Chapter 111 Where Are My Snacks?
After gulping down a big gulp, I felt much more comfortable.Luo Qianqian felt that everything was wrong for her today. She choked twice during lunch. No matter how big her stomach was, it would be very difficult for her to eat again after drinking the water.

What's more, there is a lunatic in front of her, Luo Qianqian feels that she can't eat it anymore!
Now if she doesn't eat more, what will she do if she gets hungry before school is over at night?
But... But if she is allowed to eat now, she can't eat anymore, what should I do?
Luo Qianqian stared at the food in front of her in confusion, the two answers of bursting her stomach and possibly being hungry didn't seem to be very good...

Thinking of this, she was very annoyed. She had known that such a thing would happen, so she brought out some snacks.

Although Shengya College has its own shares, parents are not at ease even if they put their children under their own noses, not to mention that this is the first time Luo Qianqian has left home at such an age, and it will take a day to go .

I was worried that she would be bullied by other classmates because of her small stature, and worried that she would not like the food in the cafeteria.

For the worry in the front, Lin Xi was helpless, so he could only tell Musize a few words... As for the latter, Lin Xi still had a solution.

But what Lin Xi didn't expect was that when Luo Qianqian saw those snacks, she rejected her kindness very honestly.

Luo Qianqian's reason for rejecting her mother's suggestion to bring snacks is simple and rude, that is, Luo Qianqian doesn't want to give others the feeling that she hasn't grown up yet.

Big kids don't eat snacks.

Luo's father also praised Luo Qianqian for growing up.

However, now a stubborn little girl has begun to regret, woo woo woo, she misses those snacks, milk chocolate, fruit yogurt and beef jerky.

With those spiritual food, she doesn't have to worry about getting hungry later.Luo Qianqian thought about it sadly and angrily, and ate while thinking about it, feeling very resentful.

He stuffed a piece of braised pork into his mouth, and just as he was about to stuff another piece into his mouth, someone grabbed his hand.

"Don't eat if you're not hungry."

"But, but."

Luo Qianqian was about to say the word "will be hungry", but she swallowed it when she met Liu Linlin and Shi Jianye who were opposite her.It's too embarrassing, she doesn't want to say it!

In Luo Qianqian's mind, she had the idea that she could be ashamed in front of Musize, but not in front of other people.

And Musize looked at Luo Qianqian's hesitation to speak, and then looked at what Shi Jianye and Liu Linlin didn't understand.
"Don't eat too much, didn't the godmother bring us yogurt when the two of us left. Eat so much, can you still drink so much yogurt later?"

Luo Qianqian raised her head and asked in a daze. "Drink yogurt?"


His eyes gradually lit up, and from that look, he knew that Luo Qianqian must have understood the meaning of Musize's words.

The yogurt is put together with the snacks, which means that brother Caesar brought all her snacks to school.

After learning the news, a certain child wanted to throw flowers to celebrate. Since she brought snacks, it meant that she didn't have to be hungry today.

Thinking of this, Luo smiled lightly.

(End of this chapter)

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