Chapter 120 I will guard you for a hundred years and worry-free 1
But today's Luo Qianqian is only as old as she can count. Although she is usually a little smarter, there are some twists and turns that she still doesn't know.

Including Liu Linlin's sinister intentions, Luo Qianqian just didn't know about it.

Luo Qianqian didn't say anything. The fact was not that she didn't want to say it, but that her mind was blank and she didn't know what to say.She stared blankly at Liu Linlin.

Liu Linlin's mood improved significantly because of Luo Qianqian's sluggishness. See, she was right!

"What are you talking about? Are you jealous of the relationship between the two of you! That's why you said that."

Shi Jianye's face turned red, as if what Liu Linlin was talking about just now was not Luo Qianqian, but Shi Jianye.

"I'm talking to Luo Qianqian, it's your turn to interrupt."


"What is the relationship between me and Luo Qianqian? You don't have room for you to say. Whether I take care of Luo Qianqian because of my parents' orders is not up to you to say."

Musize quickly realized that after seeing Luo Qianqian's aggrieved appearance, he really wanted to throw Liu Linlin directly into the artificial lake.

It is really an unforgivable crime to make his little girl sad.

Liu Linlin really didn't expect that things would develop to this point in the end.

This is something completely unexpected.

Shi Jianye felt that he seemed to hear a severe slap in the face.

Even though Musize spoke for Luo Qianqian, Luo Qianqian also said that it was too late, and glared at Musize, indicating that their accounts would be settled later, and now she was going to settle Liu Linlin.

I'm sorry, there are never any words such as concession and forbearance in her dictionary. In her dictionary, there are only flaws that must be reported.

"He has already given you the answer. Are you satisfied this time? Oh, I know the reason. You must be saying these things here because you envy the relationship between the two of us. How can you be so vicious at such a young age? .”

Luo Qianqian said to Liu Linlin very tactfully, and began to teach others a lesson.

Liu Linlin wanted to refute what Luo Qianqian said, but Luo Qianqian's words were all well-founded, and none of them were fabricated by Luo Qianqian, even if she didn't want to admit it.

What's more, Luo Qianqian has two "witnesses" here

"You bully people because of the number of people."

Liu Linlin's mouth was parched.Angrily, she tapped Susu beside her. Why is this person so useless? If she had known she was like this, she wouldn't have brought her out to play.He gave Susu a very disgusted look.

Susu was shocked by Liu Linlin's look, and said without thinking.

In fact, if people who don't know the inside story see this scene, they may think that the three people on Luo Qianqian's side are bullying the two little girls on the opposite side.

Because after all, there were two boys standing next to Luo Qianqian, and the three of them had an advantage in numbers compared to the two of them.

People always like to use their own objective thinking to identify facts that are not correct.

"Could it be that there is no fairness if there are too many people? You two should know whether you are bullying people because of the number of people. If the three of us really bully people, I'm afraid the two of you will not have the opportunity to appear in our room now." before!"

Susu was blocked by Luo Qianqian and had nothing to say.I don't know how to refute Luo Qianqian's words.He turned to Liu Linlin who was beside him for help.

(End of this chapter)

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