Chapter 769: The Beast Appears
I have to say that Jiang Yifan's tactic of fanning the wind and lighting the will-o'-the-wisp was really effective. Just after his voice fell, the team members were all shaken.

I don't know who took the lead, so I started to attack the people around me.

Originally, when entering the arena, the instructor said that after arriving in the virgin forest, you must focus on yourself. Anyone may be your enemy, because the flare gun is independent. If you want to win the final victory, you have to spare no effort. Fight for the flare gun at all costs.Even if it's your most trusted brother!
Protruding from this piece of primeval jungle, this group of people directly and chaotically fought together, and it really felt like a group of demons dancing wildly.

The dance of demons is not about demons, it is not about dancing, but about chaos. Anyone can represent the word "magic", and dancing is even simpler. Wielding knives and guns is also dancing, and waving arms to fight is also dancing, so it is more important. It's chaos!

But what Jiang Yifan wanted was a random word.

He turned his head and looked at his brothers and said with a smile: "The chaos has begun, you should do it too. How much you can grab depends on your ability!"

"What about you, boss?" Monkey and the others asked.

Jiang Yifan shook his head: "I'm not in a hurry for you to grab first, I don't want to waste too much energy in this first match!"

When the other brothers heard such words, their expressions became serious. No one moved but looked at Jiang Yifan quietly.There is an indescribable sense of tacit understanding.

But the porcupine was puzzled, and asked confusedly: "He asked you to grab the flare gun, why don't you start?"

"There is a situation!" The brigade deputy said to Porcupine in a deep voice.

Porcupine scratched his head: "What's the matter?"

"I always feel that there are more than one pair of eyes staring at us around here." Jiang Yifan frowned and said with a smile: "Maybe I am overthinking, you go, grab some flare guns for me, and I will help you look at them." looking around. It never hurts to be careful!"

Monkey and the others looked at each other and nodded.

At this time, the fox and the monkey stopped making trouble, and went directly to the crowd.

The deputy of the brigade put his arms around the porcupine's neck and said with a smile: "You follow me later. I will definitely let you grab a few more!"

"Okay, listen to you!"

Hearing that the deputy of the brigade started to fool people, Jiang Yifan couldn't help laughing. After watching all the brothers join in the melee, Jiang Yifan found a hidden corner in a blind spot and lit a cigarette.

When he just started to fan the flames, he always had a very special feeling, always feeling that someone was staring at them with different eyes.

He knew that those instructors were watching their every move in the primeval forest, but they were watching nothing more than to see some of these people's conditions.

But the eyes that made Jiang Yifan very uncomfortable were very different from those of the instructors and the others.

It can be said that there is a kind of majesty that makes people afraid from the bottom of their hearts!

Therefore, Jiang Yifan was not in a hurry to act, but was watching the changes!

At this time, there was a fight in the open space, and the wailing sound was endless, and the sound of the flare gun firing could be heard from time to time, and then there would be the sound of a certain player being eliminated in the sky.

During the period, one of the team members got two flare guns at once, not knowing whether it was luck or something.

Standing on a high place, he shouted happily: "I'm sure I can advance, hahahaha, two flare guns!"


Just when he was proud, a figure suddenly flashed behind him, and directly snatched the flare gun from this guy, so that the two in his hand didn't go off, and he was eliminated instead.

This can be said to be the real rhythm of making a wedding dress for someone else after spending a long time!
The scuffle continued, and the dawn was getting closer and closer. There were only fifteen players left who hadn't been eliminated.In the end, there can only be eight people walking out here with a flare gun, which means that the competition system can end after eliminating seven people.

As there are fewer and fewer people around, the battle is becoming more and more fierce. The remaining ones are the strongest among the strongest, and each of them has eliminated a lot of players. If you want to stay and win, you must You have to use all your strength to ensure that you don't get eliminated.

Among the 15 people, oh no, because Jiang Yifan is hiding on the other side, to be precise, there are fourteen people in the middle of the field, 7 vs 7 PK, if you want to win, you have to pay twice as much as your opponent.

But at this time, after a night of raiding, without eating much, and fighting for several hours, they were already exhausted and somewhat powerless.

Panting heavily, they were vigilantly wary of everyone around them, because this is really a situation that no one around them can believe.

During the period, Jiang Yifan and the others also eliminated four people. The brigade deputy was eliminated when he helped the porcupine, and Bayu was eliminated when he was beaten by four people. Except for Jiang Yifan, the only one left on their side was Wang Liang. , the monkey and the fox are a good pair!

Those who were not eliminated stood in the middle of the arena, while those who were eliminated did not leave, forming an encirclement circle around them to watch the battle at this time.

The more this happened, the more worried Jiang Yifan who was observing his surroundings became, his brows were furrowed tightly, not letting go of every plant and tree around him.

The players who were eliminated before that will be picked up by a car outside within 5 minutes, and they will never be allowed to stay in the jungle.But it's been an hour, and no one came to pick him up.

There must be a demon for no reason!
At this time, in the mysterious and quiet room of the base.

The middle-aged man staring at the computer in the dark picked up a mobile phone in his hand, dialed the number and said, "Start in 3 minutes!"

After he put down the phone, he showed a strange smile, looked at the picture of Jiang Yifan that appeared on the computer screen, and said with a playful smile: "Lone wolf, if you want to carry the dragon soul, you have to go through this!"


At the same time, the battle here has entered the final stage, and the final result is that there are eight people left. Everyone despises Jiang Yifan a little, staying aside and not fighting, it is a big deal.

In the end, among the remaining people, only Monkey and Wang Liang were left in Jiang Yifan's small team, and the other five were from other teams, including Porcupine.

Jiang Yifan got up and walked to Monkey and the others, whispering, "Be careful, I feel like something is going to happen!"

The monkeys and the others stared at their surroundings with their pupils constricted.

At this moment, a series of low-pitched roars suddenly sounded around them.

"It's a tiger!"

"And wolves!"

Just when the roaring sound fell, everyone in the field was stunned, and then the whole thing panicked...

(End of this chapter)

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