Chapter 759 Primeval Forest
When we arrived at the entrance of the primeval forest area, it was already full of people.Sitting on both sides are previous instructors.At this time, there are a bunch of people standing around, basically the original team, who are sighing about the past after a long time.

Xue Die watched Jiang Yifan and the others coming, and immediately walked out of the jury, dragged Jiang Yifan to a hidden corner, frowned and said: "This year's general election has changed as a whole. It is no longer a three-day period. One week, this time is a total of three days."

"That's not bad, just to reduce the time here, and then go to Australia earlier." Jiang Yifan laughed.

"You are thinking about whether you should be happy after listening to me!" Xue Die glared at him angrily.

"Say what you say." Jiang Yifan just spread his hands and compromised.

"Although the time for this general election has been cut in half, the cruelty of the competition has increased several times. It is divided into three events. The first one is the original forest that survives independently. At that time, each of you will be issued a GPS signal gun, whoever gets more wins!"

"After entering, we will see who can fire the most shots!" Jiang Yifan shrugged and laughed.

Xue Die nodded slightly: "That's right, the second game is a team PK system, and then the three winning teams are PKing each other, and finally one team wins. As for the third game, it is an individual PK system, based on the overall results of the first game Let's count."

"Well, it's okay, it's not too difficult!" Jiang Yifan replied after pondering.

"The hardest part is the first and third rounds. In the first round, you need to stay inside for a day and a night. In addition to dealing with your opponents, you also have to face poisonous beasts like pythons in the primeval forest!" Xue Butterfly said with a little worry.

"Don't worry, everyone is well-trained, and nothing will happen." Jiang Yifan felt that it was nothing. They lived in the primeval forest when they were training, and they are living well now!

While they were talking, someone had already told all the participating players about the competition system, and everyone started to discuss it.

Xue Die said in a low voice again: "Yesterday I got the news from my dad that after this general election, he will announce about the Dragon Soul, and the person who wins this time will be rewarded with the Dragon Soul Supreme Treasure!"

"Dragon Soul Order?" Hearing this, Jiang Yifan became energetic. He had heard Li Yan and the others talk about it when he was in Chenbei City.The Dragon Soul Token is the supreme treasure, and there are even rumors in the world that the one who gets the Dragon Soul Token wins the world.

Although it is not so mysterious, it can also be seen how noble the Dragon Soul Token is!
Xue Die pursed her lower lips: "So this time you must win, take this opportunity to let everyone admire you, only professional, after announcing the Dragon Soul, they can completely become the elite blood of the Dragon Soul, in the future Follow you to fight!"

"This game of chess was played by your father, but I got all the benefits in the end. I think your mother will hate me even more because of it." Jiang Yifan understood the meaning of Xuedie's words.

The base has been established for decades, plus the cottage before the base was not formed, it has a history of a hundred years.

But now, the century-old foundation is about to be handed over from Kong Tian's hands to Jiang Yifan's hands, so Qiao Qiaoer must be unwilling to do so!

"So you must win, so that you can live up to everything my father has done!" Xuedie said to Jiang Yifan solemnly.

Jiang Yifan nodded: "I will do my best. No one can say for sure about this kind of thing. The people who have stayed in the base are not ordinary people, and no one can predict what will happen next."

Xue Die heard that, she didn't say anything else but walked towards the judging booth.

"In the first virgin forest knockout match, no one will help you in it, maybe your former team members will be your opponents, so you are inside, don't trust anyone, only you can trust yourself The strength and fist!"

An instructor at the door shouted: "In this competition system, only eight people won in the end, and now there are more than 80 people present. If you want to win, then show your strength and face your enemies, the beasts of the primeval forest, Don't be soft-hearted."

"In addition, I would like to remind everyone, pay attention when you sleep at night, don't be defeated by your opponent, and become the belly of the beast!"

At this point, the instructor's words changed, and he shouted: "One minute to prepare, one minute later to enter the primeval forest field, and there are no weapons for you, only the signal gun that marks your life and death!"

After the instructor finished speaking, everyone got ready and geared up, their eyes full of fighting spirit!

Jiang Yifan looked at the brothers in front of him and said with a smile: "It's all exciting inside. I hope that when one of us wins in the end, there will be all his brothers standing beside him. If we want to become legends, then we are all legends. If we want to go to At the peak, there must be brothers by your side!"

"Okay!" Everyone nodded in unison.

"Let's go!" Jiang Yifan yelled sharply, and their small group headed towards the entrance.

As they entered, other teams also began to walk inside.

Maybe it's all a tacit understanding. After entering, they all dispersed, and they didn't want to gather together at the very beginning.

Some people here want to ask, just gather together as a team and attack the enemy when they meet, won't they be able to win easily in the end?
No, they don't want to see that. They want to make their own way without relying on anyone. Only in this way can they hone their will even more.

If you just want to hold together to keep warm, then what is the significance of such a general election?

So, all the teams dispersed when they walked in.

This primeval forest is very large, and Jiang Yifan and the others also stayed here when they were training. As for the so-called beasts, in addition to some poisonous snakes and scorpions that originally existed here, the base also transported some tigers and leopards from other places. , large aggressive animals like bears.

What really hone one's will and hone one's strength is the struggle between life and death, so the people who go out of the base are much more powerful than those special forces.

Jiang Yifan walked alone in the jungle, and he was not in a hurry to go deep into the jungle. After all, he also understood that the further he went in, the greater the threat. Now there must be many people staying outside. Only by fighting hard can we grow even more!
After walking for about five or six minutes, Jiang Yifan suddenly stopped, raised the corner of his mouth, and shouted at the grass in front of him on the left: "Come out!"

(End of this chapter)

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