn't have any confidence.It was purely the atmosphere instigated by Yang Qiusheng.

Someone pursed his lips and sat back down, as if expressing that what happened just now had nothing to do with him.

Yang Qiusheng watched more and more people lose their confidence and go about their own business, he suddenly became resentful, and pointed at Jiang Yifan, "You will frighten us poor students, just yell, come right away Confront."

"I have already called Director Lin, and they are already on their way." Shen Rong stood up at this moment with a very ugly expression.

What kind of person Jiang Yifan is, Shen Rong knows best among all the people, she can't bear to be so slandered by others.

Yang Qiusheng's eyes froze, and he looked at Shen Rong playfully, "Mr. Shen, if you protect Jiang Yifan so much, could it be that the two of you are in a teacher-student relationship? Is such a dishonest teacher worthy of being our teacher?"

"Boom!" Hearing that Yang Qiusheng aimed at Shen Rong again, Jiang Yifan really couldn't bear it anymore, and in an instant, he used the extreme speed to reach him and kicked him upside down!
And the moment Yang Qiusheng flew upside down, Jiang Yifan came up to him like a ghost and punched him in the stomach!
"Pfft!" Yang Qiusheng spat out the wine he had just drank.

But before it landed on the ground, Jiang Yifan kicked it over again!

Swinging his fists and feet, he hit Yang Qiusheng vigorously. Jiang Yifan used skillful force and did not intend to kill him. If this kind of person was just killed in one blow, it would be hard to dispel the hatred in Jiang Yifan's heart!

After punching and kicking for a while, Jiang Yifan let out a sigh of relief, looked at Yang Qiusheng who had been beaten into a pig's head by him, and said coldly, "Don't use your dirty mouth to spray other people! You are not qualified!"

Shen Rong was angry, and Yang Qiusheng was her student after all, so he hurried over and pulled Jiang Yifan, "Don't hit me."

Jiang Yifan spread his hands, "It doesn't matter if you kill this kind of person."

Seeing Jiang Yifan's appearance, Shen Rong paused for a moment, then withdrew her hand, silently staring at everything around her, thinking to herself, "Yifan, Yang Qiusheng is right, I just like you, even if you are in front of others Even if you are questioned by countless people, I will not doubt you, even if you are an enemy of thousands of people, I will always stand by your side."

ps: Questioned in front of thousands of people,

Only beautiful women do not abandon.

Accompanied by no complaints or regrets,

There is no regret in the mountains of swords and seas of fire.

A little poem belonging to Shen Rong and Jiang Yifan is coming out~~
(End of this chapter)

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