Chapter 141 Anxiety Before Final Exams
"Will guard Qianqian forever, does it mean that you won't leave?"

Although she knew what Musize meant, Luo Qianqian couldn't help but want to make sure.She likes what Brother Nishizawa said,
"It means that we will always be by Qianqian's side."

"How far is forever?"

"It's just so far away...until the end of my life."

The last sentence was barely audible, slowly dissipating with the cold wind of the summer night...

Perhaps Musize's enlightenment has been useful in the past few days, or this trip to the fishing garden has given Luo Qianqian a good relaxation.

After going back, almost everyone found that Luo Qianqian had finally changed from that attitude of studying hard. Although she also studied hard, she would not work as hard as she did at the beginning, and knew how to work and rest. Combined.

The relaxed and leisurely attitude did not let Luo Qianqian's study fall far behind.

First grade.Learning to learn is nothing more than that. As long as you are not careless, it is not a problem to get full marks in general exams.

Summer is gone, autumn is here, autumn is gone, winter is here.

Every winter, the imperial capital always snows heavily, and this year is no exception.

Sitting on her own little chair, looking at the white snow outside, a certain little girl dressed in a ball sighed leisurely.

"The exam is coming soon, and I don't know what I will do in the exam."

Thinking of this, Luo Qianqian let out another long sigh, no matter how old-fashioned she looked, she thought it was cute.

"What is Qianqian thinking about, why is she sighing?"

Musizer came up with still steaming milk.

The little boy's height always grows very fast. After half a year, Musize has grown by more than five centimeters, which makes Luo Qianqian's height difference between Musize and Luo Qianqian even worse.Now the gap is even bigger.

It has reached the point where Luo Qianqian has to raise her head slightly, so classmate Luo Qianqian hates standing with Musize now.

The two people get along with each other under normal circumstances are sitting.And a scheming little girl even adjusted the height of the seats for the two of them so that one was high and the other was low.

Of course, Luo Qianqian would never admit that she did this because she was jealous of Musize because of her height. In Luo Qianqian's words, how could she communicate unreservedly without breathing the same level of air.

Although this sentence sounds more like nonsense, but how could Musize, who has always liked to hurt Luo Qianqian, refuse Luo Qianqian's request, which is not considered a request at all.

As a result, all the places where the two chatted were replaced with chairs that could be adjusted in height.

"I'm thinking about the exam."

"What are you worried about the exam?"

Luo Qianqian silently accused someone with her eyes.

Not everyone is a master, okay?Not everyone can get full marks, okay?As a top student, are you really ashamed to say that in front of the scumbags?
The boat of friendship capsizes!The giant ship of love sinks when it says it will sink!
Ahem, it seems that something weird has been mixed in, but it's not important, as long as Luo Qianqian knows that she hates Xueba, that's right! ! !

"Of course I have to worry. If I do poorly in the exam, how will I gain a foothold in the class in the future! How will I gain a foothold at home!"

After hearing Luo Qianqian's words, Musize twitched the corner of his mouth unnaturally.

(End of this chapter)

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