Chapter 582 Niubi You Killed Me 3
Jiang Yifan listened to Murongqi's words, and did not answer in a hurry, but drank the half glass of wine.

Then he slowly put his hands on both sides of the table, poked his head forward, and a playful smile appeared on his face, "Murong old man, do you think I came here to fight with you?"

"Little friend Jiang, why did you say that? I just asked you to compare the taste of my food at Longteng Restaurant and Haichunju!" Murong Qi stared at Jiang Yifan with fiery eyes, as if he was sure of him.

But the next second he regretted it!

Houzi watched Jiang Yifan put on this posture, and he moved the chair and sat back for a while.

Immediately after Jiang Yifan stood up abruptly, the playful look on his face suddenly subsided, and turned into a stern look, directly overturning Nuo Da's table!

The huge table was overturned by Jiang Yifan, and the delicious food on it was scattered all over the ground, and the two bottles of good wine also fell on the ground.

Jiang Yifan yelled sharply, "I came to you to make a deal, not to play around with you. If you don't talk about business, tell me whose food is delicious. You must have a hole in your head!"

As soon as these words fell, Murong Qi and the others all turned pale.

Especially Yu Heng, who had just settled down, blushed extremely, took out a delicate pistol from his pocket, and pointed it at Jiang Yifan.

"You don't want to live anymore, you little bitch?"

Jiang Yifan strode forward and grabbed Yuheng's hand, a chill appeared in his eyes, and he shouted forcefully, "Come on, shoot, I'll be your best if you kill me today, if you can't kill you, you're a coward!" Bag!"

With this move, the entire hall fell silent, and all eyes were on Jiang Yifan and the big fat Yuheng who were deadlocked together.

There was no expression in Murongqi's eyes, but at this moment he was thinking about what kind of routine Jiang Yifan was following.

Kai Yang had a sinister smile on his face, he was thinking that Yu Heng would quickly shoot and kill Jiang Yifan directly.

Brother Hong's eyes were on the monkey. He knew that it was absolutely impossible for Jiang Yifan to bring in a useless injured person, so the monkey must also be a strong opponent.

On the other hand, the monkey has a relaxed face, holding a glass of white wine in one hand, and a chicken leg in the other.He ate and drank, and looked up at Jiang Yifan from time to time.

He knew Jiang Yifan too well. If he was not sure, it would be impossible to make the atmosphere so stiff. On the contrary, he must have his own ideas in doing so.

So he was not in a hurry, and he was not at all worried that Yuheng would really shoot!
Under Jiang Yifan's questioning, Yuheng's hand holding the pistol trembled a little, his eyes also shook, and his fingers moved back and forth between the trigger and the side.

Without Murong Qi's order, he didn't dare to shoot casually, but he especially hated Jiang Yifan.

Jiang Yifan smiled provocatively, "What? Don't you dare to shoot?"

Yuheng didn't speak.

But for a moment, he only felt a pain in his wrist, and Jiang Yifan directly took the pistol into his hand, and pointed the muzzle at Yuheng's head.

"If you don't dare to hit me, then do you think I dare to hit you?"

After these words fell, the atmosphere in the hall became more solidified, and the surroundings became extremely quiet, and one could almost feel each other's breathing.

Beads of sweat the size of watercress fell directly from Yuheng's forehead, and his legs felt weak.


Jiang Yifan opened his mouth slightly and made a crisp sound. He didn't shoot, but dismantled the gun into parts.

Then he threw it on the ground, and then patted Yuheng on the shoulder, "Killing people is against the law, so I won't do it. Next time, don't take out this kind of children's toys, and don't take them out if you hurt the flowers and plants." alright."

"Hahahahaha!" Murong Qi also came over at this time, pushed Yuheng aside, and said, "Okay, it's just a joke, there's no need to get so stiff, let's go, let's talk about business .”

"Before we talk about business, I have to do something of mine." Jiang Yifan smiled strangely, and walked to Yu Heng's side, raised his hand and slapped that fleshy face directly!


"I hate people pointing at me. You just pointed at me and wanted to kill me, so I'll give you a slap for your father's sake. Next time, go to hell!"

Yu Heng's face turned red, and the half of his face that was hit by Jiang Yifan suddenly swelled up, some blood splattered from the corner of his mouth, his eyes were wide open, and he rushed forward to make a move.

"Stop!" At this moment Murong Qi yelled, "Get out of my room."

Yu Heng looked up at Murong Qi, "Father!"

"Get out!" Murong Qi didn't reply, but let him leave directly.

Yuheng gritted his teeth and swallowed the bitter water in his stomach, gave Jiang Yifan a vicious look and left.

At this time, the monkey also came over, and there was still half of the wine in the glass, and half of the chicken legs, and handed them to Jiang Yifan, "Boss, I'm tired from beating, eat something."

Jiang Yifan smiled slightly, took a bite of the chicken leg, drank half a glass of white wine, and smacked his mouth, "Well, the taste is still good, but it's a pity that there is only one chicken leg left."

This thing can be said to be perfect.

Originally, Murong Qi wanted to slap Jiang Yifan in the face, but he didn't expect that he would use this method to solve it directly. Not only did he answer his question, but he also slapped his son in the face.

Murong Qi's eyes stretched out with fleeting ruthlessness, and he made a gesture of invitation.

Then everyone walked into an office.

Now there were fewer people on both sides, Murong Qi and Brother Hong, Jiang Yifan and Hou Zi sat in the office, while the others retreated outside the door.

Jiang Yifan asked the monkey to put the box on the table, then smiled and said, "I know Boss Murong really wants to get this box back, so I'm here to make a deal this time."

"Let's hear it." After what happened just now, no one dared to underestimate Jiang Yifan.

In this world, the soft ones are afraid of the hard ones, the hard ones are afraid of the rich, and those who want money are afraid of their lives.

Obviously, Jiang Yifan is the one who wants to die!
Jiang Yifan said, "You and I will no longer divide the north and south of the urban area, and then you give me the Dragon Hotel, and you can take whatever is south of the urban area."

What Jiang Yifan said is that the so-called Lin Group and the Blue Enchantress are no longer under his protection, so that Murong Qi can go and grab the place there. If he has the strength, he can take the Lin Group as his own. , but the premise is to give him the Dragon Hotel.

"I'm afraid this is not suitable." Murong Qi changed the subject, "Speaking of which, you only have one security company in the south of the urban area, and the others have nothing to do with you. I will definitely lose money doing this business."

(End of this chapter)

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