Chapter 321 Not Lustful 2
Musizer chuckled on the sidelines.

Fortunately, An Jing's body is in good shape. After tossing and tossing for such a long time, she didn't have a high fever or anything. Apart from being a little tired, everything else was fine.

I have been looking for people all day, and I am so tired. Even if the rain stops at night, there are not many people outside.

Luo Qianqian lay down for a while and couldn't stay still. Although her body was still hurting, Luo Qianqian felt that she would go back tomorrow. If she didn't take this opportunity to have fun, would she regret it after she went back?

The day before was because of the rain, and today it was because of the quietness, so I was blind for so long.

Naturally, it was impossible for Musize to let Luo Qianqian go out alone, so in the evening, he and Luo Qianqian got out of the tent and came to the creek.

Xiao Xiaoyun and Wang Siyuan, who were the same as the heroes, quietly left their tents at some point.

Luo Qianqian made a gesture to Xiao Xiaoyun, and Xiao Xiaoyun immediately understood what Luo Qianqian's gesture meant.He returned a gesture to Luo Qianqian, expressing to Luo Qianqian the fact that An Jing had fallen asleep now.

Xiao Xiaoyun felt that if something like this happened, if she was An Jing, she would have to commit suicide to be worthy of Jiangdong's elders. She really wanted to instill her own thoughts in Jing Jing's side, but because of fear, Xiao Xiaoyun had to hold back herself in the end. This bad breath.

Jing Jing didn't fall asleep, but pretended to be asleep. After Wang Siyuan and Xiao Xiaoyun got out of the tent, they immediately opened their eyes.

She just didn't know how to face those people outside. When something like this happened, it was impossible not to react at all. Thinking of her future situation, she gritted her teeth quietly.

Luo Qianqian is all to blame for this matter. If Luo Qianqian hadn't said that there was a rabbit over there, how could he have chased that rabbit in order to perform in front of Wang Siyuan? If he didn't chase it, naturally it wouldn't happen so much nothing.

Thinking of this, Jing Jing wanted to eat Luo Qianqian.

If Luo Qianqian knew what An Jing was thinking now, she would definitely not be able to help but want to laugh, because the idea of ​​An Jing is so funny, and it is impossible for normal people to blame others for this matter anyway. Bar.

Jing Jing's ability to blame this incident on her is enough to prove that this person is indeed abnormal.

What An Jing thought in the tent had nothing to do with Luo Qianqian.

He found a rock and sat down.

He gestured to the person who was taking pictures of them in the distance.

Although there was still fatigue on his face, there was an indelible smile and satisfaction in his eyes.

Time freezes at this moment, and the youthful face and the setting sun freeze into the most beautiful picture.

Not only these four people got out of the tent and heard the voices outside, but many people also got out of the tent and started taking pictures, leaving a perfect memory for the unique three-day outing.

It is unique because they ran such a long way to save a person during this outing. Although they have participated in such activities organized by schools many times since they were young, they lost their lives and walked so long The time to find someone is definitely a first time experience.

Although this experience is not what they want to experience.

Although this process is quite painful.

(End of this chapter)

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