Chapter 710 Cang Yunzi's Love Debt

In fact, what Xue Die said was not empty talk, because Kong Tian relied on Jiang Yifan's father to establish the base. Without the help of Jiang Yifan's father, he would not be able to control the base so smoothly, let alone There is now a mysterious and terrifying base!
So when Jiang Yifan is really ready to find or avenge his father, the whole base will be mobilized with him!

Of course, things are not that simple. After so many years, only Kong Tian and Xuedie understand the original intention of building this base. Therefore, if he wants the people below to help, then Jiang Yifan must use his strength to do so. conquer them.

So the big competition after the Spring Festival is the best opportunity!

Jiang Yifan still had a stomach full of questions to ask, but now he was more curious about another matter, and then asked, "Then what is your real name?"

"The real name. I almost forgot it!" Xue Die held Jiang Yifan's arm, stuck out her tongue at him, and asked playfully, "Then you can guess."

"I guess the surname must be Kong!" Jiang Yifan said with a playful smile.

"Nonsense! Listen carefully, my real name is the single character Lan, Kong Lan!" Xue Die said solemnly.

"In the mountains, the wind and rain are coming, so the time when your mother had you should be the time when your father started to snatch that big boss." Jiang Yifan pondered for a while and smiled.

Xue Die nodded slightly: "That's right, it was also because of me that my father didn't have a complete falling out with my mother, and the two divorced, but because of me, they were still together during the first period of time, just waiting for you to arrive at the base. After that, my father separated from my mother."

Hearing some sad words, Jiang Yifan took Xuedie into his arms and said softly: "Don't worry, everything will pass. Now that I know these things, I will persuade your father."

"Really?" Xue Die blinked her eyes very attractively.

Jiang Yifan couldn't hold back and kissed her directly. After a burst of passionate kisses, he said, "That's natural. I don't want my future mother-in-law and my father-in-law to have a cold war!"

"Cut! You are a big radish, your mother-in-law is everywhere, you have to be a groom in every village!" Xue Die gave him an angry look.

"Haha, this is every man's dream, but I have realized it."

Jiang Yifan paused and asked: "Then since Monkey and the others are my training partners, what about the legend of the Nine Wolves..."

Hearing Nine Langs, the delicate body of Xue Die in her arms trembled slightly: "This is true, but when my mother sent people to look for these children, she didn't know about the so-called Nine Langs legend, but after a long time Afterwards, I heard what another person said, besides, there is only one Nine Wolves now, and no one knows if the rest are your brothers."

"Two blood wolves have already appeared!" Jiang Yifan murmured with his pupils constricted.

"Who is the second horse?" Xue Die raised her head and asked.

"I don't know yet. I just heard that I'm with Monkey now, and he's one of my brothers. I'm a little curious. Will the legend of the Nine Wolves really come true?" Jiang Yifan rubbed his chin and became curious. .

Xuedie thought for a moment: "There are very few people who know the inside story, but the legend of Nine Wolves has been circulating all the time. But it will definitely be realized step by step in the future, you just have to let nature take its course."

Jiang Yifan nodded: "It doesn't matter, just do what you love, by the way, tell me about my master's side."

After finishing speaking, Jiang Yifan felt a little embarrassed, he really had too many questions today.

Xue Die seemed to see his embarrassment, smiled and said: "Even if you don't ask today, I will tell you all this today. After the Murongqi incident, I know that you have gradually come into contact with Dragon Soul things, so I have to tell you everything I need to know."

"I thought you would find me annoying." Jiang Yifan scratched his head.

Xue Die shook her head and said: "I also want to quickly end the grievances and resentments of these generations, so that everyone can return to normal life. To be honest, you don't feel that what we are doing now Have many things deviated from the life of a normal person?"

Jiang Yifan shrugged his shoulders: "People can't help themselves in the Jianghu. They are so busy every day that they don't know why they are busy."

"That's it, but all of this is coming to an end. Waiting to rescue your master, avenge your father, and raise the banner of Dragon Soul again, everything will return to calm."

Xue Die sighed and murmured: "The force that captured Cang Yunzi is an extremely terrifying force in Australia. In Australia, it can really be said that it has single-handedly overshadowed the sky. The officials there dare not easily offend them! You know why they Capture your master?"

"I don't know, I'm also very curious," Jiang Yifan shook his head.

"It's a funny story to tell." Xue Die said with a playful smile, "The boss of that power is not a man, but a woman, a beautiful woman who is ashamed of herself."

"You wouldn't say that this woman belongs to my master..." Jiang Yifan was stunned.

"That's right, a long time ago, your master traveled around the world. When he was in Australia, he rescued a girl. During the treatment, the two fell in love with each other. But you should know what kind of character Cang Yunzi is. How could a person like him live an ordinary life with a woman in one place with peace of mind?"

Xuedie paused for a moment and continued, "So when the child was less than one year old, Cang Yunzi left and disappeared without a trace! That woman hated and loved your master so much, because Love begets hate, she was originally an ordinary woman who couldn't be ordinary."

"In just five years, she has established a force that belongs to her, and she is still taking his child and acting as a mother, and the purpose of doing this is to have absolute strength to find Cang Yunzi. But But Cang Yunzi disappeared without a trace, and he couldn't be found at all."

Hearing Xuedie's words, the corners of Jiang Yifan's mouth twitched a few times: "Then I can't find it, that guy is hiding in the deep mountains and old forests."

Jiang Yifan couldn't help but think of the scene where he was rescued by Cang Yunzi in a big mountain because of his injuries after fighting on the border. Now that he thinks about it, Cang Yunzi is hiding from love debts!

'噗嗤' Xuedie couldn't help laughing: "But I was caught later, it's just that the person who is in charge of the big power in Australia is your master's son, and his mother is old. Local training, and your master is going to live with her."

"That's not right, according to my master's personality, he should not agree." Jiang Yifan asked suspiciously.

(End of this chapter)

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