Chapter 115 Full of Smiles

Luo Qianqian turned out to be a little crazy.

"Qianqian is not looking for Shi Jianye to play. If you delay for a while, Qianqian's time may not be enough."

After listening to what Musize said, Luo Qianqian felt that her whole body was going to be bad.That's right, wasn't the reason why she said she wanted to go to bed so early at the time because she wanted to visit the campus with Shi Jianye?

If all the good time is spent sleeping by myself, it is really a waste of time and life.

Thinking of this, Luo Qianqian hurriedly got up from Musize's body, and looked up at the opposite clock.

School ends on time at 11 o'clock, and now more than an hour has passed since that time, leaving Luo Qianqian with neither too much nor too little time.

Although less than two hours is not enough for Luo Qianqian to walk around the whole school, it can still go to many places.

What's more, Musize didn't intend to let Luo Qianqian travel all over the place. Leaving aside the issue of time, after walking so many roads and going to so many places, when it was time for class, Luo Qianqian Qian couldn't bear it at all, and I'm afraid he would suffer from the sudden increase in exercise when he returned home.

How could Prince Mu, who had always regarded Luo Qianqian as a thorn in his heart, tolerate such a thing.But if Luo Qianqian is not allowed to go... She will definitely be angry, and in the end she can only find a compromise, which is to make Luo Qianqian unable to spend such a long time walking around.

But what Musize didn't expect was that Luo Qianqian, who had always been unconscious in sleeping, found the time so well.He woke up just after one o'clock.

It seems that if the situation is not good by then, he can only adopt the second method.

She bent down and picked up the shoes that Luo Qianqian had kicked aside.

It was amused to see a certain little girl still reluctant to leave the bed, squatting down, and grabbed her chubby little feet with her hands.

The nails are neatly trimmed, and the pink nails are inlaid on the white and tender toes, which looks very cute.

Suddenly being grabbed by someone's little feet, Luo Qianqian was obviously a little unnatural, and wanted to rescue her little feet from Musize's slender palm without even thinking about it.

But Musize had been on guard for a long time, so how could he let Luo Qianqian get what he wanted so easily.

"Qianqian, please don't make trouble."

As she spoke, she slowly helped Luo Qianqian put on her shoes.

Luo Qianqian didn't know where she was messing around.

She just wants to put on shoes by herself... Even her mother hasn't put on shoes for her for a long time, and it's shameful to be done like this all of a sudden.

Not to mention that the place where Musize scratched happened to be where Luo Qianqian's itchy flesh was. She wanted to laugh very much, but because she was afraid that laughing would make Musize angry... I had to endure the hardship, and my face was about to cramp!
Musizer narrowed his eyes dangerously. "What's happy about Qianqian, tell me to make brother Caesar happy too, okay?"

Luo Qianqian wanted to speak, but what came out were giggles, so frightened that she immediately covered her mouth, leaving only her eyes and nose.

There is a posture that I won't open my mouth no matter how you ask me.

Musize: "Doesn't Qianqian not want to share with brother Caesar? Huh?"

(End of this chapter)

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