Chapter 444 Is this a slap in the face

After Jiang Yifan's voice fell, Xuedie turned around slowly, and hammered Jiang Yifan's chest a few times with her pink fist, "It's really annoying, what if those students see it?"

"What are you afraid of? With the strength of the two of us, there is no problem in leveling this school." Although Jiang Yifan said so, he was muttering in his heart, 'Don't you want to pretend?Then I will accompany you to pretend!Let's see what tricks you play! '

Xue Die smiled tenderly, "Xiao Fanfan, you seem to be very naughty today."

"The main reason is that sister Xuedie always hooks up with me." Jiang Yifan shrugged, and patted Xuedie's upturned|buttocks.

This caused Xuedie's complexion to change suddenly, and all the smiles on her face disappeared immediately, and then became cold, and she shouted sharply, "Jiang Yifan! Did my old lady give you shame!"

Jiang Yifan clapped his hands, "This is what I remember as an instructor!"

"If you belong to walnut, you don't need to be beaten!" Xue Die pointed at Jiang Yifan angrily, "It's easy to discuss with you, you have to show off, and I have to beat you, don't you!"

"Then since you don't like me, I'll just go back to class." Jiang Yifan just wanted to find an excuse to get away.

"That depends on whether you have the ability to leave!" Xue Die jumped in front of Jiang Yifan holding the railing of the stairs, raised her right hand suddenly, and waved her clenched fist directly at Jiang Yifan.

"Damn it, you're in the rhythm of attacking at the slightest disagreement." Jiang Yifan slammed to the side for a moment, but then Xue Die kicked over, and the kick of the military boots was comparable to that of other shoes. Strength is different.

Jiang Yifan retreated three steps violently, and then dodged it, raised his head and looked at Xuedie, "Oh, it seems that in order to defeat me, I have been training myself a lot during this time."

"You think the sky is the boss and you are the second!" Xue Die shouted in a low voice, and appeared in front of Jiang Yifan like a ghost, raising her fist again.

Jiang Yifan lowered his head slightly, as if he had taken it, but Xuedie's next attack did not stop at all.

With a malicious expression on his face, he waved his fists in the air, and sometimes raised his feet to kick them.Extremely fast.

Jiang Yifan frowned. The last meeting defeated Xuedie, which really gave him a prestige in front of his brothers, but this meeting, Xuedie's strength increased a lot. He's on par!
Fortunately, Jiang Yifan has not been idle during this time, otherwise he will really be beaten up against Xuedie this time!

Raising his hand to block the attack, Jiang Yifan was also looking for Xuedie's flaws.

Finally, seeing that although Xuedie's upper body attacked extremely fast, her lower body was slightly unstable, so he swept over with one leg, as if Xuedie had already prepared herself, and jumped up swiftly.

The corners of his mouth curved up, as if mocking Jiang Yifan.

Jiang Yifan snorted, and swooped down with his whole body, grabbing Xuedie's feet directly.Cross and pull violently!
Xue Die froze for a moment, only then did she realize that she had been duped, but obviously she ran out of time to react.The whole body fell backwards.

Jiang Yifan stepped forward with his right foot, hugged this delicate body in his arms, leaned close to Xuedie's fair face, and murmured in a low voice, "Instructor, it seems that not only your strength has increased recently, but also your chest It's a lot bigger!"

Xuedie's eyes widened, her face flushed slightly, Jiang Yifan's heavy breathing hit her cheek, coupled with her shameless words, she immediately became furious!

"Let go of me and fight again!"

Jiang Yifan hugged Xuedie's waist, grabbed the proud place vigorously, and said with a teasing smile, "If you hit you again, you will not be my opponent."

"You!" After being caught, Xuedie's face turned redder, shyly struggling to get away from Jiang Yifan's embrace.Just wave your hand and continue to fight.

Jiang Yifan quickly grabbed her hand, and said with a smile, "Okay, I promise you to go! We have to fight each other. What's the point of calling?"

Xuedie took a deep breath, if it wasn't for the mission, she would have to decide the outcome with Jiang Yifan today, snorted coldly, and walked down.

Jiang Yifan looked at Xue Die with his hands in his arms, raised the corners of his mouth, and walked down with a confident smile on the corners of his mouth.

When he got outside, he asked, "What's the mission this time?"

"The order I received is that Chenbei University is now helping freshmen with military training, but it must be more than that. Let's wait for the order from the base." Xue Die said coldly.

Jiang Yifan paused for a moment, but did not ask further questions, and the two arrived at the playground soon.

In the place of the playground, there are no new students gathered at this time.But there are many students.

Under the basketball hoop stood a row of men in camouflage military uniforms, all of whom looked older than Jiang Yifan.

"Aren't these people from the base?" Jiang Yifan asked.

Xuedie said as she walked, "Yes, they are peripheral personnel of the base. They have not been formally enrolled."

Jiang Yifan shrugged, "This is the first time I've heard that there are peripheral personnel in the base."

"There are many things you don't know."

"By the way." Jiang Yifan suddenly remembered something, stopped and looked at Xuedie and asked, "Last time you said before leaving, don't make me hate you and the base, what does this sentence mean?"

Xuedie's expression was sluggish for a moment, then she turned her head to look at Jiang Yifan, "Just pretend I didn't say anything last time."

"Damn, are you kidding me?"

"You guessed it right, it's my mission to tease you!" Xue Die finished speaking and walked in front of the row of men.

"Salute!" The man standing on the far right shouted sharply, and everyone else saluted a military salute!
Jiang Yifan smiled harmlessly, and looked at the crowd, "It's alright, comrades, we've already arrived in the city, so please feel free. Don't be too restrained."

There were a total of five men standing opposite, all around the age of 27 or [-], and all of them were tall and strong.

Hearing Jiang Yifan's words, he didn't pay attention to him, and didn't even look at him.

Seeing everyone ignoring Jiang Yifan, Xuedie covered her mouth and smiled, saying, "Okay, let's put it down."

The five men on the opposite side put down their hands, Qi Qi looked at Xue Die and waited for the next order.

Xuedie pointed to Jiang Yifan, "Okay, the six of you are familiar with each other, and you need to train new students together in the next few days."

"Instructor, let us go with him?" At this moment, the man who looked like the squad leader took a step forward, with an expression of disbelief on his face.

"What? Do you think I'm handsome and you're too ugly, so you feel inferior when you're with me?" Jiang Yifan spread his hands and said with a playful smile.

The man raised his eyebrows, looked Jiang Yifan up and down, with a hint of sarcasm on his face, and then took off his coat.

Hooked at Jiang Yifan, "Come on, let me fight you with one hand, if you don't fall in 3 minutes, I will admit you!"

(End of this chapter)

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