Chapter 565 Don't be cowardly, just do it

Hearing Kaiyang's words, Murongqi frowned, with a sinister look on his face, "We must find out the third wave of people hiding in Chenbei City, and we must find out at all costs, leaving such an unscrupulous person behind." The certainty factor is really annoying."

"They hide very deeply and hardly leave any traces. We have already checked through our own surveillance and official surveillance, but we haven't found them." When Kai Yang said this, his face was extremely unhappy.

Not only the third wave of people on their side who are thinking about the mystery, but also Jiang Yifan and the others.

After playing a few hands of cards, everyone sat on the ground and started talking.

"Brother Fan, we are the only security company left now. There are no more than a hundred people, but these are definitely reliable brothers, and they can work hard at any time. Although they are a bit weak now, I think about it. , with a brain like yours, we can fight Murong Qi!"

Lu Zhuang said with a cigarette in his mouth.

Jiang Yifan nodded, "There's no hurry, Murongqi just took off our two wings, and he doesn't dare to confront us head-on."

"Because of the third wave of mysterious forces?" Bai Wuque said with a frown.

"That's right, those mysterious guys staying in Chenbei City are a threat to us, and also to Murong Qi, because no one knows when they will come out to play tricks on anyone."

When Jiang Yifan said this, the corners of his mouth rose, showing a sinister smile, "I have to say that these people are really smart enough. They tried every means to make us fight Murongqi, and then they reaped the benefits."

"There are people like this, after all, it's not good for anyone. We have to find a way to get them out!" Lu Zhuang frowned and said, "Zhao Liu has never been idle these days, and has been looking for them. "

Just as Lu Zhuang finished speaking, a car suddenly drove in from outside, and Ah Chen and Yemao ran down from it.

Looking at Jiang Yifan with a smile on his face, he shouted, "Boss, I found it, I found it!"

"What did you find?" Jiang Yifan was taken aback for a moment, but he hadn't seen Ah Chen and the others for several days.

Wan Ke said, "After those mysterious people appeared before, I asked Ah Chen and the others to help Zhao Liu."

"Well, Hua Zi is still helping Zhao Liu over there. Lao Mao and I came to tell you that the third wave of forces has been found." Ah Chen said.

"Speak slowly, don't worry." Several people were worrying about how to deal with this matter, but Zhao Liu was found, and God really helped!
Ah Chen calmed down, and said, "Actually, it was luck to find these people. I couldn't find them after 24 hours of monitoring, but two hours ago, when Zhao Liu and Hua Zi went to the street to buy food, suddenly I saw the guy on the motorcycle, exactly the same as the one who kidnapped Tianxuan before. Then Zhao Liu hurried back, checked the surveillance and started tracking. Coincidentally, he finally found it, and it was on our side."

Jiang Yifan got up and stood up, clapping his hands, "Brothers, the game of cat and mouse is coming to an end."

"In the past?" Lu Zhuang asked.

Jiang Yifan shook his head, "Don't worry, let Zhao Liu lock down where they are, and let people spread the news."

"Your intention is to let Murong Qi and the others go too?" Bai Wuque asked after taking the conversation.

Jiang Yifan smiled mysteriously, "Of course, we can't be the only ones to find these people! Murongqi must be involved, and..."

When he said this, he changed the subject, a cold light flashed in his eyes, and said word by word, "And our main purpose today is not to deal with the third group of mysterious people."

"What is that?" Everyone asked in unison.

The corners of Jiang Yifan's mouth raised, "Two purposes, first to rob people, to snatch Tianxuan into our hands, and if possible, to snatch one or two of Murongqi's sons, and second, to insert Murongqi's back at critical moments. One knife!"

Hearing this, everyone was shocked, and the expressions on their faces stopped abruptly. The corners of Lu Zhuang's mouth twitched a few times, and he gave Jiang Yifan a thumbs up, "Brother Fan is Brother Fan. Never would have thought that we would fight them directly, and we would definitely catch him off guard!"

"That's right, most of the time it's a fool to go head-to-head. We all know that we are weak now, and they want to do that just because they look down on us!"

"Don't be shy, just do it!"

As he spoke, Jiang Yifan fixed his eyes and said in a low voice, "Ah Chen, you and Yemao are now going back to Zhao Liu's side. They are watching. You two will keep talking to us at any time and tell us where we are."

"Okay boss!" Ah Chen and Yemao nodded and walked outside.

Jiang Yifan looked at Lu Zhuang again, "Old Lu, you take people out to spread the news, find out the news of three locations from Zhao Liu in a while, one is true and the other is false, and after they leave, lie in ambush on their way back. "

Lu Zhuang nodded and left.

"Old Bai, you will pick out a dozen or so smart brothers for me later, and then you and I will take those ten or so brothers over there, and let the others hide and wait by the roadside over there." Jiang Yifan finally looked at Bai Wuque Said.

"Is it enough to bring a dozen people? What if we do something..." Bai Wuque said with a little worry.

"We just want to pretend to show weakness to Murong Qi, so as to make him careless." Jiang Yifan narrowed his eyes and smiled.

"Boss, boss, what about me?" Wan Ke saw that Jiang Yifan had given everyone tasks, and he was a little anxious.

"You...go and set a fire!" Jiang Yifan laughed.

"Set... set fire?" Wan Ke looked at Jiang Yifan blankly, but he didn't quite understand.

"That's right, you take four or five brothers out of the security company for a distance of 500 meters and set a big fire. This will make Murong Qi feel that something happened here, so we go with fewer people, not to plot against he."

Jiang Yifan smiled and continued, "Then you take Dongfang Wanyi, Dongfang Yu and Yaoguang to the training base before the suburbs and hide them. If my calculation is correct, Murongqi will take the opportunity to grab Yaoguang."

Wan Ke patted his chest, "Damn it, this old bastard dares to rob my wife, it is absolutely not allowed, boss, don't worry, he will definitely handle this matter clearly!"

Jiang Yifan nodded and took a deep breath, "Hurry up and finish, don't delay tomorrow's class. You must know that there are still many new students waiting for me in Chenbei University."

"..." Wan Ke raised his middle finger at him, and left. At this time, Bai Wuque had already selected all the people, and Jiang Yifan waved his hand, "Let's go!"

ps: I’m really tired. My fingers hurt when I break the corn. I’ll take it slow for two shifts today, so I owe one shift and make up for it twice tomorrow, that is, add two shifts on top of the original three shifts. Not an outburst, just a make up.

In addition, the one who cursed, I can tolerate you scolding me, but don't scold your parents, if you are really upset, I ask you to stop watching.

(End of this chapter)

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