Chapter 185 Not afraid of the wind and rain 2
Having said that, Luo Qianqian couldn't help but returned to her room, ran to the bed, turned on the lights, and turned on the TV.It seems that this can make you feel a little more secure.

Rain is not scary, what is more terrifying than rain is thunder, what Luo Qianqian hates most is thunder, such a loud sound...

Life always loves to joke with you. Usually it is what you are afraid of, she will come, if you are afraid of thunder, it will thunder for you.

When Luo Qianqian heard the first thunder, Luo Qianqian's whole heart was tangled.

After getting off the ground, turning off the TV, the whole person returned to the bed very quickly, and hugged another doll in front of him.

The thunder has evolved from looming to earth-shattering.It was raining harder and harder.

There was another muffled thunder, and the lighting that was still emitting a halo was completely extinguished, and the whole room was plunged into darkness.Things that didn't seem to be scared at all during the day became indescribably eerie in this environment.

Never been so helpless, never.

The cloth idol beside the bed changed its appearance and was looking ferociously in her direction. The huge black shadow at the entrance made Luo Qianqian tremble with fright.With the huge thunder, Luo Qianqian didn't know what to do.

She is so scared, so scared, where are mom and dad?Where is brother Caesar?By the way, she can go to brother Caesar, she can go to brother Caesar, but will that weird man at the door eat her?

Even if Luo Qianqian made preparations for herself in her heart countless times, it was not a ghost but the shadow of a thing, but she still couldn't pass the hurdle in her heart.Still dare not go, still dare not go out.

The thunder that seemed to split the whole world covered everything.

A small figure was curled up on the bed and shivering.

Musize, who was sitting at the desk reading a book, suddenly fell into darkness, as if thinking of something, put down the book in his hand, walked out of the door without thinking, and walked to the door, as if he suddenly thought of it Like something, he stopped his footsteps again and stopped in place.

A louder thunder finally made Musize rush into the rain without looking back.

The nanny who saw it wanted to speak, but was also covered by the huge thunder.

Walked to the next door, knocked on the door, but didn't get any response...

Heart... At this moment, it began to become more and more anxious.

After entering, I found that the gate was not locked. It was always the little girl who forgot about it because of her carelessness. Although it was wrong to do so, Musize was extremely fortunate at this moment, at least he could come in.

There was only a schoolbag on the sofa in the living room, and there was no sign of Luo Qianqian. She followed the long corridor that had been walked countless times and stood at the door of Luo Qianqian's room.

After thinking for a while, he turned the door, but this time something unexpected happened to Musize, the door was locked from the inside, and it could only be locked by Luo Qianqian.

"Open the door lightly."

Luo Qianqian, who was hiding under the quilt, seemed to hear something, but when she heard it again, it seemed that there was no sound, it should be just her hallucination, seeing that there was still no response, Musize thought that Luo Qianqian hadn't heard him voice, so shouted again.

This time, Luo Qianqian was finally sure that it wasn't her hallucination, but didn't brother Caesar already quarreled with her?

(End of this chapter)

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