313 Chapter 4 Affectionate [-]
"You can buy it in the vegetable market, and what to do when you come here to pick it."

Xiao Xiaoyun was quietly smiling. "I just want to give them a taste, and what's more, the things I make with my own hands are different from those outside."

"You are so filial."

"That's what I should do."

Jing Jing accepted the praise from Xiao Xiaoyun very generously,

After breakfast, I packed up the tent and followed Xuzhou to continue walking in.

The river got wider and wider, and I was afraid that something would happen if I went further, so Xuzhou stopped here.And told them the fact that they had to return to the original place at night.

"I don't know if it will rain. If it rains, this place is very dangerous. The place where we slept yesterday is the highest place nearby. It is relatively safe. I am a teacher, listen to me, now you just need to go down Catch fish, catch as much as you can eat, and there are mushrooms nearby."

In view of the prestige of Teacher Xuzhou in their minds, they all nodded obediently.

"Mushrooms, the mushroom porridge I ate in the morning is delicious. I made so many yesterday, I'm not full yet."

Luo Qianqian showed a great love for mushrooms.

Of course, Musize helped Luo Qianqian find a lot of mushrooms.

"What is that running over, it seems to be a rabbit!!!"

At the end, Luo Qianqian couldn't help but turn up the volume.

Musizer glanced at it, then withdrew his gaze.

"This is in the forest, and there are wild rabbits. It is very difficult for us to catch them, and there is a danger of getting lost."

Of course, Luo Qianqian also knew this truth.

Somewhat disappointed. "I also know that there are no rabbits to eat, the fish is good, and the mushrooms are also good. And I still have so many snacks left, don't hurry up and eat them all, should I take them back?"

Musize smiled and rubbed Luo's shallow hair, and the two continued to look for mushrooms.

But Musize and Luo Qianqian gave up on the rabbit, but it doesn't mean that others will also give up on the rabbit.

Jingjing also saw that hare just now. Jingjing's family lives in the mountains. He has never seen any kind of rabbit. He could kill a rabbit when Jingjing was ten years old.

Looking at Wang Siyuan's somewhat shocked eyes, An Jing put forward the idea of ​​catching up.

When An Jing proposed this idea, Wang Siyuan was there, and Wang Siyuan's first reaction was to disagree, which is actually what most people would do.

Although there are no large wild animals on this mountain, it will still be dangerous if a person gets lost.

Seeing what Wang Siyuan said, Jing Jing thought that Wang Siyuan was caring about her, and immediately felt that her own method had worked.

In fact, Jing Jing really thought too much. It was someone else who said this today, and Wang Siyuan would also say such a thing, because as long as someone with a normal mind would not think about chasing that rabbit.

Zhou Zibo was by the side all the time, and when he heard what Wang Siyuan and An Jing said, his eyes rolled and he had an idea.

Watching Wang Siyuan shout. "Wang Siyuan, you are really good. Ren Jing went to chase rabbits because of you. Not only did you not appreciate it, but you even said that. You are really embarrassing us boys."

"What does it have to do with you."

Wang Siyuan frowned and looked at Zhou Zibo, as if looking at garbage.

"Hmph, you know best whether it matters or not, no, Quiet also knows. Isn't it, Quiet."

(End of this chapter)

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