Chapter 466

Xuedie turned her head slightly, just in time to see Jiang Yifan peeking down through her collar, and suddenly burst into anger.

He got up and took a step back, but Jiang Yifan lost his support and lay down on the ground.

"Ouch!" Jiang Yifan exaggeratedly shouted, but when he saw Xue Die's angry face, he had no choice but to get up resentfully.

Then, as Tang Meng walked to the blood lizard's body, a foul smell came over his nostrils, causing the three of them to cover their mouths and noses!
"This bastard grew up!" Jiang Yifan frowned and cursed.

"It's normal. This guy has lived in the cave for so many years. At first he ate some corpses, and later he looked for other substitutes to eat. So it's normal to have this smell."

After Tang Meng finished speaking, she didn't feel disgusted, turned over the blood lizard's body with her hand, and sighed in a low voice, "Good thing, good thing."

Jiang Yifan raised his eyebrows, "Why do you feel that there is something wrong with you, old man? Ever since I entered here, I have called everything a treasure."

"Don't you know what the blood and flesh of the blood lizard can do?" Tang Meng looked at Jiang Yifan meaningfully.

Jiang Yifan recalled the medical codes passed down by Cang Yunzi, and then his eyes lit up, and he blurted out, "Could it be that this is the legendary..."

"Oh~ don't say it in front of girls." Tang Meng immediately interrupted Jiang Yifan's words, and then said with a meaningful smile, "It can only be understood but cannot be expressed in words."

"Old man Tang, I suddenly realized that I like you a little bit." Jiang Yifan smiled shamelessly.

Tang Meng squinted her eyes and nodded with a smile, "I like you too."

"That's right, don't disgust me." Jiang Yifan waved his hands, then spread them out, and said helplessly, "But how do you get this thing out?"

"Look for a container. This piece of skin has been destroyed. If it is complete, it can be made into something like armor. It is useless now." Tang Meng said.

"What are you talking about?" Xuedie listened to the conversation between the two in a daze, without seeming to understand at all.

Jiang Yifan and Tang Meng looked at each other with a tacit understanding and smiled, but kept silent.

Then the three of them searched in the cave.

Although the cave is very large, there are very few things that can be seen in the inner space.Apart from the eye-catching golden walls and the red ceiling, there is nothing unusual about it.

This time there was no danger, so the three of them dispersed and began to search.

The cave that Jiang Yifan was looking for was on the south side. He walked to the side of the battlefield where he fought the blood lizard before. First, he found two skeletons, but he didn't see the bones. It must have been weathered for a long time.

After searching for about six or seven minutes, Jiang Yifan saw two broken pots and a broken mirror. Although these things are older, they can't be sold for a good price, so naturally they didn't bother to think about them.

"Huh!" At this moment, when Jiang Yifan suddenly lowered his head, he saw something faintly revealing the light. He went to the front and squatted down, then used his hands to push away the dust around him, and lifted a stone.

"I'll be good, this is a baby."

Jiang Yifan exclaimed, and saw a night pearl about the size of a fist!The only difference from the market is that there are some red spots on it.

Jiang Yifan picked it up, and instead of studying it in a hurry, he secretly put it in his pocket. He still understands the truth of not revealing money.

Then I fumbled around for a while, but found nothing else!
Then she stood up and looked around. Tang Meng walked to the northernmost point, looking a little disappointed, and didn't find anything else, while Xue Die frowned and stood at the corner of the west wall, staring at something.

Jiang Yifan turned around and took two steps to go over to have a look, when suddenly there was a 'click' sound under his feet.

His pupils constricted, his brows raised slightly, and he felt a 'click' in his heart, thinking that it might be triggering some mechanism, right?
At this time, because of his actions, Xue Die and Tang Meng both looked towards this side, and they asked, "What's going on?"

"It seems to have stepped on something." Jiang Yifan took a deep breath, followed by his figure and jumped directly to the side.

A coffin suddenly rose from where he was standing!
Moreover, it was made of gold, but this coffin was not big, only one meter long and less than half a meter wide.

Jiang Yifan walked over on tiptoe and gently pushed the lid on it.

"Clang!" The coffin lid fell directly to the ground.

"What is this?"

Such a small size is definitely not pretending to be a person, so Jiang Yifan didn't think that there would be someone's corpse before he got there, but when he saw the things inside, he found that it was not something like gold and silver treasures.

It's a cylindrical thing, the whole body is golden, and the material should also be gold.

"Don't move!" Seeing Jiang Yifan reaching out to grab, Tang Meng hurriedly reminded.

Jiang Yifan withdrew his hand abruptly, looked back at Tang Meng, and cursed, "I said, can you stop making a fuss, old man?"

"This should be what we are looking for on this trip. The most precious thing, there will naturally be some agencies. Don't fall into the trap!" Tang Meng said cautiously.

Jiang Yifan grinned, "Then how?"

"Throwing stones to ask for directions!" Tang Meng said as she took out the strange wooden stick from before and used it to touch the cylinder in the golden coffin!

"Boom!" Suddenly, there was a sound.Everyone's eyes became dark and they were all watching, for fear that there might be some mechanism.

But the truth is, no!

Jiang Yifan gave Tang Meng an angry look, "You are so stupid, they will definitely bring out this thing, and there will definitely be no threat!"

Tang Meng scratched her head, "It's a little different from the TV series."

"Can I scold you with words you don't understand?" Jiang Yifan heard Tang Meng's words and wanted to punch him twice.

"Yes, but only one sentence." Tang Meng also knew that he was a little too cautious just now, so he chose to let Jiang Yifan scold him.

"Old man Tang, you stupid bastard!" Jiang Yifan cursed directly.

"Damn, I can understand it!" Tang Meng was not happy at the moment, thinking that Jiang Yifan could say something.

"I thought you couldn't understand human language!" Jiang Yifan snorted coldly, went to the side of the golden coffin, reached out and took out the golden cylinder.

Not too heavy, only about five kilograms in weight. Jiang Yifan grinned and said, "I want to see what's inside this thing." "

"Don't move, look at your hand!" At this moment, Xuedie suddenly pointed to Jiang Yifan's hand and said.

Six more!Six more!Six more! ! !Ask for a reward! ! !

(End of this chapter)

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