Chapter 395 The Disappeared Appears
Since the girl in front of her positioned herself as a multi-faceted artist and wanted to become a superstar queen, not an idol star, she naturally had to take every step steadily.

When he came, Ye Xuan already had some ideas about Luo Qianqian's background. If it was an ordinary person, it would not be the boss who personally ordered it.

And look... the attitude of the boss, the girl in front of him is obviously something he can't afford to provoke.

This is also the real reason why Ye Xuan resisted at the beginning. If he really came from an extraordinary background, how could he act quietly and well.

But after Ye Xuan met Luo Qianqian, he completely lost such worries.

"Wait a minute, I will send you an email. There is a form in it. You just need to fill in all the information. As for your personal privacy, don't worry, it will be destroyed after I am optimistic about it."

"It's okay if you don't destroy it, after all, it's not a shameful identity."

It took less than half an hour to meet Ye Xuan, but both of them were very satisfied with the conversation, and they also had expectations for the future cooperation between the two.

After Ye Xuan left, Luo Qianqian didn't leave the coffee shop, but sat in the coffee shop and ordered a mango mille-feuille, ready to celebrate.

Naturally, the reason for congratulations is to have a good manager... Well, in the final analysis, it was because she was a little hungry, and when she came out in the morning, she was afraid of being late, so she directly forgot to eat.

In addition, the conversation with Ye Xuan just now was relatively good, which made Luo Qianqian forget about it.

Now that Ye Xuan had left, Luo Qianqian finally realized the fact that she didn't have breakfast.

After looking through the desserts in the coffee shop, I finally chose the mango millefeuille that I like to eat more.

While waiting for the cake, Luo Qianqian was not idle, but turned on her computer to see what Ye Xuan's form looked like.

Turning on the computer, there were two emails lying quietly in the supposedly empty mailbox.

I clicked on the above email and quickly browsed the content above, and found that this form seems to be a bit similar to the information used by those companies when applying for jobs.

But this is the kind of particularly detailed data sheet.

Seeing that the cake she ordered still hadn't arrived, Luo Qianqian clicked on the mailbox and began to fill in the information.

It's too shameful how many boyfriends I have had since I was a child.

Well, but how do I answer this question? Strictly speaking, my first kiss was taken by some bastard several years ago, but now the life or death of that bastard is unknown.

In this case, it will be more difficult.

Luo Qianqian fell into deep entanglement, and finally filled in some bold words on the form.But after filling it out, it seemed like he had thought of something.Changed it again.

The words on the form changed to, there used to be, but the boyfriend had an accident later.

It's no accident that a bastard hasn't heard from him for three years.

Fill in the information and click send.

The delicious mango mille-feuille was placed not far from Luo Qianqian. Looking at the cake in front of her, Luo Qianqian seemed to suddenly think of something, took out her phone, and snapped a photo.

Posted it in the WeChat group.

As soon as it was posted, Xiao Xiaoyun clicked a like below, and claimed to pull Hei Luo Qianqian to get the result he wanted. Luo Qianqian was very happy

(End of this chapter)

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