Chapter 695
Immediately afterwards, Jiang Yifan told Xihe what happened just now.

Xi He heard the words and scolded angrily: "This little brat only knows how to bully others!"

Jiang Yifan spread his hands: "Actually, even if Brother Xi doesn't come today, I won't do anything to him, just teach him how to behave."

"It seems that Brother Jiang is doing well in Chenbei City. His subordinates are so skilled, and he seems to have very strong financial resources. Why did he appear in Jiangnan City?" Xi He asked curiously.

"Revenge!" Jiang Yifan said lightly about Bai Bingbing's matter. This is actually not a big secret, and now that revenge has been avenged, it doesn't hurt to talk about it with Xihe.

Xihe heard the words and thought for a moment: "It would be fine if we just killed the Purput twin brothers, but that Mr. A has a lot of background, and now he died in Huaxia, I'm afraid he will be behind his back." man's vengeance."

Jiang Yifan spread his hands: "If you dare to provoke him, you won't be afraid of his revenge. If you come here, I will kill one. Although I am in Chenbei City like my brother is in Jiangnan City, I can't provoke anyone!"

Xi He smiled and patted Jiang Yifan's shoulder, and said: "Having said that, you should be more cautious. Even I don't know the real background of Mr. A. You must know that I have cooperated with him for many years. His background Didn't figure it out at all."

"Could it be that my brother is really afraid of him?" Jiang Yifan said with a meaningful smile.

"If I was still at the peak of Jiangnan City, even if he was dispatched to the past, I might not be afraid of him, but now...haha, brother, you also know, brother, I am now a tiger in Pingyang, and I have nothing left. .”

Listening to Xihe's words, Jiang Yifan shook his head: "It's the same, no one dares to provoke you in Jiangnan City, just like no one dares to provoke me in Chenbei City."

"It seems that Chenbei City is the same big river and lake as Jiangnan City, and I don't know whether it is right or wrong for me to come here!" Xi He said with a sigh.

"Okay, don't think about it so much, I'll just put my words here today, brother Ruoxi didn't come to grab my three acres of land, I will definitely treat you as a brother."

"drink wine!"

The two glasses collided and drank one after another, but Jiang Yifan was planning in his heart, faintly feeling that the huge net surrounding him was about to be unraveled. If it was a coincidence that the major forces went to Chenbei City before, then now It can't be explained by coincidence, but there are inextricably linked in the mist.

After about two or three hours, Xi He left. After all, he will be in Chenbei City from now on, so he is not worried that he will not see each other in the future.

After seeing off Xi He, Jiang Yifan put on a weird smile on his face, and murmured, "Chenbei City is going to be lively again."

"Brother Fan, what is the identity of that kid?" Lu Zhuang asked doubtfully.

"He is not simple. His status in Jiangnan City is higher than ours in Chenbei City. Back then, he was the real emperor of Jiangnan City." Jiang Yifan smiled and took a sip of his wine.

"Then how did he get to this point?" Lu Zhuang also sat down.

"Because he was very unlucky to meet me." Jiang Yifan grinned.

"Hahahaha." Lu Zhuang couldn't hold back his laughter, and said angrily, "You can't praise yourself like that."


After Xi He returned to the house she bought in Chenbei City, Lan Lan brought Wu Jiang and others to find her.

Looking at the children standing in the living room, Xi He lit a cigarette and asked, "Why don't you go to school to study well, why are you looking for me?"

Luo Tao and Qin Heng next to him looked at each other, took a step forward, and said respectfully to Xi He: "Uncle Xi, we want to take revenge, I hope you can help us!"

"Revenge? With whom?" Xi He looked at the children in front of him meaningfully and asked.

"Jiang Yifan! In Chenbei City, only one of us must survive. We heard from Lan Lan that you were a big boss in the Tao, so you must be able to kill Jiang Yifan!" Luo Tao said.

Xi He suddenly smiled helplessly: "Na Lan Lan didn't tell you, I'm like that lost dog now? If it wasn't for Lan Lan's father's help, I don't even have a place to live now?"

"You are temporarily frustrated. My father said that dragons will ascend sooner or later."

At this time, Lan Lan walked to Xi He's side and sat down, then took his arm and said coquettishly: "Uncle, they are the young masters of the four new big families in the imperial capital. It is only a temporary difficulty for you, but you just need money." , as long as you have money, you will soon recover your power, and won’t it be easy to defeat Jiang Yifan by then?”

Xi He rolled her eyes, sighed and said, "But Jiang Yifan is not a simple person. If I am better than him, I don't have to be so polite to him today."

"Uncle Xi, you are now being bullied by dogs. If the four of us pay you, and you become a behind-the-scenes person to build up your power, I think sooner or later you will be able to compete with Jiang Yifan in strength, and our respective fathers are Prepare to have a piece of heaven and earth in Chenbei City, if you can help, they will definitely be even more powerful."

When he heard this, Xi He was really tempted. After he escaped from Jiangnan City, he thought about making a comeback all the time, but Lan Lan's father didn't want him to participate in the Jianghu affairs. Now there are four families It's a good opportunity to help.

"How about this, you kids ask your father out, and I'll chat with them." Xi He didn't say anything else.

The four of them looked at each other in dismay, and now they could only get their father to come forward, and after thanking Xihe Yitong, they all left.

Xi He watched the four of them leave, a gloomy look flashed in his eyes, and then he looked at Lan Lan angrily: "Who told you to go out with my gun? If you really shot today , do you know how big things will happen!"

Lan Lan looked aggrieved, tears were about to flow out: "Uncle, I don't want my boyfriend to have an accident."

"It's a nonsense, they are nonsense and you are also nonsense, you know who Jiang Yifan is. If you offend him, you may not even be able to get out of Chenbei City!" Xi He scolded angrily.

"How big of a character he can be, isn't he very respectful when he sees you!" Lan Lan muttered.

"You know what a fart! He didn't really intend to kill you, otherwise it would be useless even if I stopped him!"

Xihe took a deep breath; "It's all because of Jiang Yifan that I can get to this point!"

"Ah?" Lan Lan was completely shocked. In his impression, Xi He was an invincible local boss, but he was defeated by a big boy who was about her age. How could this be believed?
(End of this chapter)

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