Chapter 181 I'm Jealous 3
Obviously, Shi Jianye attributed all the ultimate responsibility for this matter to himself.I didn't expect that someone in the school was complaining about him, so there was such a result.

"Oh? Qianqian is so smart, but Brother Caesar never said he would take you to eat!"

Luo Qianqian's eyes widened, looking at the man in front of him, as if thinking about why the man in front of him could have such a thick skin.Obviously already agreed to her... Her salary is about to be paid, so why are you saying this to her now?

Can we still have fun together?Can we still have a pleasant chat together, we just said we are each other's sweetheart, why did they change in the blink of an eye?
"Brother Caesar clearly promised just now, why did it not count in the blink of an eye!"

"Oh, I don't know when Brother Caesar said he agreed to take Qianqian to the fast food restaurant."

Luo Qianqian carefully recalled what happened just now, and began to quickly search her memory, and found that it was really like what the person in front of her said... She never said that she was going to take her there...

Luo Qianqian looked at someone with some anxiety.

It's really no one to be a human being like this. Isn't it very fun to lie to others?It really makes people unhappy just thinking about it.

"Qianqian is very angry."

"Not at all." Well, even if she was really angry, she didn't dare to say it... Woohoo, it's really hard.

"Then why did I see that Qianqian seemed to be a little angry, was she angry with brother Caesar?"

Luo Qianqian is angry, and it's not over yet. She said she's not angry with him, she's not angry with him, what the hell is going on with him, is he really manly enough to do this?

However, although his eyes were about to burst into flames, Luo Qianqian still explained. "Brother Caesar is thinking too much, Qianqian is just angry with herself."

Hey, hey, he's about to choke out internal injuries,

Can we still have fun together?

"Oh. Then Qianqian is not going to tell you what is wrong with you?"

It's really like what Luo Qianqian said, it's endless...

Luo Qianqian "..."

After waiting for a long time, seeing that Musize didn't look like he was joking, but was seriously waiting for his answer, Luo Qianqian felt that...

"There's nothing wrong with that."

He muttered something softly, turned his eyes to the side, and stopped looking at Musize's face.

"Oh? Qianqian is right?"

Musize uttered the last sentence close to Luo Qianqian's ear, and his whole body trembled from the heat of his exhalation.This time, Luo Qianqian finally stopped pointing the back of her head at Musize, but was about to turn around and face this matter head-on.

Because of the height difference between the two, when Luo Qianqian turned around, her forehead inadvertently brushed Musize's lips, it looked like Musize was kissing Luo Qianqian, like a frightened rabbit, Luo Qianqian suddenly jumped a long way.

"what are you doing?"

"I was just asking my own question. Qianqian took advantage of me. Why did you come out to blame brother Caesar again at this time?"

Luo Qianqian "..."

Could she refuse to speak to this person?
"I shouldn't eat junk food, and I shouldn't dislike Brother Caesar's kiss."

Said unwillingly.The little girl's face was about to turn into a bun.

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(End of this chapter)

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