Chapter 892 Knowing the truth
Jiang Yifan was extremely surprised and horrified by the title of mother.

The dignified Xiangu Huo is actually Jiang Long's mother?
Moreover, in Jiang Long's words just now, the word "she" was also mentioned. Who does she represent?
Jiang Yifan held his breath and sat in the back hall, quietly watching every move in the front living room.

After Huo Xiangu issued the order to expel the guests, Jiang Long did not show any intention of leaving, but directly knelt in front of Huo Xiangu, and said respectfully: "Mother, it has been 20 years, and I should have any grudges or grievances." Let it go, the Huo family 20 years ago is still the Huo family, but the Dragon Soul 20 years ago has already changed beyond recognition, why don't you let our family reunite?"

"Let your family reunite?" Huo Xiangu sneered and asked, "During the years when you abducted my daughter, why did you ever think about reuniting our family? Because of you, I haven't seen my grandson for more than 20 years. Have you ever thought of me?|”

"I'm coming back now, isn't it just to reunite you and us?" Jiang Long raised his head and said, "Now that I have found my child, only Yifan's mother is left in our family. Are you willing to let her go?" Can't Yifan see his mother?"

"Yifan?" Huo Xiangu pretended to be puzzled and asked, "Is Jiang Yifan my grandson?"

"That's right. And he has his child now." Jiang Long said.

In fact, what Huo Xiangu pretended to be suspicious just now was for Jiang Yifan to hear. If he told Jiang Yifan directly, maybe Jiang Yifan would not be able to accept this fact at all, but from Jiang Long's mouth, the meaning would be different.

Jiang Yifan, who was sitting in the back hall, was so shocked that he didn't know what to do when he heard the news.

Unexpectedly, really unexpected, Huo Xiangu turned out to be his grandmother, no wonder the Patriarch of the Huo family and Huo Xiangu had such special reactions to him before!

Bai Wuque looked directly at Jiang Yifan, and said in a low voice, "Brother Fan, this..."

Jiang Yifan waved his hand, signaling to continue listening.

Huo Xiangu learned that Jiang Yifan also had her own child, she fell into silence for a while, and said after a while, "Then why did you come here this time and didn't bring my grandson?"

"There are still some things in the imperial capital that Yifan cannot participate in, and I also promised him that I will bring his mother back to Chenbei City safely." Jiang Long replied.

Huo Xiangu snorted coldly when she heard the words: "Is there any shameful thing that my grandson can't participate in? He should be in his 20s now, and what else can he not participate in?"

"There are too many complicated things in it, and one or two sentences can't be explained clearly." Jiang Long raised his head and said in embarrassment: "Mother, just let me pick Yinger away."

"Don't even think about it." Immediately, Huo Xiangu yelled angrily: "You should know what my daughter looks like now, even if I let you take you away, so what? Why don't you go back and let that child Yifan see his mother lying like a dead person?" ?”

"This..." Jiang Long froze for a moment, "I will find a way to rescue Ying Er."

"It's not rare." Immediately, Huo Xiangu stood up and waved at Jiang Long: "Get out before I'm really angry, or don't blame me for being rude."

"If you don't agree, then I have no choice but to use other methods." Jiang Long suddenly raised his head and said threateningly.

"Other methods?" Huo Xiangu stopped in her tracks, with a teasing smile on her face, and said, "Okay, I'd like to see what people and things you can use, Jiang Long don't think about himself. It's too powerful, this is the imperial capital, here, my Huo family has stood for hundreds of years and has not been destroyed by anyone!"

Jiang Long stood up from the ground, and walked outside with the old magic stick, and faintly heard the old magic stick muttering, "Why is this all necessary?".

Huo Xiangu watched Jiang Long leave, and angrily shook the scepter in her hand a few times, then said to the maid beside her, "Throw out everything they brought!"

"Yifan, come out." Huo Xiangu shouted towards the apse.

Jiang Yifan and Bai Wuque came out from behind. At this moment, Jiang Yifan had mixed feelings in his heart. He really didn't expect that he wanted to ask if the temple was related to the Huo family, but he didn't expect to know that Huo Xiangu was him. grandmother, and the head of the Huo family turned out to be his own uncle.

If it's just these, give Jiang Yifan some time, he can digest it, but he didn't expect that the relationship between the Huo family and the dragon soul is not so good.

It was a bit embarrassing for him to be caught in the middle.

"You should have heard our conversation just now." Huo Xiangu asked with a loving look in her eyes.

Jiang Yifan nodded slightly, but didn't say anything, he really didn't know where to start.

Huo Xiangu may also have seen Jiang Yifan's psychological activities at this time, so she smiled and said: "Yes, it is inevitable that you will be a little awkward if you suddenly accept this, let's go to eat, and you still treat me as Mrs. Huo, you He is still a guest of our Huo family today."

Jiang Yifan shook his head: "Old lady, I need some time to digest these things, and now I am full of question marks, I really can't eat anything."

Huo Xiangu was silent for a moment: "Well, let me tell you something briefly. This story is very long, so I will make it short and tell you everything."

Jiang Yifan nodded, sat aside, and listened quietly.

"Dragon Soul was shattered back then, apart from the Temple's attack, there was another wave of forces. To be precise, if only the Temple had made an attack, it was absolutely impossible for Dragon Soul to be like Jiang Long, that is, your father was arrested by the Temple. let's go."

Listening to Huo Xiangu's words, Jiang Yifan asked, "Is it because of the people from the mysterious base on the northwest border?"

"Yes, she is Kong Tian's wife." Huo Xiangu said.

Jiang Yifan had already heard about these things from Xue Die, and he understood them very well, so he asked, "Then what happened next?"

"This story, before Dragon Soul, that is, when your father and the others were still in the imperial capital, he had just taken over Dragon Soul at that time, and he had just met your mother, Huo Ying. At that time, we didn't know where they were going Together, I didn't wait until I was about to leave the imperial capital and head north."

"But it was too late at that time. Your mother already has you, and she resolutely wants to leave with your father. Even if I drive you out of the family, it won't be a pity."

When Huo Xiangu said this, she laughed a little self-deprecatingly: "My daughter is also very stubborn."

"Then what does this have to do with the temple's attack and my mother's affairs?" Jiang Yifan asked suspiciously.

"If your mother is an ordinary person, then you won't be afraid, but your mother is the most peculiar person in our Huo family. Leaving the Huo family is tantamount to a dead end!..."

(End of this chapter)

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