Chapter 491 Crazy Night

After saying a few words, Jiang Yifan asked Lin Yaran to drive back first, and also sent Lin Yanran and Tang Guo to Lin Huafeng's villa first, and then picked him up after he finished handling the matter.

The three beauties didn't say anything about it, they all knew and could see that Jiang Yifan was really angry this time!
A calm and stable man is not easy to get angry, because he is generous and generous, but if such a man gets angry, something big will definitely happen!

Obviously, Jiang Yifan's anger made the faces of the three beauties pale!Their hearts were suspended, they believed in Jiang Yifan's strength and ability, but they were all worried about Jiang Yifan's safety!

More than ten minutes later, Jiang Yifan appeared in the training base in the suburbs.

More than 70 big men, wearing uniform black clothes, have the words "Hall of Hell" next to the neckline!

Standing in unison in the hall, everyone is serious, with a fierce look in their eyes, coupled with their burly body and unique aura, they look particularly mighty and domineering!

Lu Zhuang was dressed in black and stood on the left side of Jiang Yifan.

Bai Wuque stood on the right side of Jiang Yifan in a long white dress! .

There really is the majestic aura of the King of Hades standing in the palace, accompanied by impermanence, stomping his feet to shake the hell, and killing the three worlds!

This is the first expedition of the Palace of the King of Hades!They have the determination to win!
"Bring someone here!" Jiang Yifan's deep and hoarse voice sounded.

After all, four or five big men pushed seven or eight men to the middle of the hall from one side.

These people were all those who Bai Wuque had captured from other places.

"Take out the things!" Jiang Yifan said to Lu Zhuang.

Lu Zhuang nodded, lifted two boxes from one side, opened them and poured out the contents, which were full of cash!It looks like about 500 million!

Jiang Yifan sat on the chair in the middle, lit a cigarette, and looked at the seven or eight men below with sharp eyes, "Now I will give you a chance to tell me everything, and you can take the money and leave. .”

Seven or eight men were silent for a while, then looked at each other, and no one stood up to speak!
They are all hired by the Zhong Corporation at a high price. Most of these people have secrets behind their backs. If they are caught by the authorities, they will be shot, so for them, life is to live and earn.

Besides, if they were told, they still wouldn't be able to survive according to Zhong's strength!So it's better not to say it!

At this time, Jiang Yifan took a sharp puff of a cigarette, and the moment the smoke was exhaled from his nostrils, Bai Wuque walked up to seven or eight men with a knife, and chopped one of them to death with a wave of his hand!
Clean and tidy without the slightest hesitation, Fang Buddha is just like Bai Wuchang, the king of Hades tells you to die on the third watch and will never let you pass the fifth watch!

The eyes of the remaining six men trembled a little watching this shocking scene!
"I...I said! I said everything." One of the men stood up and said tremblingly

Who is not afraid of death?

Some people are not afraid of death, just like these desperadoes, they live and make money day by day, but when death really comes, there is no one who is not afraid!
Seeing someone stand up, the man next to him suddenly yanked him, "You are crazy!"

"I'm not crazy! You can get a lot of money if you say it here, and you can run out if possible, but if you don't say it, you will die immediately!" The man shouted.

Bai Wuque looked at Jiang Yifan at this moment, with a questioning look in his eyes.

Jiang Yifan waved his hand, "Kill it!"

Bai Wuque directly raised the knife in his hand and walked towards the man who just blocked him, the white knife went in and the black knife came out, it was so straightforward!
The man stared at his eyes and fell directly to the ground.It's dead!
At this time, the remaining five men were still hesitating, they all took a step forward, looked at Jiang Yifan and said, "Don't... let's talk."

"You tell me." Jiang Yifan pointed to the first person who stood up and said.

The man gritted his teeth, made up his mind completely, and said, "It was Mr. Zhong of the Zhong family who asked someone to contact us, saying that he wanted us to find a place in the suburbs to build a tomb and erect a big tombstone. We don't know who the other party is. Who is doing things for money, so I went."

"How much did he promise to give you?" Jiang Yifan asked.

"50, 15 was paid in advance, and the rest will be given to us tomorrow." The man replied truthfully.

Jiang Yifan nodded slightly, and couldn't tell if he was smiling or what kind of expression he was, and murmured, "Zhong Shengyang looks down on me too much, my grave is only worth 50 yuan?"

"Brother, we really didn't know this would happen, so please forgive us." The man knelt down to Jiang Yifan as he spoke, begging.

Several other people nodded again and again, with fear on their faces!
Jiang Yifan stood up smiling, with a cigarette in his mouth, and said to Bai Wuque, "Give him money and arrange for someone to send him away!"

As Bai Wuque said, he directly pulled the man who had just spoken up, and then asked someone to pretend to be money.

The man was a little confused, then quickly shook his head and said, "I don't want the money, just let me go."

At this time, who still thinks about money, life-saving is the most important thing!

Jiang Yifan shook his head and said, "No, no, no, I have a habit of spitting a nail and doing what I say."

After tidying up, Bai Wuque sent the man out directly. The others looked at each other and turned to leave.

But at this time, Lu Zhuang went to take a few people and kicked them to the ground.Ready to pick up dick...

"Take it out and deal with it, don't dirty this place." Jiang Yifan waved his hand.

Lu Zhuang nodded when he heard the words, and led his men to drag the remaining men out. After a while, there was a howling scream outside!
Afterwards, after Lu Zhuang and Bai Wuque came back, Jiang Yifan looked at the crowd, smoked the last puff of cigarette suddenly, then stomped the cigarette butt under his feet, and shouted forcefully, "Let's go!"

A group of seventy elites from the Palace of the Underworld all walked out of the training base and got into ten temporarily prepared Jinbei cars!

Vehicles beeping in unison, and the headlights are still on!Together with the vehicles of Jiang Yifan and the others, more than a dozen vehicles drove towards the city in a mighty manner.

Sitting in the car, Lu Zhuang asked Jiang Yifan, "Since everyone knows that Zhong did it, why do you still spend money to ask those idiots?"

Jiang Yifan grinned, "Some things are not done because there is no need to do them, and some things are done because of peace of mind!"

This is bound to be an extraordinary night!
It was also because of this night that the reputation of the Palace of the King of Hell spread throughout Chenbei City!
This was also the first time that the group of people saw Jiang Yifan's decisive killing!
Ten minutes later, more than a dozen cars stopped at the gate of the Tieguai Club, and more than 10 big men walked out of the cars and looked at Jiang Yifan.

Jiang Yifan stood like a king, standing beside the car, didn't say much, just said a word in a low voice! "Smash!"

(End of this chapter)

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