Chapter 477
"If you have something to say, just talk about it, don't act like an angry youth. I'm so old, it's good that I can't get mad at one breath, I don't have to take responsibility."

What Jiang Yifan said was as cheap as he wanted, even if he was pissed off, he also added that he does not have to take responsibility.

Indirectly tell the middle-aged man: I'm mad at you, I don't have to pay for it!

But saying this made the middle-aged man panic even more!

After trying to calm his breathing a few times, he couldn't help it, so he simply said, "Okay, then I'll let you know why I fired you."

"Fire me? Okay. It's best to hurry up. Now immediately! You don't need to say the reason, you go to the principal to sign it, and then talk to the chief instructor on the playground, I will pack up and leave immediately."

Jiang Yifan didn't follow the routine at all.In the mind of the middle-aged man, Jiang Yifan should have only two manifestations.

First, refute vigorously and ask why you should be fired.If this is the case, he must be severely criticized, and then he will be fired in front of everyone to save the director's face.

Second, Jiang Yifan took the initiative to apologize, taught him well, and then asked him to have a school-wide apology meeting, which could still save the director's face!

But what he never expected was that Jiang Yifan did not take the usual path at all, but directly showed the third kind of performance.

Seeing the middle-aged man in a daze, he took another sip of green tea, just finished his cigarette, and directly stuffed the cigarette butt into the half of the green tea.

I got up and stuffed it into the middle-aged man's hand, "I heard that green tea with cigarettes tastes better!"

After speaking, Jiang Yifan walked straight outside.

"Stop!" The middle-aged man threw the green tea in his hand to the ground and shouted angrily, "Come and leave as soon as you say, what do you think of my office!"

Jiang Yifan turned his head and said with a playful smile, "Director, there is something wrong with what you said. First of all, you went to the playground to call me here. Secondly, you just said that you will be expelled. It's not because I want to come. Come, go if you want to go, but you are always talking."

The middle-aged man who was holding back his words and was about to scold Jiang Yifan, when he heard these words, he couldn't speak.

Because what Jiang Yifan said was correct, he was the one who said it, and no one else spoke up. Didn't he shoot himself in the foot and slap himself in the face!

Immediately, there was a hot feeling on his face, and a look of embarrassment flashed across his face, "You will definitely be expelled, but you need to apologize to Yang Qiusheng and other students, and apologize to me."

"Damn it, you fired me and asked me to apologize." Jiang Yifan spread his hands with an innocent look on his face.

The director has been completely confused by Jiang Yifan, saying that he doesn't know what to say or what to say...

Staring at Jiang Yifan for a while, "Anyway, you apologize in front of the whole school today, otherwise I won't let you leave."

"If you hit your classmates, you are violating our school's rules. If you contradict me, you are disrespectful. You will definitely be punished. And let me tell you, a student like you is a scum even if he enters society. "

"Stop, stop!" Jiang Yifan stopped the middle-aged man, and then his face became cold, and he said in a deep voice, "I respect you so I call you Director, otherwise I will call you a dog and a fool! Secondly Don’t keep your mouth shut, you’re a scum. You were the director who called me a scum back then, do you know what happened to him?”

Jiang Yifan paused, and four words popped out of his mouth, "Die is miserable!"

"Are you scaring me?" The middle-aged man snorted coldly.

Jiang Yifan shrugged, "You can understand whether to scare or not. But I always keep my word in this portrait."

Speaking of this, Jiang Yifan changed the subject, "You know what, I came here entirely for the face of our head teacher, Teacher Shen Rong, otherwise I wouldn't use it at all."

"You..." The middle-aged man pointed at Jiang Yifan, and was about to say something when he was interrupted again.

"I know you want a reason, so let me tell you, no matter what I did just now, the school is not qualified to control me, because I am currently an instructor of freshmen, and I am not under the control of the school, so I can ignore you Yes! Do you really think you have such a big face?"

"Also, I know that you just came here, and I thought about three fires for the new official, but let me tell you, it doesn't matter if you have three fires or thirty fires. If I really made a mistake, you will put me I have no complaints when I was burned to death, although I, Jiang Yifan, am not a good person, I am not a bad person with no conscience."

"But if you want to stand up for no reason, let me light your three fires, I can only tell you!"

When he said this, Jiang Yifan leaned forward abruptly, leaned close to the middle-aged man, and stared at him with his eyes.He said word by word, "If you play with fire carelessly, you will easily burn yourself!!"


When Jiang Yifan suddenly turned around and walked in front of him, the middle-aged man felt a strong aura, and stared into Jiang Yifan's eyes, for some reason, he felt a sense of loss of confidence in his heart.

The cold sweat on the back flowed out unconsciously, just as he was about to move, his legs went numb, and he sat staggeringly on the ground!

Jiang Yifan looked at the middle-aged man condescendingly, "You are not even as good as a Xiaotian dog. I really don't know where you got the courage to be the director of the Academic Affairs Office!"

Then he looked at Shen Rong, and his face returned to that smug look.He smiled and said, "Beauty teacher, let's go, just in this spare time, I can go to the class to play for a while."

Shen Rong hesitated for a moment, and didn't know what to do, but there was an idea in her heart telling her: follow Jiang Yifan!

Immediately, he nodded slightly, and walked out first.

Jiang Yifan cast a playful glance at the middle-aged man on the ground, and walked out.


Just when Jiang Yifan and Shen Rong had just walked to the door, the director suddenly stopped them again!
"Is there anything else?" Jiang Yifan turned his head and asked.

"I will tell your chief instructor that you are such a scum..." When I was about to say the word scum, I suddenly remembered what Jiang Yifan said just now, and quickly paused and said, "Our school will not hire someone like you Come to be an instructor. And even the other instructors and your chief instructor will be kicked out!"

"Okay, then you can go and notify the school, but your..." Jiang Yifan was just halfway through speaking, when suddenly a jade hand appeared on his shoulder, and a faint fragrance came over his face.

I saw Xuedie came in from the outside and said to the middle-aged man, "I will finish the speech for him. You can go and inform the school, but you must go for nothing, because we can give Chenbei University military training, which is what you can only wish for." matter!"

(End of this chapter)

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