Chapter 531 Brought a Big Coffin
Four men sat at the four corners of the table, and there were two empty seats beside them.

One is the main location in the middle and north, and the other is the location near the south.

Jiang Yifan took a deep breath, narrowed his eyes, and waited for the guy who was about to take the main position to appear.

Yuheng sat next to Jiang Yifan and patted him on the shoulder, "Are you from the provincial capital?"

There was a strange look in Jiang Yifan's eyes. He knew that Yuheng was testing him. If he came from the imperial capital, he must know Xiao Tianquan's stepfather. If he came from the provincial capital, he might have never seen him before. .

Immediately nodded, "Yeah, I had been playing around with brother Zhong Shengyang before, and in a blink of an eye no one was there."

"I said, why are you looking forward to that person's appearance so much? It's the provincial capital that has been making trouble for a long time." Yu Heng said with a smile, not aware of anything.

At this time, a man stepped over from one side, a very strange man.

About 1.8 meters tall, he is quite tall in terms of height, but whether it is the walking posture or the expression on the face under the brim of the hat, it gives people a strange feeling.

It seems that this person walks listlessly, with a dead gray face, he doesn't feel like a living person.On the contrary, it is the kind of zombie in the movie.

And 1.8 meters tall, but it gives people a feeling of one hundred and twenty kilograms, very thin, as if a gust of wind can blow him down.

Jiang Yifan raised his brows, and muttered to himself, "This is Xiao Tianquan's stepfather? Is that the super powerful figure who can tremble three times by stomping his feet in the imperial capital?"

"Brother Heng, this is it?"

Yuheng nodded, with a look of pride on his face, "That's right, he is Murong Qi, the boss here!"

"Master Xiao Tianquan's father?" Jiang Yifan asked again, not because he didn't believe it, but because he couldn't believe it, then such an awesome character would have such a gesture.

Yuheng was stunned for a moment when he heard the words, Fangfo was a little bit surprised by the words of Young Master Xiao, and then smiled and said, "Yes, it is him."

"But Mr. Murong looks like he's sick..."

Before Jiang Yifan finished speaking, Yuheng covered his mouth directly, and shook his head vigorously at him, "Stop talking, the people next to him can hear what you muttered, and he himself is the most annoying to say that he has ..., whoever says it will suffer."

Seeing Yuheng's nervous expression, Jiang Yifan nodded and continued to look over.

However, in just a few minutes, Jiang Yifan figured out one thing clearly.

Yu Heng next to him seemed to know Xiao Tianquan's stepfather, that is, Murong Qi who was sitting in front of him, and his name was actually Yu Heng!
In this land of Huaxia, there are a few stars that can tell the direction. They are also the stars that the old people often talked about when they were young. They are called the Big Dipper.

Their names are: Tianshu, Tianxuan, Tianji, Tianquan, Yuheng, Kaiyang, Yaoguang!
Xiao Tianquan's name is Tianquan, and the fat man next to him is named Yuheng.

To say that I didn't feel anything when I heard Xiao Tianquan's name before, after all, there are many names like Tianquan, but Yuheng... such a name is really rare.Some are similar to names that often appear in martial arts or fairy tale novels.

Then there are only two possibilities.

First, the fat man next to him is also Murongqi's son, and he should be the same as Xiao Tianquan, the second son.

Second, purely coincidental!
Jiang Yifan felt that it should be the first possibility. Before that, the cold man who asked them to leave the table was called the second brother by Yuheng.That must be one of them.

After Jiang Yifan summed up all these, he looked at Murong Qi again, with the corners of his mouth raised slightly.

At this time, the host walked to the stage, and the Chinese language was exaggerated, followed by the applause of the wealthy businessmen.

At this time, the host said, "The chairman of 'Tianquan Star' is invited to speak on stage!"

Jiang Yifan frowned, Murongqi moved here from the imperial capital, presumably he would not be on stage in order not to show off too much.

So who will this chairman be?
"Brother Heng, isn't Master Xiao here?" Jiang Yifan asked.Because the name of the group was named after Xiao Tianquan, he wondered whether Xiao Tianquan was the chairman.

Yu Heng shook his head, "He's in the hospital now. He was stimulated a while ago and hasn't recovered yet."

Jiang Yifan nodded silently, then walked along the stage, and the man who suddenly appeared was the man whom Yuheng called the second elder brother just now.

With a gloomy look on his face, it seemed as if everyone below owed him 800 million.

Eyes like a falcon were full of sinister expressions, walked to the middle of the stage, took the microphone from the hand of the beautiful host, and then swept the eyes of everyone, showing a smile that was uglier than crying and said, "First of all, I, Zhang Tianxuan, represent the Tianquan Group and represent me. Father, all guests are welcome."

Before the applause below could be heard, there was a sudden scream like a pig being slaughtered at the door.


I saw Lu Zhuang walking in from the outside with more than 20 big men, wearing a black shirt, with a full face and dark skin, he looked extremely domineering.

With a hearty smile, "I said that you are not authentic. You have forgotten our Hades Palace on such a big occasion! Why don't you save face! I'm afraid I will make you poor!"

"Who?" Tianxuan who was standing on the platform frowned and asked in a cold voice.

"Hall of the King of Hell, Lu Zhuang!" Lu Zhuang shouted forcefully.

"Come to make trouble?"

"No, no, I'm here to give gifts." Lu Zhuang clapped his hands, and then eight big men walked in from the door, and these eight big men jointly carried a coffin.Under Lu Zhuang's signal, it was placed directly in the middle of the hall, which is directly in front of Murong Qi.

"Hahaha, I heard that Tianquan Group opened today, and I came here specially to give money."

Give money?Send materials!Coffin!

When seeing the coffin fell to the ground, Tianxuan who was standing on the platform became angry immediately, and winked at the side, and then a group of big men surrounded Lu Zhuang.

Then Tianxuan said in a deep voice, "I don't think you are here to deliver material, but to deliver death!"

"This little brother, please don't distort my reason for coming. I, King of the Underworld, always do things aboveboard. If I say I'm sending money, I'm giving money."

After finishing speaking, Lu Zhuang pushed open the lid of the coffin with his big hand, revealing the ghost coins piled up in front of everyone.

"Look, I spent thousands of dollars!" Lu Zhuang said with a smile.

Such an obvious move was undoubtedly to cause trouble.

Jiang Yifan secretly smiled in satisfaction, he didn't teach Lu Zhuang how to do it before, but this guy's trick is not bad.Let's see how they fare this time!

He looked left and right, except for Murong Qi and the four big men beside him who were sitting still, almost everyone had stood up!
ps: I went to the hospital for a checkup. Because of sitting for a long time, the spine is damaged, which is what we commonly call cervical spondylosis. The spine is a bit bent.The pain has been so bad that I can't even sleep well.So there are fewer updates, Ye Zi will try her best to increase the number of chapters, don't worry, let me take it easy.

(End of this chapter)

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