Chapter 538 Uncle, brake quickly

There is a saying that when the old man sits under the tree, the breeze blows, the fragrance of tea floats halfway up the mountain, and he feels at ease.

Sitting under the tree, Li Yan sipped tea and smiled, with a touch of coziness in his comfort.

Listening to Jiang Yifan's words, Li Yan smiled slightly, "In life, isn't it just a struggle for the word "happy and unrestrained"? Now that I have money and people, I don't have to worry about food and clothing, so I must live more comfortably."

What a bowl of poisonous chicken soup, but Jiang Yifan still agrees with what Li Yan said.

When people are alive, they want to be happy.Everything I do is to be free and unfettered.

Although the scene matched the surrounding scenery, Jiang Yifan's face still changed slightly, he looked at Li Yan solemnly and said, "Uncle Li, did you see a motorcycle passing by when you were chasing Xiaoyao here? "

"I knew you kid would come to ask me these things. I have to admire Zhao Liu for installing all the monitoring equipment here."

Li Yan bowed his body, sat up and drank a sip of tea, narrowed his eyes in an unusually comfortable manner, and said, "I did see that person, and I wanted to stop him. After all, it's under construction here. Not suitable."

"But what?" Jiang Yifan shrugged. He knew that Li Yan must have something to say. These old guys are all virtuous and like to tease people's appetites.

"But when I stopped him, I didn't expect that guy to scare me with a knife. You know I'm a bit skilled, but I fought him a few times, but let him run away."

Speaking of which, Li Yan stretched out the other arm. The shirt above had a long cut, and there were traces of gauze bandaging. Looking over, there was still dried blood on the shirt.

Jiang Yifan narrowed his eyes slightly, and murmured, "Didn't you do it?"

"What am I doing?" Li Yan asked blankly.

Seeing that Li Yan didn't look like he was lying, he frowned and told what happened today.

Hearing this, Li Yan gasped, and said with a sneer, "Interesting, interesting, this Chenbei City has become several times more lively than before, and everyone around knows that Chenbei City is now divided into two parts of the world, and to the north is Murong Qi of the Tianquan Group. To the south is the Lin Group and your security company. There are people who really want to be the third one!"

"Uncle Li, who do you think this third group of people should be?"

It can be said that Jiang Yifan knows Chenbei City well now, but he is really confused about the surrounding area, but Li Yan is different. He is an aborigine of Chenbei City, so he must know who is more powerful around, or who is in the middle of it. Prepare to move towards Chenbei City.

People say that heroes come out of troubled times. Now Chenbei City looks calm, but it is also very chaotic. This is a good time to join in.

Li Yan shook his head, "I really can't say anything. There are many powerful people in the surrounding cities, but most of them are guys who guard their own territory and don't move their nests."

"And you have to know that if you are not fully prepared, no one dares to be a dragon in the river. The water in Chenbei City is deep enough, who dares to dip it easily?"

Jiang Yifan was fooled by this, but Li Yan didn't know about it, and because of Murong Qi and the others' intervention, it became extremely difficult to investigate this third group of people.

Li Yan looked at Jiang Yifan's sad face at this time, and patted him on the shoulder, "Yifan, don't take things too seriously, you will be very tired if you are serious, don't care who his third group of people is, just rest assured and talk to everyone in front of you." People fight. One Murong chess is enough for the remaining few months."

Jiang Yifan took a deep breath, felt the autumn wind blowing, and nodded, "Yes, it's the end of autumn, and there are only three months left before the Spring Festival. Let's do this first."

Said Jiang Yifan bid farewell to Li Yan, then drove the BMW Z4 directly to the north of the city, found a relatively remote place to stop the car, then took a taxi and rushed towards Chenbei University go.

It's time to leave school, so I must go to find Lin Yanran and Tang Guo, two beauties.

When we arrived at the university, just in time for school to end, Lin Yanran and Tang Guo were already waiting at the door.

"Why did you come here so late!" Lin Yanran asked with some displeasure.

"Hey, I went for a tour." Jiang Yifan laughed and ran to the place where the Ferrari was driving.

Tang Guo and Lin Yanran huddled together, and said unhappily, "Uncle, when will your car be repaired? It's really uncomfortable for three people to be huddled together."

Jiang Yifan made a fuss, and it should have been repaired, but he hasn't picked it up yet. Let's have dinner first, and then I'll pick up the car.I won't be driving this one tomorrow.

The three of them didn't go home to cook, but ate some Malatang at a roadside stall.

That's right, it's Malatang, and it cost more than 200 yuan.

Afterwards, Jiang Yifan snapped his fingers and muttered, "Six yuan is thirteen times, so how many times is more than 200 yuan?"

"Uncle, what are you mumbling about?" Tang Guo asked curiously from the side.

Jiang Yifan shook his head, "It's nothing, it's nothing, come get the handlebar with me."

Lin Yanran glanced at Jiang Yifan with her delicate eyes, and muttered, "Whatever he can think of, he must be thinking of something not serious."

"Damn, why do I think it's not serious?"

"Don't think I don't know the story of Mala Tang." Lin Yanran said with a bit of arrogance, showing off her pride.

Well, Jiang Yifan admits that the story of Malatang is well known.She definitely couldn't fool Lin Yanran.Simply keep silent and drive honestly.

Tang Guo and Lin Yanran sat together, pestering Lin Yanran to ask what happened to Malatang.

Lin Yanran explained it to him, saying that not long ago, a beautiful girl fell in love online, and then traveled thousands of miles to her boyfriend's city, thinking that she could watch a romantic movie and walk on the road, but she never thought that her boyfriend would invite her She ate six yuan of Mala Tang, but at night she did the most romantic thing in the world thirteen times.

Listening to such nasty jokes, Tang Guo seemed fascinated.

Jiang Yifan parked the car next to a 4S store. Because it was damaged before, Bai Bingbing asked a tow truck to take the Jaguar to the police station and said it was used as evidence. After the case was over, he sent it to him here.

When he heard that Bai Bingbing was repairing his car, Jiang Yifan almost jumped up happily. How could such an ice beauty still behave like this, how could he be unhappy.

But Bai Bingbing also said at the time, let Jiang Yifan remember the one-year agreement, if she doesn't marry Bai Bingbing after one year, then she will kill her and die with Jiang Yifan!
Looking at the brand-new Jaguar, Jiang Yifan was extremely happy, and he was really upset that he didn't have a car!
The car drove Tang Guo straight to Lin Yanran's villa, but Lin Yanran followed closely behind in the car alone.

When arriving at the entrance of the villa, Tang Guo suddenly yelled, "Uncle, brake quickly!"

ps: There are four changes today, and there will probably be five changes tomorrow!

(End of this chapter)

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