Chapter 190 Always Be By My Side 2
He didn't think about anything else at all, time has passed for so long, Musize's anger has long since disappeared, but the disappearance doesn't mean that he will easily forgive a certain little girl.

Luo Qianqian tried to change Musize's mind by pretending to be pitiful.

transmit a signal.

Musize had known for a long time that Luo Qianqian would come out like this, so he turned on the signal shielding device before that, so... a certain Qianqian failed to send the signal.

He looked at Musize sadly.Brother Nishizawa is good or bad, how dare you talk about it?

Could it be that if she really wanted to tell the truth about this matter, she would be so angry because she was not praised and ignored?

She is already such an old age, does this make her look childish?

Luo Qianqian absolutely didn't want such a thing to happen, so she decided not to tell the truth about it no matter what...

No matter how much Brother Nishizawa asks...she won't say anything.

"Didn't Qianqian say that no matter what happens in the future, he will not deliberately hide from Brother Caesar?"

She seems...seems...probably...should have said this sentence...

Luo Qianqian thought uncertainly, but...even if she said such a thing, it didn't mean she wanted to tell him what happened today!If people found out, wouldn't her fame throughout her lifetime be ruined?

Hehe, Qianqian is a very smart child, how could he make such a low-level mistake.

You must not admit it, you must say nothing.

"Qianqian really doesn't intend to tell the truth?"

"I said that there is nothing wrong, brother Nishizawa, don't ask..."

"Since it's an unimportant matter,"

"Why can't Qianqian tell brother Caesar?"

"I've said it's not a very important thing, why is brother Caesar holding on to it!"

Soon, Luo Qianqian learned to use what Musize said just now to ask Musize back.

"Qianqian should answer the question first."

"Why do I need to answer the question first... Can't Brother Nishizawa answer the question first?"

"Have you ever heard a word, Qianqian?"

Luo Qianqian knew that this sentence must be very unfavorable to her, but she still took the bait. "What?"

When Luo Qianqian just said this sentence, she regretted it, but what she said was like the water that was poured out, and there was no possibility of it being taken back...

I just hope that brother Caesar won't say anything tricky, Luo Qianqian clutches his chest, and can't help sighing, why is he so stupid QAQ.

"That's women first."

Luo shallowly retorted. "Qianqian is not a lady now, but a girl, so what brother Caesar said is useless to Qianqian!"

"But Qianqian is also a girl, unless Qianqian is no longer a girl, otherwise, this sentence will be useful."

Luo Qianqian "..." She is now basically sure that the person in front of her is doing it on purpose, deliberately digging a hole for her to jump in.The scariest thing was that she jumped in foolishly, just like that.

What should I do if I am about to cry stupidly?
"It's okay to say it lightly."

"Brother Caesar doesn't know how to make fun of Qianqian."

As if thinking of something again, Musize quickly added another sentence.

"Brother Caesar's promise is useless, Qianqian will not believe brother Caesar."

 Add more delivery, please recommend a ticket.

  Tomorrow, if it reaches [-], continue to add updates.

  good night everyone~

(End of this chapter)

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