Chapter 679

Jiang Yifan threw an apologetic look at Dongfang Wanyi, and then quickly turned his head to look at Lin Yanran: "Can you be gentle. This is the murder of your own husband!"

"Murder your sister!" Lin Yanran said angrily, "Who told you to keep seeing other beauties?"

Jiang Yifan suddenly laughed, and said playfully: "Can I think you are eating vinegar?"

"I won't be jealous." Lin Yanran snorted coldly.

"But a certain person promised me before, saying that he wouldn't care if I chased Dongfang Wanyi or not, and you also encouraged me to chase Dongfang Wanyi, if I chased her, you also promised to be my girlfriend! "Jiang Yifan leaned against the corner of the table with a look of embarrassment.

This time, Lin Yanran's words were blocked.His little face was flushed, and he said after a while, "That was before, but now you have my sister, and my sister has your child."

Jiang Yifan raised his eyebrows: "Oh, my sister-in-law is now taking care of my brother-in-law."

"Jiang Yifan, are you asking for a beating!" Lin Yanran really didn't want to hear those two titles.

"You can't call me by my name directly, do you have to ask your brother-in-law to understand?" Jiang Yifan said deliberately and solemnly.

"not called!"

"That's okay to call me husband!"

"not called!"

"Jiang Yifan, what did you say there that you can't do a good job in class!" Shen Rong heard Jiang Yifan muttering, frowning and said angrily.

"Beautiful teacher, he asked Lin Yanran to call him husband."

Well, Wan Ke, who was hiding behind the desk, finally found a chance to take revenge, and immediately got up and shouted at Jiang Yifan. Jiang Yifan said: "Look, I finally found a chance to make you laugh too!"

Jiang Yifan turned his head, gave Wan Ke a hard look, and said in a low voice, "You wait for me."

"Teacher, he's still threatening me, you have to make the decision for me." Wan Ke really got the advantage and acted like a good boy, and his cuteness came up, the kind that even ten elephants couldn't pull back.

Shen Rong pointed out the door angrily: "You two go out and stand for punishment."

"Huh?" Wan Ke froze for a moment.

But Jiang Yifan stood up suddenly, and said with a smile, "Thank you Teacher Rongrong for letting me go out for punishment. I promise to seriously reflect on my mistake just now, and I promise that I won't make it again next time."

Saying that, he directly pulled Wan Ke and walked out.

With a look of grievance on Wan Ke's face, he shouted innocently: "No, beautiful teacher, stop it quickly, Jiang Yifan will beat me to death if I go out."

"Hahahaha." The students around looked at Wan Ke's appearance and laughed.

After arriving at the door, Jiang Yifan was gearing up, narrowed his eyes, and said with a playful smile: "Xiao Keke, your skin has been itchy for the past few days when I'm not here, why don't you loosen your muscles and bones now?"

"NO! Boss, I was wrong, I promise I won't say that about you next time."

"Ah! My little waist!"

"Ah, my little arms and legs!"

Wan Ke's wailing sound suddenly came from the corridor.

"Stop, stop!" Wan Ke stopped Jiang Yifan: "Stop hitting, I will buy you two good cigarettes, you have never smoked before."

"I just like to smoke the White Tower for seven yuan." Jiang Yifan shook his head and smiled.

"Good wine, I stole two bottles of good wine from Old Li!"

"I only drink Erguotou for five yuan!"

"I prepared a pair of couple's watches for you and my sister-in-law, which were made by my dad from Australia."

"You have too many sister-in-laws, not enough couples!"

Wan Ke's expression changed too quickly. Every time he said the bargaining chip, he thought Jiang Yifan would compromise, so he had a happy expression, but every time Jiang Yifan didn't appreciate it at all, and finally turned into a mournful expression.

At this time, just as the get out of class was over, Shen Rong came out from the inside, glared at the two of them, and then walked away.

Jiang Yifan put his arm around Wan Ke's shoulder: "Okay, I won't quarrel with you, go to the bathroom and smoke a cigarette first."

Wan Ke nodded with a smile. They are used to the constant fights between them, but these days Jiang Yifan is not here, he is really boring, this time Jiang Yifan is back, he is full of fighting spirit!

After the two entered the bathroom, just after they lit their cigarettes, the door outside opened. Wu Jiang walked in with a brick in his hand, leading more than a dozen people behind him.

His hands were wrapped with gauze, obviously after being beaten by Jiang Yifan before, he had already gone to the infirmary to bandage them.

"It's really hard to find you!" After Wu Jiang came in, he directly spotted Jiang Yifan, and at the same time, more than ten people behind him directly surrounded Jiang Yifan.

"Just you? It stands to reason that the four young masters of the imperial capital should show up together." Jiang Yifan said with a raised eyebrow.

"It's enough for me to clean you up. You don't have the capital to let the four of us show up together." Wu Jiang said neither humble nor overbearing, his eyes full of sarcasm.It seemed that the one who was beaten before was not the one who was beaten by Jiang Yifan.

Jiang Yifan shrugged, took a puff of cigarette, and looked at Wan Ke beside him: "Xiao Ke, I'm so scared to face so many people!"

Wan Ke raised his head and said cooperatively: "I'm also very scared, but I don't know if they will beat us to the ground in a while and we won't be able to get up!"

"I guess I can't get up, haven't you seen so many people around him?" Jiang Yifan laughed.

"The director is here!" At some point, someone outside suddenly yelled.

Jiang Yifan rolled his eyes, and then threw the cigarette butt out of the window, and Wan Ke did the same, and then the two walked outside.

When I got to Wu Jiang: "Why don't you get out of the way? Don't you want to go to the toilet pit to taste the taste of what's inside?"

"Looking for death!" Wu Jiang suddenly raised the thing in his hand.

Jiang Yifan punched him hard, and Wu Jiang fell to the ground. At this moment, a middle-aged man walked in, who seemed to be the dean of this floor.

Looking at the crowd in front of him in a deep voice, he said, "What the hell are you doing! It's a party in the bathroom!"

"Teacher, he hit me!" Wu Jiang got up from the ground and gave Jiang Yifan a vicious look.

Fuck, isn't the villain suing first!

Jiang Yifan really felt that he was speechless enough, after all, he was one of the four young masters of the imperial capital, and he knew to sue the teacher!

The director looked at the bruise on Wu Jiang's face, and looked at Jiang Yifan suddenly: "Do you still want to miss it? How dare you beat someone at school?"

Jiang Yifan spread his hands, "Teacher, please take a good look. There are more than a dozen of them surrounding us, and they are still holding things in their hands. Can't you tell who is beating who?"

The director suddenly looked a little embarrassed, but they all know the identity of Wu Jiang and others, so it is not easy to offend them, but if they are partial to Wu Jiang and others right now, they will definitely not be convinced, so they can only say: "Okay, let's not make an example. It's over!"

(End of this chapter)

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