Chapter 666 Killing Mr. A

When hearing this name, Jiang Yifan's first reaction, and the very first time, the name of Yuansheng Temple appeared in his mind!

Is there any connection between the two?

His face changed slightly, and he asked: "Is the temple his full name?"

Wang Benshan shook his head and said, "I don't know, I just heard from others, but I heard that this temple is extremely mysterious, and they will only appear every time there are expensive objects like the Buddha's head."

Jiang Yifan nodded in disappointment, then looked at Bai Bingbing: "What's next?"

"Aren't you going to talk to that Mr. A? I'll see you after we're done. If you're happy here, let's play for two days before going back. If you want to go back, I'll book tickets in the afternoon." Bai Bingbing spread her hands and said .

"Then go back tomorrow morning, and finish everything here today." Jiang Yifan took a deep breath, and then said, "Let's go, take me to see that Mr. A."

After speaking, Wang Lin led Jiang Yifan towards the back yard.

Walking through a courtyard, he stopped at a house that looked like a prison, Wang Lin opened the door with a key: "He is locked inside alone now, you go in, I won't go in. "

Jiang Yifan nodded, opened the door and walked in. Once inside, there was a musty smell, and some dust could be seen rising under the slanting sunlight. It seemed that this house hadn't been closed for a long time.

At this time, Mr. A's arm was bandaged, which was the arm that Jiang Yifan had pierced with a golden needle. Sitting on the ground, he looked extremely embarrassed!

Even when Jiang Yifan came in, he didn't raise his head.

Jiang Yifan squatted in front of Mr. A with a cigarette in his mouth: "It seems that I'm doing well here."

Just like that, Mr. A raised his head, his eyes were filled with deep hatred and anger, the corners of his mouth slightly raised, and he said with a sarcasm: "Jiang Yifan, don't be complacent, I am in such a mess today, tomorrow you must Lie dead on the street!"

Jiang Yifan shrugged his shoulders: "I didn't scare you too much. You are so virtuous, so don't think about threatening me. Think about how long you can live."

"Me? What did I do? Can you kill me?" Mr. A sneered: "Even if you got the evidence, so what, my nationality is in Australia, according to the law you can't do anything to me, you can only send me back to the country, In my own country, life or death is up to me."

Jiang Yifan sighed: "It seems that you have thought about the way out!"

As Mr. A said, he did this kind of illegal thing in China, even if he wanted to be sentenced, he would have to be sent back to his country, so in a sense, Mr. A felt that Jiang Yifan and the others dared not do anything to him.

Mr. A raised his head with a smile, and looked at Jiang Yifan mockingly: "My road has been paved long ago, whether it is the back road, the front road or the future road, but Jiang Yifan, you should now think about when you face a dead end in the future. What's the matter?"

"After I go back, the first thing I do is to investigate everything about you. I don't believe that you have no weaknesses? I don't believe that you don't have the slightest weakness. Then you will definitely regret offending me!"

Hearing this, Jiang Yifan stood up and kicked Mr. A in the face.

"Boom!" Kicking Mr. A to the corner of the wall, Jiang Yifan squatted on the ground suddenly, reached out and grabbed his collar, swung his other hand, and punched him in the face!
"I hate people threatening me the most!" Jiang Yifan scolded angrily.

Blood flowed out from the corner of Mr. A's mouth. When he gritted his teeth, the teeth were covered with blood. With the smile on his face, he looked very ferocious.

Said: "Jiang Yifan, so what? You dare not beat me to death! I just like to see you now, angry, angry! But there is nothing you can do to me!"

Seeing Mr. A's arrogant smile, Jiang Yifan grinned, pulled his hair, and said with a smile: "Who said I can do nothing to you?"

When he got here, Mr. A's pupils shrank sharply, moved back against the wall, and pushed Jiang Yifan violently: "Do you dare to kill me?"

"You really know yourself!" Jiang Yifan snapped his fingers, then said with a sneer, "I'm not an official, and I don't know anything about sending you back to China. I just know that I'm going to kill you now!"

"No! You can't kill me!" Mr. A panicked immediately.

"But before you die, I can tell you one thing." Jiang Yifan raised the corner of his mouth and said, "You didn't die at the hands of the officials, nor did you die because you crossed the border. .”

"What's that?" Mr. A asked.

Jiang Yifan raised his teeth lightly, and said word by word: "Because you pointed a gun at my head before, you have to die!"


"This is my principle, Jiang Yifan!" Jiang Yifan smiled slightly, and immediately grabbed Mr. A's neck, and with a click, his neck was crushed, while Mr. A's eyes were wide open. , Swallow your last breath!

Don't rest your eyes!

Jiang Yifan got up and clapped his hands, lit another cigarette, and after puffing out the smoke for a while, with an evil smile on the corner of his mouth, he walked out of the room.

Wang Lin, who was standing at the door, looked at Jiang Yifan, and hurried inside. Seeing that Mr. A in front of him was dead, he was completely petrified in place!
At first, he thought that Jiang Yifan was just chatting with Mr. A, but he didn't expect to kill him!

This is absolutely not allowed!

Then he ran out, grabbed Jiang Yifan's arm and asked, "Why did you kill him!"

"Can't you kill him?" Jiang Yifan narrowed his eyes and smiled.

"Of course not. He is the key figure in this operation. Originally, I wanted to find more valuable clues from him, and then dig out the people behind him!" Wang Lin said anxiously: "What's more, we can't Killing him must be handled by the authorities."

Jiang Yifan patted Wang Lin on the shoulder: "Don't be so pedantic, you can tell the officials that you killed him during the operation, or simply push me out and say that I, Jiang Yifan, killed him." |
"" Wang Lin really didn't know what to say.

Jiang Yifan shrugged his shoulders and smiled: "Calm down, I killed the person, not you, why are you panicking, besides, it is impossible for you to rely on him to find out who is behind it. It's definitely not easy, if you can find it easily by accident, how can you mess around? Besides, Xihe has been under your nose for so many years without you noticing, and you can still dig out the person behind Mr. A?"

Looking at Jiang Yifan who left after speaking, Wang Lin's face turned red!
(End of this chapter)

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