Chapter 1105: Bai Ze Divine Beast 2
Nalan Yue's eyes swept over them one by one, everyone's eyes were silent and dull, and they didn't even dare to have despair in their eyes.

Although Nalan Yue didn't see with her own eyes what kind of torture they suffered, she could also feel that it would be extremely cruel and bloody.

It frightens everyone who hears it.

Seeing a new person coming in, they just lowered their eyelids slightly, even being pitiful and stingy, because... there is no use in being pitiful here!

"Don't look, go in!" The soldier pushing the iron cage finally pushed Nalan Yue into a dirty cell, locked the cell door in disgust, and stood motionless outside.

Even in the dungeon, Nalan Yue was still not released from the cage, so what to do or what to do.

But Nalan Yue didn't mind anymore, the only thing she was worried about was Ye Jin and Feng Chu, she probably already guessed their plan.

It's a pity that the domain owner is not so easy to fool, so he just locked her up in another place.

In the current situation, it is no longer possible for her to use the space bracelet to escape from the cage. Not to mention that there are so many people here, even the soldiers guarding her outside the iron cage will definitely notify the domain owner as soon as possible.

The situation is really complicated...

Nalan Yue lay down on the cold iron cage, with downcast eyes, wondering if he could quickly kill the soldier guarding him.

With a dagger?The odds of a one-shot kill are pretty slim.

Then we have to use poison!
Nalan Yue raised the corner of her mouth coldly, with a trace of cruelty across her face, she quietly exposed the bracelet, allowing the poison to shoot out from the bracelet, colorless, odorless and invisible, into the neck of the soldier outside the cell.

After finishing all this, Nalan Yue intentionally or unintentionally swept in his direction until the tall soldier fell to the ground limply like an autumn leaf.

The "bang" sound when he fell to the ground startled the other people in the cell.

Nalan Yue could clearly see that at the moment when the soldiers came to the end, all the people imprisoned here showed a ray of hope, but soon, this ray of light went out in their eyes, and their expressions became dull again, with a look of hope. Waiting to die.

It made Nalan Yue want to rush over to wake them up, no matter how desperate the situation is, as long as you don't give up, you have a chance to survive!
"Girl, your poison is really good." Suddenly, an old and feeble voice came from the corner.

Nalan Yue immediately came back to her senses, staring vigilantly at the corner where the voice came from, "Who!"

"It's just a dying person." The voice appeared again.

However, Nalan Yue had already seen the face of this person clearly, it was an old woman, her face was wrinkled and bloodstained, and the corners of her chapped lips looked like a pomegranate that had exploded.

"But you don't want to die yet, do you?" Nalan Yue smiled mockingly, as if he understood something.

Although the old woman was a little bit worse, her limbs were not injured at all, and she was many times better than those who were lying on the ground and could not move. If she really wanted to die, she would have hit her head to death a long time ago!

"Haha..." The old woman lying in the corner burst into laughter after hearing what she said, "Why die if you can live!"

"That's right." It's better to die than to live, as long as you live, there is hope.

The old woman didn't make a sound after laughing again, but stared at her with a pair of cloudy and old eyes.

(End of this chapter)

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