Chapter 879 A Warm Moment of a Family of Four
Jiang Yifan looked at Bai Lao, both of them looked surprised.

After a while, Jiang Yifan asked: "Is there any precedent in medicine?"

"No. I asked specifically." Bai Lao shook his head and said with a smile: "But this is also a good thing, it shows that this child is destined to be extraordinary at birth, just like you."

Jiang Yifan smiled and said, "That won't affect his normal life."

"It's not easy to say." Bai Lao explained: "This child is born different, and he is destined to be different from ordinary people. If you force him to live an ordinary life, it will definitely not work, but according to your current strength, let him live a normal life." There is nothing wrong with him being safe and sound, as for his body, he is just better than others, not a birth defect."

"That's good." Jiang Yifan also took a reassurance, and said with a smile: "The main person is fine, and the others are not important. But then again, this kid is so awesome when he was born, I'm afraid I won't be here in the future." I can't control him!"

Bai Lao sneered: "You father and son are really more evil than the other!"

Jiang Yifan waved his hand at Bai Lao, and walked out of the ward. As long as there is nothing wrong with his health, he doesn't need to think too much about other things.

Besides, this is Jiang Yifan's child, so he is naturally stronger than others!
When they returned to the ward, Lin Yaran was already awake and was playing with two little dolls. Seeing Jiang Yifan come back, the nurse left immediately.

Lin Yaran asked, "Is the boy alright?"

"There's nothing wrong with it, but this kid is too monstrous, he really messed up when he was born, I'm afraid no one will be able to control him when he grows up!"

Jiang Yifan pinched his forehead: "If he wanders alone in the society for a few years, I'm afraid he will be turned upside down again!"

Lin Yaran sneered, "This is similar to you. You came to Chenbei City for a while, but in just one year, how many times has Chenbei City changed because of you!"

"That's right, this is my son."

Jiang Yifan immediately picked up the boy, held the boy in the air and said with a smile: "Boy, in the future, give your father some credit and bring back ten or eight of his wives!"

The little guy was held up in the air by Jiang Yifan and giggled, as if he was very happy.

Lin Yaran held the girl in her arms and asked, "Now that you are like Uncle Jiang, how about naming the child..."

Jiang Yifan hugged the boy and sat beside Lin Yaran, and said with a smile, "Let's just come up with the name ourselves."

"Have you made up your mind?" Lin Yaran asked.

"En..." Jiang Yifan pondered for a while: "The boy should be named Jiang Dabao!"

"Pfft!" Lin Yaran couldn't help laughing when she heard this name: "Why don't you be so vulgar. According to you, the girl is called Jiang Erbao!"

"It's okay!" Jiang Yifan looked down at the boy and asked, "Little guy, can you call me Jiang Dabao?"

"Wow..." As soon as the words fell, the boy started crying immediately, and even the girl started crying too.

It seems that they are all protesting for the name.

The corner of Jiang Yifan's mouth twitched a few times: "You are so young that you can understand."

Lin Yaran slapped Jiang Yifan: "Who would give a child such a name."

"Sister Yaran, why don't you come and get it." Jiang Yifan looked at Lin Yaran and said.

Lin Yaran pondered for a while, then looked down at the girl: "Girls, before they are in their twenties, they rely on their parents, and after they get married in their twenties, they rely on their husbands, then they should be called Yiyi, Jiang Yiyi, which sounds pretty nice too. Well!"

"Jiang Yiyi." Jiang Yifan muttered twice, "That's all, let our daughter be a princess for the rest of her life, and we will be his backers. She doesn't need to do anything herself!"

"What about the boy?" Lin Yaran asked.

Jiang Yifan thought for a while, this little guy was doomed to have an extraordinary life since he was born doing things.But you can't name him Jiang Bufan.His father's name is Jiang Yifan, and it would be a little bad to call him Bufan.

"He was born to be extraordinary, and he also has a dragon-shaped mark on his body. The characters Fan and Dragon must not be used."

"According to what he is doing now, should he have a more domineering name?" Lin Yaran asked.

Jiang Yifan shook his head: "No, it's because he was born doing things like this, so he has to use his name to suppress some, in fact, I still want him to live a quiet and simple life in my heart, and I don't want him to leave me. One way, fighting and killing, all kinds of intrigues."

Jiang Yifan muttered a few words, and then said, "Sister Yaran, do you want to call him Jiang Yunxuan?"


Lin Yaran murmured a few words after hearing the words: "Yunxuan has a hint of girlishness, but Yunxuan is quite elegant, detached, showing a little bit of realm."

"Well, after all, he was born extraordinary, and I don't want to make him too domineering, so I can only use such a name. Also, I hope he will be more handsome and charming in the future."

Jiang Yifan smiled proudly.

"Okay, that's Jiang Yunxuan!"

In this way, Jiang Yifan's twins have their own names, Jiang Yunxuan and Jiang Yiyi.

Jiang Yifan looked at Jiang Yunxuan in his arms: "Son, your name will be Yunxuan from now on, do you have any objections?"

"Beep...beep..." Jiang Yunxuan pouted and smiled happily.

"It's useless even if you have opinions, this is the name I gave you."

Seeing Jiang Yifan teasing her son, Lin Yaran looked at her daughter and said with a smile: "Yiyi, you see dad is teaching brother a lesson! You must be obedient in the future, otherwise dad will definitely beat you!"

Hearing these words, Jiang Yifan looked at the children in his arms, he suddenly had a feeling that he wanted this moment to become eternity, and he could ignore other things and just stay here.

Full of warmth, full of anticipation, full of a comfortable ease!
After a while, Lin Yaran said, "Yifan, I want to go to a bigger temple to pray for the child in these two days."

"Okay. You can go whenever you say!" Jiang Yifan laughed.Now he is not the boss, Lin Yaran is the king of this family!
"Then go to Putuo Temple. It's in the next city. We'll go there tomorrow."

"Tomorrow? Your body?"

Lin Yaran shook her head: "It's nothing serious, just take a good rest today, besides, we're going there by car, not walking, let's go in the morning and come back before noon, let my mother take care of the baby for a while."

"Okay, whatever you say is what you say."

Jiang Yifan happily hugged Jiang Yunxuan, and said with a smile: "Little guy, if you dare not be filial to your mother when you grow up, I will beat your ass into eight petals!"

"Beep...beep." Jiang Yunxuan babbled and smiled, not knowing whether he understood or not.

 Are you satisfied with the names of these two children?I thought about it for more than two hours.

(End of this chapter)

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