Chapter 545 Defeating Brother Hong
Brother Hong's aura burst out suddenly, a little sharp and a little domineering.

This aura alone made Zhang Ming and the burly man next to him feel ashamed. If they don't do it, they won't do it. Even this aura is beyond their comparison.

Jiang Yifan looked at Hong Ge's appearance, put his hands together indifferently, and said with a teasing smile, "Murong Qi really thinks of himself as a wrist? Why don't I deserve to drink tea with him?"

"Boy, be sensible and leave quickly, or you will regret it for the rest of your life." Brother Hong coldly glanced at the Jaguar in front of him, "Don't think that if you have some bad money at home, you can be a second generation and you will be able to do things like crazy." Already!"


This is treating Jiang Yifan as a rich second generation!

Jiang Yifan raised his eyebrows, threw the cigarette butt on the ground, and hooked his fingers at Brother Hong, "Come on, don't talk so much nonsense, let me see how capable you are to stop me!"

Hearing this, Brother Hong clenched his fists tightly together, stepped forward with his right foot, and leaped over his body.

With a strong punch, Brother Hong punched Jiang Yifan.

Jiang Yifan raised his eyebrows slightly, not daring to be negligent, and took a few steps back violently.

"Boom!" Brother Hong's fist had already landed and hit the ground forcefully, making a big hole.

The corners of the mouths of the two people next to him twitched violently, which meant that Jiang Yifan reacted quickly, if he was slower, this punch would definitely kill him!

"It's pretty tough!" Jiang Yifan sneered, and the three golden needles in his hand suddenly shot away.

Seeing this, Brother Hong was very nimble and dodged in the past. This round of attacks, the two sides were even!
"Twice!" Brother Hong raised the corner of his mouth, revealing the awe-inspiring fighting spirit. It could be seen that Jiang Yifan's actions made him full of fighting spirit.

Then he took off his coat, exposing his dark and strong muscles.With the waving of the arms, the muscles are still beating.

Jiang Yifan squinted his eyes and looked at the past, his heart tightened, but he knew that this time it was the tip of the needle against the wheat awn!
Brother Hong snorted coldly, and plundered away again, and this time he took out a sharp blade in his hand.Neither short nor long exactly thirty centimeters.

When he was less than two meters away from Jiang Yifan, his originally squinted eyes suddenly opened, and a murderous intent burst out from his pupils.


Not only did Brother Hong arouse his fighting spirit, but Jiang Yifan also burst out with killing intent. It was very difficult to meet opponents in this city, so both of them were extremely looking forward to this battle!


When the knife fell, Jiang Yifan punched Brother Hong's wrist, trying to knock the knife down with his strength.

But who would have thought that Brother Hong flipped his wrist flexibly at this time, not only did not knock him down, but gave him a chance to touch Jiang Yifan.

The blade was getting closer and closer to Jiang Yifan's neck, and just as he was about to touch it, Jiang Yifan in front of him was running extremely fast, turned into an afterimage and went around directly, followed by a kick.

"How can the power of ants shake me!" Brother Hong sneered when he saw this, thinking that Jiang Yifan kicked him, obviously he was overestimated!

However, he made a mistake!
Jiang Yifan's real intention was not to kick him, but to use the rebound force of kicking him to retreat violently one after another.

Immediately afterwards, he saw Jiang Yifan take a few steps back, hanging in the air for a moment before he landed, saw several gold needles bursting out from his cuff.

One after another, they slanted towards Brother Hong like a thunderstorm.

Looking at the dense golden needles in front of him, Brother Hong frowned and became more cautious. Although every inch is long and one inch is strong, and one inch is short and one inch is dangerous, but that also refers to the weapon in his hand.

But things like darts and gold needles don't belong!On the contrary, it is the advantage of long-distance attack.

It was only at this moment that he realized why Jiang Yifan suddenly used his strength to back up just now.It turned out that I was looking for an opportunity to wave the golden needle in my hand!

Frowning tightly, he swung the dagger in his hand to block the bursting golden needles.

"Dang Dang Dang Dang!"

There was a sound of metal collisions, and the sparks from the friction between the golden needle and the short knife were also seen.

The gold needles were knocked down one by one... There are fewer and fewer gold needles that are still flying.

However, Jiang Yifan didn't expect these golden needles to hurt Brother Hong, but took out the dagger when Brother Hong was in a hurry by using the golden needles.

He ran straight away, swung the dagger and cut Brother Hong's arm.

"Hmph!" Seeing the blood on his arm, Brother Hong snorted.Just when he raised his hand to block Jiang Yifan's attack with a knife.

The remaining two gold needles pierced his left shoulder and right ear respectively!

The left shoulder was better, not much blood flowed out, but on the ear, the golden needle pierced it directly, and the blood flowed to the face immediately.

Seeing this, Jiang Yifan raised the corner of his mouth and gave a sneer, he lifted his foot and kicked Brother Hong to the ground!

Immediately afterwards, he raised the dagger in his hand.

At this moment, Zhang Ming and the burly man beside him were stunned!
In their eyes, that mysterious master was defeated by Jiang Yifan just like that!
In their eyes, Jiang Yifan is just a second generation with a kung fu foundation!
He lost!

How does this make them believe?In addition to shock or shock!
"Stop!" At this moment, Murong Qi finally came out, strode up to Brother Hong, looked at Jiang Yifan and said, "Don't kill him, you can make any conditions you want!"

Brother Hong is the most powerful master around Murongqi, now that he is defeated, how could he not show up?
And he came out with another idea this time.

He saw that Jiang Yifan's skills were definitely superior to those of the four around him. If he brought such a master to his side, he would definitely be like a tiger with wings added!
"I'm afraid you won't be able to agree to my conditions." Jiang Yifan sneered when he heard this.

"As long as you tell me, I, Murong, will definitely be able to do it." Murong Qi has the capital to say this, because he is not short of money!
Jiang Yifan grinned, put away the dagger, and then kicked Brother Hong, "Your master is here to save you, don't pretend to be dead, get up quickly."

Brother Hong almost got kicked by Jiang Yifan just now, he stood up clutching his stomach, with an expression of anger and unwillingness!

"Little brother, tell me about your conditions for letting Brother Hong go, and tell me by the way, what kind of conditions will I give you, can you do things for me?" Murongqi said.

Jiang Yifan raised his eyebrows slightly, "You want me to work with you?"

"Any questions?"

"Hahahahaha, this is the biggest joke I've heard this year, bar none!" Jiang Yifan held up three fingers "Well, since you are so sincere, I can't refute your face. There are three conditions in total. After agreeing I will do things for you!"

(End of this chapter)

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