Chapter 688

In fact, after Jiang Yifan heard the girl say that there is a super big hall upstairs, he has changed his mind, and he is not going to rent it anymore, but to buy the building completely.

And there was some intention to let Zhao Liu come here first. Without Murong Qi's affairs, he is now enough to cover the whole city with his equipment, so this kind of talent naturally has to be prioritized.

After Lu Zhuang left, Jiang Yifan followed the girl to the property downstairs.

"Sir, this is the lease contract. You can take a look at it. Because we are a duplex floor, a monthly rental fee of [-] yuan is required for each door. After the lease is completed, you still need to pay for each door for one month." Four hundred yuan for utilities." The girl gave Jiang Yifan a contract.and explained.

"Bring me a sales contract. I read it. I don't plan to lease it. I plan to buy it." Jiang Yifan said, putting the contract in his hand aside.

"Ah?" The girl was stunned again, but this time it didn't last long, she came to Jiang Yifan's side, and said in a low voice: "Sir... I can definitely buy it, but I can't make the decision. The manager comes and signs the contract with you."

"Then call your manager." Wan Ke said from the side.

"But...but." The girl hesitated to speak.

Jiang Yifan saw that the girl seemed to have something on his mind, so he asked, "What's the matter? Can you tell me if there is any difficulty."

"Although this matter has nothing to do with you, I still want to ask for your help, because whether it is a lease or a transaction, we can get a commission, but if you buy the entire unit, the performance is the manager's Yes, I need money urgently now, so..."

When the girl said the rest, her voice became lower, because she knew that Jiang Yifan had nothing to do with it, and he didn't earn a commission.

Jiang Yifan thought for a while: "Then your manager really knows how to choose. If I buy them all, the commission will definitely be a lot. I can't let him earn it all by himself, but I don't know how you deal with this. How about Can you get a commission?"

"Buy them separately." The corner of the girl's mouth touched, and she took out a lot of ID cards from the back bag.

"Using these ID cards to buy is just a formality. In this way, it is considered to be purchased separately, and the performance will not be considered as the manager's."

Looking at the pile of ID cards in front of them, the corners of Jiang Yifan and Bai Wuque Wanke's mouths twitched a few times.

He finally understood why the housing prices in Huaxia are rising so fast now, it's all the fault of these developers and investors!
A bunch of IDs are used to create a fake purchase contract to give the buyer the appearance that the house is selling well, but in fact it is not fake at all.

With this fake hot sale method, the house price will be raised directly!
However, Jiang Yifan hesitated, he and the girl beside him are not relatives, and it is his duty to help, and it is his duty not to help.

Wan Ke looked at Jiang Yifan and said hesitantly, "Boss, why don't you just help him, you can give the commission to anyone, why not give it to a beautiful woman!"

"Xiao Ke, aren't you just full of love again?" Bai Wuque said jokingly.

"Go, go, those two in my family still don't know!"

At this time, the girl looked at Jiang Yifan with a begging look, she really needed the money.

"How about this, you call your manager first, and we'll talk later. If I can help, I will definitely help." Jiang Yifan didn't stop talking.

At this time, just as his words fell, there was a burst of respectful and flattering voices outside, only a male and female voice could be heard.

"Young Master Wen, the building I showed you just now is definitely not bad, and for your name, Young Master Wen, I can give you a [-]% discount!"

Jiang Yifan followed the voice and looked over, and Wan Ke next to him said, "It's really a narrow road to Yuanjia!"

Jiang Yifan knew that male and female guy, and he still knew the Wen Shao he was talking about!It was this guy Wenqing!

"Yo, what a coincidence!" Wen Qing saw Jiang Yifan and the others, and strode over directly, his face full of that kind of superiority.

"Fan...Brother Fan!" The man who was neither male nor female was the sissy makeup artist who had dealt with Jiang Yifan back then.

"Aren't you a makeup artist? Why are you here as a real estate manager?" Jiang Yifan asked in surprise.

"Hey, it's just for a job. This community was developed by my family." She said with a sissy smile, "You also come to see the house?"

"Yes, let's take a look at the house." During this period, Jiang Yifan didn't talk to Wen Qing at all.

"Which house are you looking at, you can tell me directly, and I will give you a [-]% discount." The sissy said.

"Manager, this gentleman is going to buy the entire unit of Unit [-]." The girl said.

"Ah?" The sissy was stunned for a moment, and then blurted out: "Young Master Wen, then you and Brother Fan have taken a fancy to a building."

At this point, Jiang Yifan heard that Wenqing also came to see the house, and he still had his eyes on the same house!
It seems that the struggle between them is really not interpreted by coincidence!
"This is embarrassing for me!" The sissy said after a moment of hesitation, "Brother Fan, it looks like you guys know each other too. Anyway, Wen Shao only bought one of them. Why don't you get the other ones? The one Wen Shao likes belongs to you." How is he?"

"Which set did he fancy?" Jiang Yifan asked.

"The top floor." Wen Qing said directly.

"Excuse me, I've also spotted the top floor." Jiang Yifan spread his hands.

"I didn't expect that celebrities from Chenbei University would come here to buy properties." Wen Qing sneered, and said sarcastically, "Isn't it bought with a loan and rented out at a high price to make money?"

Wenqing didn't realize how rich Jiang Yifan was, so he bought a unit with his own strength.

Seeing Jiang Yifan getting acquainted with her manager, the girl panicked even more. They are all acquaintances, so it is definitely impossible to get this performance bonus.So look at so many people here.

The girl silently prepared to withdraw from the crowd.

But at this moment, Jiang Yifan directly grabbed the girl's arm and said with a smile, "Beauty, I think I can help you with the favor you just said."

"Really!" The girl regained her spirits and said excitedly.

Jiang Yifan nodded, and looked at the sissy: "Today, I will buy this unit. You have to sell it even if you sell it, or you have to sell it if you don't sell it. And I will never share a room with this Wen Shao."

"Jiang Yifan, did I give you a face! I really thought you were a genius!" Wen Qing cursed angrily immediately after hearing this!
(End of this chapter)

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