Chapter 590

Just after Jiang Yifan and the others left the north of the urban area, a bloody drama was staged in the underground boxing arena!

When the twelve people ran back to the underground boxing ring, they immediately saw the dead Yin Wu, how could the remaining twelve eunuchs not be furious!
Immediately shouted furiously, "Who killed my fifth brother (brother)?"

"They killed two people who came in just now, and one of them seems to be a boxer who was killed in our place before." The waiter on the side said tremblingly.

Boss Yin immediately pulled the waiter over and asked, "Are you fucking kidding me, can a dead boxer come to take revenge?"

"Master, what I said is true. How dare I lie to you. And you can ask Xiao Huahua." The waiter's face was dripping with sweat, obviously frightened.

Another waiter also pointed to the inside, "The person put a mobile phone inside before leaving. We dare not move."

Boss Yin shook off the waiter angrily, and went straight inside. Yin Wu's blood was about to stain the floor, and the red color made their twelve brothers extremely angry!It's as if that little spark is igniting a raging fire!
Boss Yin walked into the room, and the moment he picked up his phone, he pressed the recording made by Jiang Yifan.

The voice of the conversation between Yin Wu and Xiao Huahua came out.

"Damn it! Fifth child is not worthy of being my brother." After listening to the recording, Yin Shisan became even more furious, said angrily and walked out of the room.

Boss Yin shook his eyes a few times, and shouted at the waiter, "Go get me a basin of cold water."

After hearing this, the waiter immediately went to do it.

He looked at the other brothers and said in a deep voice, "This is not just as simple as revenge."

"What's that?" Yin Shisan said angrily: "I'm a little thankful to the two murderers for letting me know the true face of Yin Wu. He won't even let my woman go, so he deserves to die !"

"Thirteen, you are not allowed to say that about Fifth Brother." Yin Twelve scolded.

"I shouldn't say it?" Yin Shisan asked anxiously, "What should I say? Twelfth brother, teach me, you have taken all the benefits for so many years, and I can't get anything for the youngest. I finally met a That boy Yin Wu still does that kind of thing with a woman who likes me. How do you want me to accept it?"

"I think Thirteen's words are a little too much, but it's justifiable for him to do so. Brothers and wives can't be bullied. It's not that brothers and wives are rude. The fifth is indeed going too far." It was Yin's second who spoke.

"Fart! It's just a woman. Besides, the fifth brother is dead. Is it useful for you to slander him like this?" Yin Shiyi also took the words and scolded.

"Do you want to rebel!" Boss Yin shouted at the crowd with an extremely gloomy expression.

"Boss, what do you think? Is Yin Wu doing the right thing?" Yin Shisan asked.

Boss Yin pointed at Yin Shisan, "Shut up, you fucking did it just for a woman!"

"Why the hell can't I do it!" Yin Shisan originally thought that the elder Yin would say something nice to him, but now he actually scolded him, how could this make him give up easily!
"How dare you talk to the boss like that!" Yin Twelve immediately walked towards Yin Thirteen and punched him.


"Damn it, beat my thirteenth brother!"

"Do you dare to intervene?"

"Fuck, kill you!"

Well!The Thirteenth Taibao, except for Boss Yin and the dead Yin Wu, was already caught in a melee, and the waiters around didn't dare to talk nonsense, they hid aside and watched quietly.

The scene was extremely spectacular, the ten brothers were almost divided into five or five duels, and it was a real fight, no one showing mercy, and after a while, bone dislocation and bang bang were heard.

At this time, the waiter also came over with water, and handed it to Boss Yin carefully, as if he was afraid that he would also be beaten. When Boss Yin took the water, he quickly stepped aside.

Boss Yin glanced at the ten brothers who were huddled together, and then poured some of them on Xiao Huahua's face.

"Cough cough" Xiao Huahua woke up hazily, rubbed her sleepy eyes, the pain in her neck still existed.

She glanced blankly at Boss Yin, and then looked at the huddled people. She hurriedly got up and dragged Boss Yin, "Boss, Fifth Brother... Fifth Brother was killed!"

"Hmph!" Boss Yin snorted coldly, turned around, and poured the remaining water in the basin directly on the others.

"Stop it all for me!"

After a basin of water and that slap fell, the others really stopped, standing up one by one with bruised noses and swollen faces, none of them glanced at each other in disbelief.

Immediately after, Yin Shisan walked towards Xiao Huahua, raised her hand and slapped Xiao Huahua's face with a "slap", "Damn it, I usually treat you well. Dare to be with that idiot Yin Wu!"

Xiao Huahua was slapped very aggrieved, and almost knocked her down, walked over delicately, and said, "Brother Thirteen really doesn't blame me, how can I offend Brother Fifth, if I don't cooperate, I won't Was he killed?"

"Damn it, you're still soliciting our brother's feelings at this time!" Boss Yin was completely angry, and immediately grabbed Xiao Huahua's hair and dragged her over, wrapped his arms around Xiao Huahua's neck, and made Xiao Huahua swallow with a little force He took his last breath.

"Boss! What the hell are you doing?" Yin Shisan watched Xiao Huahua die unwillingly, and suddenly pushed Boss Yin away.

"Drag him into the room and lock him up." Boss Yin yelled at the others.

At this time, two people walked over and dragged Yin Shisan, who was still struggling, into another room.

Third Yin looked at the two corpses on the ground and asked, "Boss, what should we do?"

"Put the fifth child in the freezer first, wait for revenge and then let him die in peace, and throw this woman directly into the backyard to feed the dogs!" Boss Yin didn't have the slightest emotion on his face when he spoke.Put it like a cold-blooded machine.

The more this happened, the more his brothers knew that Boss Yin was really angry this time.


On the other side, Jiang Yifan and the others had already returned to the training base in the suburbs, because it was still a critical period, and they could not return to the security company ostentatiously, and the Yuheng had already smashed it to pieces.

When they arrived, everyone was already waiting.

Lu Zhuang and Bai Wuque greeted them, and shouted with a happy smile: "It's really fun today, this time Murong Old Dog's property is all smashed by us."

"There's something even better." Jiang Yifan grinned, "One of the Thirteen Taibaos has also died. If nothing else happens, they're all caught in an internal melee."

ps: Solemn notice: In the early morning of the 19th of this month, there will be an unprecedented explosion in this book.Let Ye Zi save some manuscripts these days.

(End of this chapter)

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