Chapter 458 The Elixir of Life? ([-] chapters)
Tang Bo looked at Jiang Yifan puzzled, "Why?"

"Because you, an old guy, made me skip dinner and drive for several hours, let's forget about being tired, because you and my brother were injured, do you think I'm in a good mood to take care of you?" Jiang Yifan said angrily drive a car.

Xue Die said displeasedly, "Why are you talking to Tang Bo!"

"It's okay. Young people, it's good to value friendship." Tang Bo waved his hand, and a kind smile appeared on his face, "I heard Cang Yunzi say that he took in a good apprentice before, and today I saw him. He really is a good-looking talent."

"Old man, I just want to forgive you for boasting, that's not okay."

Tang Bo leaned forward and asked with interest, "Then what do you think I should do so that you can forgive me?"

"Look, I haven't eaten tonight..."

"When you arrive in Chenbei City in a while, you can choose where you want to eat. You can eat anything."

"Look, I haven't rested well this night, and my back hurts."

"After dinner, I'll take you to a foot massage, and health care is also available."

"This... driving such a long distance takes too much gas..."

"There are 50 in this card."

Jiang Yifan was a little curious now, this Tang Bo seemed to know what he was thinking, and he responded to every request.

He asked suspiciously, "Old man, did you prepare these remarks in advance?"

"It's not that I'm ready, but I think you will definitely say that." Tang Bo said with a meaningful smile.


"No, what kind of master there is, there will be what kind of apprentice. I know the old guy Cang Yunzi too well. The apprentice brought out by a brazen guy like him must also be a famous big shot!" Full of playful smiles.

Jiang Yifan raised his eyebrows, "I didn't realize that you were praising my master."

"Hahaha. Jiang Yifan, you really got the true biography of Cang Yunzi. But I like it." Tang Bo patted Jiang Yifan's shoulder very pleased.

"Do you know where my master is now?" After a while, Jiang Yifan asked.

Tang Bo shook his head slightly, "Although I don't know where he is, but he is living a pretty good life now, except that he has no freedom, and he is completely living like an emperor."

"What is the background of the person who kidnapped him?"

"Those people are amazing, but I can't tell you now, it would be harming you, wait for you to find out by yourself slowly."

After Tang Bo finished speaking, he directly changed the subject, "If you want to know what happened at the foot of Beishan Mountain, I can tell you about it."

"Then tell me, take me to eat, drink and have fun after I'm done. I have a good rest and I have to find beautiful women tomorrow. It's really no fun to be an old man like you." Jiang Yifan shrugged, he said to these old guys I have long been used to the gesture of saying half and leaving half.

Even though I hate it, there is nothing I can do, if they don't take the initiative to speak up, even if I beat them up, I won't be able to ask anything!
If that's the case, why waste energy?

Tang Bo leaned on the seat, his eyes were blank at first, "The things under Beishan are not exactly treasures."

"Then why did those guys from the island country come to snatch it?" Jiang Yifan asked suspiciously.

"Because those things were originally researched by the island people in ancient times, and they were researched on our land. They just want to take back what belongs to them."

Tang Bo smiled when he said this, and looked at Jiang Yifan meaningfully, "Do you think it is something that the islanders have been chasing for hundreds of years and would not give up?"

"Who is right about the thinking of islanders, it can't be something that can make them grow taller, or make AV more awesome." Jiang Yifan couldn't think of anything else for a while.

"Of course not those. Since the Qin Dynasty in China, the first emperor Yingzheng has been pursuing the elixir of immortality. His subordinate Xu Fu traveled all over the world for it, celebrities from all over the world, and finally encountered a flood in the South China Sea, so , negotiated with Qin Shihuang, and dispatched three thousand boys and girls to revere this divine beast in the sea."

"But since then, Xu Fu and those three thousand virgins have disappeared without a trace. Not long after, a different kind of national flag was erected on an island in the ocean, calling itself an island country!"

Having said this, Tang Bo stopped suddenly, and looked at Jiang Yifan meaningfully, "Did you know now?"

Jiang Yifan was stunned for a moment, "What you just said is just a legend in unofficial history. There is also a saying that Pan Jinlian smuggled into the island country, and then created the island country with Wu Dalang's son. It has no reference value."

"It's not this that I made you realize, but the most crucial thing!" Tang Bo said with a mysterious smile.

"You don't mean to say that the things under Beishan are the elixir that the emperors of every dynasty have hoped for for 5000 years, right?" Xuedie asked with bright eyes.

Tang Bo nodded slightly, "That's right, it's indeed the elixir of life!"

"Stop making trouble, this is the 21st century, can you stop telling me about things from BC, besides, after the founding of the People's Republic of China, animals are not allowed to become sperm, you give me the elixir of life..."

Jiang Yifan really couldn't listen to it anymore, this is too far-fetched.

Although, in ancient times, the emperors of all dynasties were looking for this so-called elixir of life, especially when the First Emperor was in power, but who really found the so-called elixir of life in the past 5000 years?

If there were, those emperors would not have died early!

Tang Bo laughed and said, "So as I said before, what's inside is not a treasure, but a paranoid belief! Islanders have always believed in the elixir of life."

"It is reported that at the end of the Tang Dynasty, the island country sent a team of people to China to search for good medicine. After they finally found it, they were hunted down by the emperor at that time, so they had no choice but to hide in a deep mountain, which is the Beishan side of Chenbei City. "

Tang Bo took a deep breath and continued, "They built a mysterious research base here, but according to rumors, it was finally successfully developed, but for various reasons they did not send the medicine back to the island country, but sent people to Send a letter back, saying that the prescription is placed here. This is why the islanders come here again and again."

Listening to these words, Jiang Yifan smiled and said, "That is to say, they thought there was an elixir of life here, but in fact there is no such thing as there is nothing under the mountain?"

"It can't be said that there is nothing. There are still some antiques in it. After all, they must have brought in some things during the Tang Dynasty. By this time, thousands of years have passed, and those useless items have become antiques!" Tang Bo spread his hands and laughed. road.

(End of this chapter)

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