Chapter 129 You Are My Princess 5
"Isn't Qianqian my favorite food? Eat quickly."

Lin Xi helped Luo Qianqian dig up a lot of cherry meat, as if she was afraid of starving her daughter.

Luo Qianqian looked at the black meat on her plate, and looked at Luo's mother wanting to cry without tears.Can she not eat it? The cherry meat looks very strange.

"Try Qianqian, my mother made it for you specially. You don't look dark, but the taste is no worse than those so-called top chefs."

Smiling, smiling.

Lin Xi lied without changing her expression. If the meals she cooked were really so delicious, then... unless the person who commented forgot their IQ at home.

Of course, even if this was the case, Luo Qianqian would not dare to say it, woo woo woo, having a mother who insists on pretending to be a senior chef despite her poor cooking skills is simply an unspeakable sadness.

"Caesar eats prawns."

Luo Qianqian watched helplessly as the biggest lobster crossed an arc in front of her eyes and landed on someone else's plate.

Should the distinction be so obvious... Poor prawns.

Luo Qianqian stared at the prawn in Musize's bowl eagerly, as if she wanted to see how Musize ate the prawn that belonged to her.

One side is black cherry meat and the other side is delicious and delicious big lobster.Exhausted.

But...Brother Caesar is so kind to her, he will definitely give up this prawn to Qianqian, right?

It's just that things didn't go according to Luo Qianqian's idea. Her brother Caesar started peeling the prawns.

After the peeling, nothing happened as Luo Qianqian imagined.

Musizer put the prawns in his hands into the dipping sauce in front of him.

Luo Qianqian continued to stare, maybe Caesar's brother wanted to take care of the prawn completely and give it to her, but Luo Qianqian's hope was once again in vain, the prawn was finally caught back by Musize .

Fortunately, Musize knew that if the teasing continued, his little Qingmei might get angry.Helping Luo Qianqian remove the cherry meat from the plate, and picked several prawns to peel...

Luo Qianqian smiled instantly.

Lin Xi, who showed her face inexplicably, expressed her tiredness.

Under Comrade Luo Qianqian's unremitting efforts, Xu Yaru, who didn't want to go out at first, was finally persuaded successfully, let go, and agreed to Luo Qianqian's going to the fishing garden together.

"Come and talk to the godmother, did your mother ask you to persuade the godmother?"

"Yes, my mother said that if she comes, the godmother will definitely not agree, and the godmother will definitely agree if she hurts Qianqian."

Luo Qianqian sold her mother without any psychological burden, hehe, she is very vengeful, she did not forget the cherry meat on the table!
"Well... Qianqian is a good boy."

After getting the answer she wanted, Xu Yaru touched Luo Qianqian's furry head.His eyes narrowed slightly, not knowing what he was thinking about.

Luo Qianqian was very happy when she got the answer she wanted.She is also a scheming child.Since I can't do anything to my mother, let my godmother avenge her!
Considering that the fishing park is relatively far away, several people quickly rushed to the fishing park by car.

The fishing park was built in the suburbs. After leaving the urban area, the speed of the car became much faster.The trees on both sides of the road receded quickly.

Seeing Luo Qianqian staring at the car window, Musize pulled Luo Qianqian back.

(End of this chapter)

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