Chapter 579: About Murong Chess 3
At this moment, the door of the office opened straight away, and Lu Zhuang and Bai Wuque ran in carrying the guys, glaring at the knife...

Dao didn't pay attention to Lu Zhuang and others at all, but looked at Jiang Yifan frivolously, "Do you know how unbearable you are now?"

Jiang Yifan straightened his back, even though he still had some skills, but the short fight just now let him know the horror of knives!
After a moment of silence, he waved his hand, "Let's go."

"Brother Fan just let him go like this?" Lu Zhuang asked angrily.

Jiang Yifan nodded, "Let him go."

A strange smile appeared on Dao's face, and after leaving a word, he went straight out.

He said, "Take care of the two boxes in your hands. It can save lives at critical times!"

Watching the knife leave, Jiang Yifan sat on the chair, wiped the blood from his mouth, and showed a bitter smile.Muttered "I will definitely defeat you!"

When you meet the strong, you are strong, so Jiang Yifan was not discouraged because he was defeated!On the contrary, it inspired his fighting spirit even more.

Bai Wuque and Lu Zhuang looked at each other, and walked to Jiang Yifan, "Brother Fan could have kept that guy here just now, why did you let him go?"

"You are not his opponent." Jiang Yifan shook his head and said with a smile, "He is very strong."

Jiang Yifan called him very strong, and this was the first time Lu Zhuang, Bai Wuque and Lu Zhuang heard of it.He frowns faintly and is speechless.

Jiang Yifan was thinking about Dao's last words before he left, and he was even more convinced of the importance of those two boxes.

He said to Lu Zhuang and Bai Wuque, "Okay, let's do what we have to do. I'm fine."

After Lu Zhuang and Bai Wuque went out, Jiang Yifan lit a cigarette again, his eyes became blank.

At the next moment, his mood was a little complicated.

Every word Lin Huafeng said at the beginning came to mind, plus what Dao said just now, the father who had never met on the surface was definitely a big shot.

From the bottom of his heart, Jiang Yifan wanted to see him, not because of any feelings, but because he wanted to ask himself why he abandoned him in the first place!
But for some reason, every time someone mentioned these things, he wanted to get angry and didn't want to touch these things.

But right now, it looks like some things just can't be escaped.

According to Dao, he was originally Jiang Yifan's father's subordinate, and he came to Chenbei City to deal with Murong Qi, and secondly, to let Jiang Yifan find his father.

After Jiang Yifan clarified the relationship between these characters, he came to a conclusion.

That is, Murong Qi has a relationship with Jiang Yifan's biological father, and it is also an enemy relationship!
If you can't escape, just don't hide, if you can't escape, just face it.

So Jiang Yifan made up his mind, he was going to touch the matter of his biological parents.

Of course, he will not cooperate with Dao, or follow Lin Huafeng's words, but he will study it by himself!

After adjusting the breath of some disordered breath in his body, he walked out of the office.

He went straight to the office of Lu Zhuang and Bai Wuque, and then said to them, "Ask someone to pass the news to Murong Qi. If he wants the box, let him wait for me at the Longteng Hotel."

Lu Zhuang and Bai Wuque were stunned for a moment, and they said together, "Are you going to their territory?"

Jiang Yifan nodded, "But don't worry, I took the amulet with me this time, even if Murongqi hates me to the bone, he won't do anything to me."

"We'll go with you." Lu Zhuang and Bai Wuque said almost in unison.

"No, if there are too many people going, there is no guarantee that something will happen. I can protect myself by myself." Jiang Yifan rejected the kindness of Lu Zhuang and Bai Wuque, and then waved his hand, "Don't worry, it won't happen." There is something to do."

Lu Zhuang sighed and went out to spread the news, while Bai Wuque asked Jiang Yifan very puzzled, "What's going on? Why did you suddenly think of looking for Murong Qi? Is it because of that person just now?"

Jiang Yifan nodded, "Maybe there is his reason."

"Now Chenbei City is in chaos. On the surface, there are three forces, Murong Qi, us and Dao, but in fact there are Lin Huafeng and others. Who knows what bad ideas they are holding back. I am going on this trip, yes In order to force these old guys to come to this battlefield."

In the past, Jiang Yifan was worried that Lin would be involved in this dispute, but after hearing Dao's words, he realized that when the base sent him here to protect Lin Yanran, it was the beginning of this whole situation.

And Lin Huafeng's identity is definitely similar to Dao's, and both have a great relationship with Jiang Yifan's biological father.

And after having these conditions, Jiang Yifan also remembered the inexplicable words that Xuedie said when he sent Xuedie to the airport.

Tell him not to hate the base or Xue Die.

In this way, the base must know Jiang Yifan's true identity, and they were the ones who arranged Jiang Yifan into this bureau.

Now the whole situation has gradually become clear, everyone is in a huge game, or in a huge net.

Jiang Yifan doesn't like to be manipulated by others, so he only has one idea now!
Break through the current shackles, and then get out of this situation. His life is his own decision. He wants to get out of this situation. Only in this way can he not be manipulated by others!
So now there is no need to consider other things at all. There are Lin Yaran and Lin Yanran in the Lin Group, and Jiang Yifan will not trouble Lin Huafeng because of love and reason. As long as he does not stop him, the Lin Group Just nothing.

As for Li Yan and Wan Yi, although Dao didn't mention them, Jiang Yifan still vaguely felt that there was a relationship between them.What exactly it is, I don't know.

Bai Wuque thought for a moment, then patted Jiang Yifan on the shoulder, "Brother Fan, although we don't know what happened, but no matter what, I will be by your side, no matter what you are about to face is a tiger or a lion, or the abyss or danger. territory."

Jiang Yifan nodded in relief, "Don't worry, I will take us brothers to a higher height, and we will no longer be manipulated by anyone. We are not called kings, but the king can't control us!"

"Since they are all thinking about me, then I will take Hades Palace to the top of the food chain, and no one will dare to underestimate us then!"


At this moment, a slightly weak voice suddenly came out of the door.

Jiang Yifan turned his head to see the monkey with white lips approaching, and quickly helped him onto the sofa. "How did you come out?"

"Lying in the room is boring, so come out and take a look." Monkey grinned. After this incident, Monkey seemed to be a different person. He used to be infinitely funny, but now he looks much more mature...

ps: This big plot is coming to an end, and some holes in the front are being filled. In the next volume, the matter of Jiang Yifan's biological parents will start, and in the next volume, the biggest test of the relationship between the hero and heroine will also come.

(End of this chapter)

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