Chapter 102 Want to get her information out

Nalan Yue breathed a sigh of relief, and pushed the black card in his hand to him, "Pay with one hand and deliver with one hand."

A smile flashed across Xiao Ziyu's warm and jade-like eyes, it was the first time he met such an interesting little girl in his ordinary life.

He took the black card and spit out a word, "OK."

Then he got up and scratched off 100 million on the black credit card machine, and took out a lavender box from the black wooden shirt rack behind him.

Back on the seat, Xiao Ziyu looked at Nalanyue with a smile on the corner of his mouth, and pushed the wooden box and the black card towards her.

Nalan Yue took the black card with a blank expression, and then took the box covered with carvings, opened it and saw that there were forty magic crystals of different grades neatly placed inside.

The corners of Nalan Yue's mouth curled up, now she finally doesn't have to be sucked by those three little things anymore!
In the space bracelet, the three foodies are mainly little phoenixes, constantly arguing to come out to eat the magic crystal.

"Don't eat any more trouble! Especially your little phoenix!" Nalan Yue had made a contract with the little phoenix to communicate, but others couldn't hear it.

The best way to threaten a foodie is not to feed him, and finally the space bracelet became quiet.

With a "click", Nalan Yue closed it again, raised her eyes, and got up to leave.

"Girl, wait..." Xiao Ziyu also stood up, her slender and straight figure exuding a gentle aura.

Nalan Yue turned her head in confusion, her clear eyes looked at him through the black veil, "Is there anything else?"

Xiao Ziyu shook his head slightly, watching her propose, "I have an unfeeling request, would you like to cooperate with my Xiao's Auction?"

That magical elixir made their Xiao's auction break the performance of a century, so no matter what, they had to pull this girl into the Xiao's.

In fact, he is also selfish, he has a good impression of this girl...

Nalan Yueyu tapped the lavender box repeatedly with her fingers, thought for a while, and said in a hoarse voice, "Yes."

Anyway, she wants to make money in exchange for magic crystals, and she doesn't mind if there is a fixed location.

Nalan Yue rolled her eyes, apparently remembered something, and said to him, "By the way, if you still have magic crystals, don't forget to leave some for me. I will bring them to Xiao's Auction every month, fifty Elixir."

This also saves me from wasting time at the auction. Anyway, cooperation requires some sincerity!

Xiao Ziyu was taken aback when he heard that, fifty?so much?
In fact, Nalan Yue can refine more, but her road to cultivation will be very difficult in the future, so she can't say all of them.

What's more, they don't know each other at all, okay?Let's barely count as a business partner!
In just a blink of an eye, Xiao Ziyu's complexion was as usual, with warm cheeks, and he said with a smile, "As long as there is something, I will definitely pay attention to the girl. I just don't know how to contact the girl?"

Nalan Yue looked at him with a half-smile, trying to extract her information?no way!

"No need to contact, I will come at the end of every month."

Xiao Ziyu was not annoyed when she was caught out, but instead found her more interesting.

"I send you……"

Before he finished speaking, Nalan Yue simply interrupted him and waved at him.

"It's fine for the girl to leave by herself, there is no need to send it off."

As soon as the words fell, Nalan Yue opened the door and left.

If Ye Jin's stingy man sees something important, he might have to show his temper to her!

Thinking of this, Nalan Yue couldn't help laughing in her heart.

Ahem, she's fine to worry about what that guy is doing!
But the corners of Nalan Yue's mouth still couldn't help but rise.

 The author said: This chapter is a new chapter, thank you, trise Old Testament* friends for the reward to "Goddess"!see you tomorrow... wave
(End of this chapter)

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