Chapter 406 Am I Still Dreaming?
Musize broke into a cold sweat, and uttered the truth after drinking. These words are definitely not just words. From this, it can be seen how much a certain child complains about him in his heart. If you think about it this way, Musize feels that his whole body is It's going to be bad.

Luo Qianqian hugged the quilt and slept very soundly, her heartless appearance made Musize laugh.

When the first ray of sunlight fell on the bed through the window through the curtains in the morning, Luo moved slightly.

Moved twice.

Everything that happened last night came back gradually. Well, she remembered going to a restaurant with Gu Mobai and the others for dinner. After that, she was afraid that she would get drunk and encounter some trouble, so she called Ye Xuan.

Then, then.

Luo Qianqian suddenly sat up from the bed as if she suddenly thought of something.

Then she seemed to see Mu Zhaza?But how is it possible, didn't someone say that he would not come back until the Chinese New Year?Tomorrow is New Year's Day, and there is still one month before the official Spring Festival.

But last night's experience definitely didn't seem fake.

So here comes the problem.Was what she met last night the real Musizer or something she imagined.

The stimulation brought by Musize's appearance to Luo Qianqian was too great, and it directly made Luo Qianqian forget where she was now, and also the fact that she was not at home now.

As a cute person, Luo Qianqian said that she was stimulated.

Rubbing her hair and taking a look at her current environment, Luo Qianqian finally discovered a more important thing, that is, where is she now?Look at the arrangement of this room.Unlike any of her houses.

So, where is she?
Could it be that Ye Xuan didn't pick him up last night, and then Gu Mobai let him go like that, or did he just throw her to Gu's house?

It's not that Luo Qianqian didn't think about encountering any accidents.But she really doesn't have that many unspeakable feelings about her, so... she should be safe now.

"woke up?"

Musizer didn't go to the guest room, but slept on the ground overnight, in order to take care of a certain alcoholic.

Hearing a sound on the bed, he woke up. He wanted Luo Qianqian to find him first, and wanted to see what Luo Qianqian's expression was like, but what Musize didn't expect was that he had been awake for so long , Luo Qianqian still didn't look at him.

Musizer expressed his frustration.

Since the mountain doesn't come to me, I can only go to the mountain.

Luo Qianqian was taken aback by Musize.

Hearing someone's voice, Luo Qianqian realized that she was not the only one in the room...

There are others.

Turning his head and looking over, he saw Musize on the ground.

Luo Qianqian "..."

Then it means that what happened last night was not actually his illusion, but his real intuition.

If you think about it this way, why do you suddenly feel that your whole body is not good?
"Well, it should be because I haven't woken up yet, I'll sleep again."

While speaking, Luo Qianqian lay back down.

After tossing around late last night and being drunk, Luo Qianqian fell asleep within a few minutes after lying down.

Musize, who was neglected, maintained his original posture. From that look, he knew that he was very angry at Luo Qianqian's every move.

"How can I still sleep like this?"

(End of this chapter)

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