Chapter 542 You Don't Understand My Sadness (Fourth Update)
Listening to Jiang Yifan's words, Dongfang Wanyi turned around, looked at him with tears in her eyes and asked, "Don't you believe what they said?"

"I only believe what I see and what I feel with my heart. Although we haven't been together for a long time, you are a well-behaved and sensible girl in my eyes." Jiang Yifan walked over with a smile.

Looking at Jiang Yifan who was close at hand, Dongfang Wanyi's eyes slightly fixed on his eyes, and it could be seen that Jiang Yifan's words were not just comforting, but words from the heart.

The eyes are the windows of the soul, they can see everything, and naturally we can see whether there are other things mixed in the words.

But after taking a look, Dongfang Wanyi lowered her eyes again, crossed her two index fingers together, as if hesitating whether to tell Jiang Yifan all about herself.

It can be seen that Dongfang Wanyi is very tangled and hesitant at this time.

The corner of Jiang Yifan's mouth curled up, and he said with a sneer, "Some words are easy to say, and some words are only suitable to be buried in the bottom of my heart as a secret. I'm not an inquisitive person, so don't tell me. I believe you!"

Dongfang Wanyi raised her eyes, stared at Jiang Yifan with deep meaning for a while, then nodded slightly and said, "Thank you. Anyway, I am not the bad girl they say, but because it involves our family's affairs, so I can't Say it easily."

Jiang Yifan shook his head, indicating that he didn't care.

Wan Ke also ran over at this time, out of breath, and said, "Boss, Boss, you are really good at 13, and you really chased our school's fourth big girl!"

"Ah?" Both Jiang Yifan and Dongfang Wanyi were taken aback.

"What I mean by chasing is chasing after you, not chasing after someone." Wan Ke hurriedly explained.

"Pfft!" Dongfang Wanyi couldn't help laughing, and stretched out her hand to Wan Ke, "Hello, I'm Dongfang Wanyi."

"..." Wan Ke was stunned.

That's right, when the big beauty Dongfang Wanyi reached out her hand, he froze in place in a daze. He never thought that such a beautiful school belle would take the initiative to reach out to him!

Wiping his hands from his trousers vigorously, he quickly smiled and said, "Just call me Wanke. This is my boss, Jiang Yifan!"

Wan Ke thought it was interesting, and when introducing himself to the beautiful woman, he also introduced Jiang Yifan.

But what he didn't know was that this sentence made Jiang Yifan laugh out loud.

"Boss, it's not enough. Although Wanyi is very beautiful, it won't make you stupid!" Wan Ke pushed Jiang Yifan and said.

Dongfang Wanyi stood beside Jiang Yifan, tugged at his sleeve with her fingers, and said to Wan Ke, "Brother Fan and I have known each other a long time ago, and when you were dating at the playground that day, I was still there ?”

"Ah?" Wan Ke's face suddenly turned red, it's okay not to mention the date that day, but it's tears when he mentions it!
Before he could speak, Dongfang Wanyi spoke again, giving Wan Ke a thumbs up, "I admire you the most."

"Admiration for me?" Wan Ke was stunned for a moment and asked blankly.

Dongfang Wanyi nodded her head vigorously, "Yes, now many boys look at a girl's appearance and then go after her, but you are different, that fat and cute girl that day looked ordinary, but she looked really cute , not only did you not dislike her fatness, but you are also so good with her. It is definitely true love."

"That's right, that's definitely true love!" Jiang Yifan smiled at Wan Ke after accepting Dongfang Wanyi's words, "Xiao Ke, hurry up and get married, that's definitely true love. I believe in you!"

"You talk, I'll go first."

Seeing Jiang Yifan's schadenfreude and the words spoken by Dongfang Wanyi's innocent face, he wanted to be quiet.Really want Jing Jing, don't ask who Jing Jing is!

"Where are you going?" Dongfang Wanyi asked.

"I want to go quietly."

"Calm down, what about a gentleman?" Jiang Yifan said angrily.

"Boss, you don't understand my sadness, just like the day doesn't understand the darkness of night, leave me alone, I'll find a big tree to hug and cry for a while!"

Saying that, Wan Ke had already turned around, waved his hand at Jiang Yifan, and walked under the big tree on one side.

Coincidentally, Dongfang Wanyi also cried under that tree just now.

Jiang Yifan squinted his eyes and thought that many people must have cried in that tree. That tree has witnessed the tears of countless people!

Dongfang Wanyi looked at Wan Ke who was leaving, and looked at Jiang Yifan in a daze, "What's going on?"

Next, Jiang Yifan told Dongfang Wanyi a story, that is, the story of Wan Ke, the young master of the majestic blue enchantress, the fat girl, and Wan Ke's father.

"Hahaha!" After hearing this story, Dongfang Wanyi couldn't help laughing, and said, "Then Wanke's father is really interesting. Since it's not true love, why bother to get together!"

Jiang Yifan spread his hands, but did not say anything, in fact, Wan Yi let them be together because he thought that the fat girl could have a son.

But who can guess Wan Yi's mind, it's so weird after all!
In the following time, Jiang Yifan and Dongfang Wanyi began to walk around the playground, chatting about various happy things.

This also cleared up the haze in Dongfang Wanyi's heart, during which the two of them got to know each other briefly.

However, they didn't tell the real secret. Jiang Yifan's secret was not that he didn't want to tell it, but that his whole body was full of secrets. He didn't even know who his parents were, so what should he say?

As for Dongfang Wanyi, she didn't know where to say it. She believed in Jiang Yifan's character and was willing to share it with him, but after thinking about it, her own experience, especially her family's experience, could be finished in a few words.

Instead of letting Jiang Yifan know and feel sad and sad for himself, it is better to bear it alone.

Simply, Dongfang Wanyi buried those secrets in her heart again, thinking that if she had a chance in the future, she would tell Jiang Yifan again.

When it was time to leave school, Dongfang Wanyi said, "I'm going back to help my dad. The business has been good these days, and he can't do it alone."

"Then I'll take you back, and I can help you a little bit," Jiang Yifan said.

"No need, I don't know how to thank you for helping me last time!" Dongfang Wanyi shook her head.

"Want to thank me? That's not easy, just ask Uncle Dongfang to cook me two side dishes?" Jiang Yifan shouted at Wan Ke as he spoke, and did not continue to give Dongfang Wanyi a chance to refuse.

The three of them drove Jiang Yifan's Jaguar towards that small street.

After about 10 minutes, the car had reached the end of the small street, but after getting out of the car, Dongfang Wanyi was lost in place.

Because the front of his small shop has become a mess!
ps: Facts have proved that the speed of coding while lying down really drops, let’s let’s change it for the time being.

(End of this chapter)

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