Chapter 148 Named after Chocolate 4
Guess if the two of them will fight in the next moment...

The answer is of course no.

Liu Linlin was so angry that she wanted to vomit blood, Luo Qianqian felt very accomplished.

He casually picked up his schoolbag, and walked out bouncing around.

Liu Linlin looked at Luo Qianqian who was jumping up and down, and her nails pierced into the palm of her hand fiercely.

"I don't care what you want to do, and I don't want to know what you want to do. If you want to hurt Qianqian, I will definitely not let you go"

The voice was like a whisper between lovers, but it was bitingly cold.

Liu Linlin was scared by Musize and backed away, but forgot the chair behind her, got the table, and fell herself.

Musize left the classroom without looking back.

There weren't too many people in the classroom, plus they were all packing their own things, so not many people saw the scene just now.

Although Shi Jianye, the only insider, didn't like Musize, he also knew that Musize's words were to protect Luo Qianqian, so he selectively ignored Musize's threat just now.

Liu Linlin fell down on the chair, thinking that someone would come to help her, but what Liu Linlin didn't expect was that so many people didn't see her.

The most hated thing in Liu Linlin's heart was of course Shi Jianye, who had already seen her fall.Regardless of asking or telling, he ignored her.

First, she was ridiculed by Luo Qianqian, then threatened by Musize, and finally even this little fat man ignored her!
When people are angry, it is easy to do something that is not in the head.

After getting up from the ground, Liu Linlin ran directly to Shi Jianye next to her, looking aggressive, and those who didn't know thought there was some deep hatred between these two people.

After Shi Jianye packed his schoolbag, he was about to leave. He didn't see Liu Linlin next to him at all.


Liu Linlin didn't know where the strength came from, but she threw herself directly on Shi Jianye's body. According to the general situation, Liu Linlin's weight and Shi Jianye's weight are not on the same level at all, so it should be impossible to cause any harm to Shi Jianye. of.

But this is only on the premise that Shi Jianye is prepared. Now Shi Jianye never thought that Liu Linlin would do such a thing. It is a tragedy that can be imagined.

She was directly thrown to the ground by Liu Linlin.

This time, he finally attracted the attention of the people around him.

"Why did you two fight?"

With a scream, a group of children surrounded him.

Shi Jianye rolled his eyes weakly. "Don't watch the fun there, come and help me get this lunatic away."

Shi Jianye's face was so ugly that the onlookers helped Shi Jianye remove Liu Linlin from his body.

Because of his weight, Shi Jianye's physical fitness is not very good. Even the simple movement of getting up from the ground took half a day.

"Are you crazy? Remember to take medicine if you are sick, don't bite people here!"

Before that, Shi Jianye had always given the impression that he was a kind-hearted, temperless guy.But after this incident happened, they discovered that good people also have tempers, but they don't usually lose their tempers.

"I look at you as fat as a pig, so why don't you like it?"

To be honest, Shi Jianye was really a little scary when he had a straight face.

(End of this chapter)

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