Chapter 521 Zhong's Death (Fifth Watch)
The speed of the butler's attack has been brought to the extreme, as if he had a phantom in his figure, he plundered towards Jiang Yifan directly.

Jiang Yifan frowned, his eyes became deep, and then suddenly a monstrous killing intent erupted from his body!
He said coldly, "I want to see, which of the two of us will go to see Hades first!"

As he spoke, Jiang Yifan raised his hands abruptly, several gold needles turned into an afterimage and shot directly towards the rushing housekeeper.

The golden needles were connected one after another, like a golden thread, directly entangled with the butler's soft sword.




The gold needles were knocked down one by one, but this time Jiang Yifan burst out more than ten gold needles at once, and two of them penetrated directly from the butler's left and right arms.

Hearing the sound of piercing, Jiang Yifan quickly jumped up and kicked the butler's chest!

"Boom!" The butler was kicked and flew upside down, and then the soft sword in his hand fell to the ground.

He hit the wall heavily, and then fell to the ground again. A mouthful of blood couldn't be restrained and he spit it out directly on the ground, his face instantly turned a little pale.

The original domineering momentum suddenly dropped, but this time the housekeeper was seriously injured.

Jiang Yifan grinned, stepped forward and picked up the soft sword, weighed it twice in his hand, it was so light that its weight could be ignored.

And seeing that the blade is very sharp, you can still vaguely see the figure.

Jiang Yifan smiled and muttered, "It's really a good weapon, and it's easy to carry. Yes, I accept this treasure."

"Give...let me put it down!" The butler was a little bit stuttering because of his serious injury.

Jiang Yifan squatted on the ground, lit a cigarette, and said with a sneer, "I have been fighting with you for so long, and now that you have lost, you should let me get some spoils."

"No...don't, that's the only thing my master left me. I can exchange it with money, all my money." The housekeeper spat out another mouthful of blood because of his anxiety.The whole person was even more depressed.

Jiang Yifan shook his head, "No, no, I can still take your money after you die. What you should worry about now is whether someone will bury you after death, not the issue of whether the sword will be given to you or not."

The housekeeper was stunned for a moment, then showed a bitter smile, and after a while, he murmured, "Death is like a lamp going out. If you don't bring it with you, you can't take it with you. After a hundred years, it's just a pile of dust. How will you die? Where will you die?" No need to worry at all, I really want that soft sword, that is the only thing my master gave me."

"You said that if you don't bring life with you, you can't take death with you. What can a soft sword do? Could it be possible that you can be resurrected?" Jiang Yifan laughed sarcastically.

"Are you really going to take this sword?" The butler seemed to see through it all, his eyes became a little hollow, and it was indeed as Jiang Yifan said, so what if it was given back to him now?
Jiang Yifan nodded, "It's a good weapon, and it can be used to the extreme with me. Otherwise, you can't."

The butler showed a bitter smile, and then said very weakly, "Then treat it well."

After finishing speaking, he closed his eyes and died!
Jiang Yifan gave the butler a thumbs up. Although they were two people with different positions, Jiang Yifan still admired the character of a man like the successor of ancient Chinese martial arts from the bottom of his heart.

What he admires is the person who inherits Chinese Kungfu, but not the person who uses knives and guns for money.Putting the butler's body at the door, he thought that if he could, he would find someone to bury him, and decades of martial arts practice would not be in vain!
Then he took a deep breath, stomped out the cigarette butt, and walked upstairs.

There are two old guys left, Jiang Yifan is thinking whether to let them go.

After all, they are all in their seventies and eighties, so it would be a bit cold-blooded to kill them, but if they are released, they have to talk to them no matter what.

When he got upstairs, there was no one in the two rooms, he frowned, did he run away?
Just when he was about to start searching, there was a coughing sound behind him.

"Ahem. Don't look for me, young man!" A gray-haired but somewhat capable old man in pajamas came out from behind Jiang Yifan.

Jiang Yifan turned around and looked at the old man, "Are you Zhong Meimei's father?"

"Old man Zhong Zetian." The old man introduced himself, and sat on the sofa next to him, "Young man, if you have anything to say, just tell me what you want to do, don't disturb my wife, she is old , have rested."

Jiang Yifan nodded and sat down, and said with a smile, "I didn't think about what to do with you at first, but I just came here to have a look because I was curious about what the founder of the Zhong family was like."

"What can the Zhong family do if it has only a century-old foundation?" Zhong Zetian laughed at himself, "A few years ago, I told Zhong Shengyang that contentment is always happy, but he just refused to listen. He is extremely ambitious, but his own strength cannot control himself. His ambition has become like this, but it is within my expectation."

Listening to his words, Jiang Yifan felt a sense of loss, it seemed that the old man had seen through it, he had seen through it, and he had expected such a day.

Jiang Yifan also admired Zhong Zetian, after all, not everyone can be so calm at this point.

Zhong Zetian said, "I sent someone to inquire about you a month ago. You are indeed a remarkable little guy, but in my eyes, you are just a little guy. Now it seems that I am also a little old-fashioned, and I have underestimated you. .”

Jiang Yifan looked curiously at Zhong Zetian, the old goblin, and asked, "I didn't underestimate me. To be precise, I overestimated me. I'm just an insignificant little person, and I'm still a little person you can trample to death at will, but many times Come on, little people are the scariest."

"When little people like us are driven into a desperate situation, it will be more terrifying than lions and tigers, because if the little people are really provoked, they will have no worries and will do whatever it takes to achieve their goals, unlike you family members who take care a lot."

Zhong Zetian looked at Jiang Yifan meaningfully, not only was there no hatred in his eyes, on the contrary, there was a look of admiration.

With a bitter smile, he said, "That's right, small people are the scariest thing in this world, because they can see the whole sky, while big people can only see things like money, wine and sex. This time the Zhong family lost, and there will be no such things here in the future." The Zhong family."

Jiang Yifan raised his eyebrows playfully, "Mr. Zhong, I actually admire you a lot. You created Zhong's business empire by yourself. Even though you met the son of a prodigal son. But there is nothing you can do about it. After all, there is no medicine for regret. But I am curious about a question, I wonder if you will answer it?"

ps: The previous chapter was repeated with the previous chapter due to a system error, and it has been disposed of. Children's shoes that have been read with money will not cost book currency when reading.Apologies for the inconvenience caused.

(End of this chapter)

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