Chapter 1107: Bai Ze Divine Beast 4
Even those people who Nalan Yue saw lying on the ground unable to move, their eyes were full of pleading at this moment.

As the saying goes, it is better to live than to die!

What's more, the hope of going out is now in front of them, and the more dying people are, the more they must hold on to this hope tightly.

Nalan Yue raised her thin lips, turned her head to glance at these people, and said calmly, "Want to go out?"

"Hmm..." They nodded sharply.

Nalan Yue caught their expressions in his eyes, "I can take you all away, but the prerequisite is..."

"No matter what the conditions, we will agree!"

"That's right!!"

Before Nalan Yue finished speaking the conditions, they shouted impatiently, one by one grabbing the iron railing of the cell, shaking desperately.

"Okay, the first condition is that after you leave here, you must be used by me. As for the other conditions, I will talk about it later."

This is clearly a predatory condition!
They couldn't get out of this wolf's den and jump to another wolf's den, so everyone hesitated for a while.

But Nalan Yue didn't have the time to wait for them to finish their hesitation. She looked around at the people locked in the cell, turned around and left without any hesitation, "You guys think about it slowly..."

"Wait, girl!! I promise, I promise!"

Until a voice of compromise came from the iron cage.

"You are wise!" Nalan Yue snorted softly, and put a pill directly into his mouth, and only put him into the space after he was unconscious.

When the people around saw this scene, they started to move around again.

However, Nalan Yue still felt that the scene was not chaotic enough at this time, and said in surprise, "Oh, it's too bad, the space will soon run out of space, forget it, I don't want to bring you such burdens..."

"..." After listening to her words, Murong Qing'er touched her sweat deeply, boss, your face is too big!The space of this phoenix bracelet is unimaginable, you are so insidious!

When the outsiders heard that there was almost no room left, they all rushed towards the cell door, beating and shouting, "Girl, don't..."

"We are willing to agree to the conditions, not to mention it is for the girl's use, even if I am willing to go to the knife mountain... Girl, please accept my knee!"

After finishing speaking, this person really knelt down, and Nalan Yue was almost speechless, this little brother, it seems that you were the most hesitant just now!

Morality is shattered!
In the end, all the people in the cage were taken into space by Nalan Yue, no matter they were in good health or were dying.

but!Don't think that Nalan Yue is out of good intentions, but because of the people locked in the dungeon, they are all alchemists! !

The realm is a sacred place for refining medicine, rich in all kinds of precious medicinal materials, and it is also a place that mainland pharmacists yearn for very much. However, this realm recruits many pharmacists from the mainland every year.

To put it bluntly, he actually wanted to monopolize the profession of refining medicine. Of course, this was only in the eyes of outsiders.

On the contrary, these pharmacists have no status at all in the realm, and most of them are used to experiment with poison. Simply put, they just treat these pharmacists they recruited as guinea pigs!
Then why does it have to be a pharmacist to test the medicine?
That's because the alchemist's spiritual power is stronger than that of ordinary people. In order to create the poison that will destroy the continent, the realm must use the alchemist to test the medicine. Moreover, it is to capture the wood element in their body and give themselves greater strength. the power of!

(End of this chapter)

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