Chapter 381 He's hiding it from himself? 5
Musizer said nothing.

"Let's go, go eat boiled fish, I really can't help you."

In summer evenings, most people choose to eat outside.

Once inside, there was almost no one in the restaurant.

As if she knew something, Luo Qianqian began to order dishes rather recklessly.

Seeing that Luo Qianqian was getting more and more violent, Musize finally spoke.

"Okay, that's all, and some staple food."

"Are you planning to make me go bankrupt?"

Musizer laughed and joked.

"Didn't you win so much money just now? How could you have no money?"

Regarding Musize's statement, Luo Qianqian was noncommittal, showing that she just didn't believe it.

Listening to what Musize said, it will give people the illusion that she is really edible, but it is not an illusion, she is indeed edible, but it is definitely not as edible as he said.

Because it is the peak period of dining, the speed of serving food is also slower than usual.

Looking at the dim lights outside, Miss Luo took out her mobile phone, ready to play another game.

I took out my phone, and suddenly I didn't want to play anymore.Putting himself in the bag, he stared at Musizer motionlessly and began to look.

Musize could maintain the most basic composure at first, but as time passed, Luo Qianqian still had no tendency to withdraw her gaze, and finally couldn't help it.

"What is Qianqian looking at?"

Luo Qianqian heard what Musize said, and answered without thinking.

"Of course I was looking at how you lied to me."

After saying this, Luo Qianqian felt a strange sense of relief, as if the stone that had been pressing down on her heart had finally disappeared in an instant.

Yes, she wanted to know why, really wanted to know.

"How could I lie to you."

"You never lie to me."

Luo Qianqian didn't answer Musize's words, but just said something lightly.Gujing Wubo is just a report, not a question.

"Are you planning to talk to me after it happens?"

Musizer said nothing.

Luo Qianqian didn't care about this.Of course she knew that Musizer would not say everything so easily.

So when she asked, she was already prepared for the result that she would not get any news.

The two looked at each other silently.

The atmosphere that should have been warm was now indescribably oppressive.

The two people who were supposed to be the closest are actually indescribably alienated and strange.

"You really want to know."

"I wouldn't ask you if I didn't want to know."


Before Musize finished speaking, Luo Qianqian interrupted Musize's words.

"You'd better not talk about it, wait until after I eat, I'm afraid I won't be able to eat after you talk about it."

Luo Qianqian waved to Musize, refusing to listen to what Musize said.

A woman's sixth intuition has always been extremely accurate.

She was almost sure that the answer that Musizer gave must be difficult for her to accept.

"Okay, don't say it."

White fish fillets soaked in red broth and sprinkled with finely chopped cilantro.

What was supposed to be a very attractive meal became dull because of the preoccupations of the parties.

We had a good dinner.

"There is a coffee shop in front, let's sit for a while."

"Okay, you should be able to talk now." I ordered a cup of iced coffee and found a seat near the corner and sat down.

(End of this chapter)

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