Chapter 111

Nalan Yu and his elder brother Nalan Mo both showed gloating smiles and glared at her fiercely.

Especially Nalanmo, he was rumored to be a bad thing before, but in the end, it wasn't this trash who did it!

Nalan Yue's face was still calm, like a pine and cypress, she said firmly word by word, "It's absolutely impossible!"

If it's a big deal, I'll leave this Prime Minister's mansion. Anyway, the sky is high and the clouds are calm and the birds are flying. Will she still be afraid?
Over there, General Li couldn't sit still, his majestic eyes were filled with a cold light, "Prime Minister Nalan, is it possible to regret the marriage even after the betrothal gift is paid?"

If Nalan could never marry his useless daughter to his son, then the crown prince would blame him and it would have nothing to do with him.

The general's wife also said with a strange look on her face, "Hmph, is it possible that my son is not good enough for you trash?"

She should have snickered when she let this good-for-nothing lady into their house, but she dared to refuse, wouldn't that be a slap in the face!
Nalan Jue looked embarrassed, his thick eyebrows were tightly frowned, and he looked at Nalan Yue as if he wanted to be stripped alive.

"This wicked girl will marry no matter what..."

They are all members of the princeling party, and they will inevitably compete in front of the prince on weekdays. If they can't even do this little thing secretly ordered by the prince, then it is conceivable in the future...

Hearing what Nalan Jue said, General Li and his wife looked better, and they looked at Nalan Yue below with disdain in their haughty eyes.

Especially the eldest lady, mother and son, if it wasn't for the wrong occasion, I'm afraid they would all be cheering now.

Only Aunt Liu looked at her worriedly, hesitated to speak.

Nalan Yue curled up the corners of her lips coolly, and her cold eyes, which were as cold as ice water, looked at everyone's expressions coldly.

There is no way to force her to do something she doesn't want!

It seems that there is only one gamble, she is betting that the scumbag father will not dare to drive her out of the prime minister's mansion, as for the reason...

Nalan Yueqing's eyes seemed to be smiling but not a smile, she couldn't see a trace of panic, it was as calm as a frozen lake, "Ben..." The girl left the Prime Minister's mansion from then on.

As soon as he opened his mouth to say a word, a deep and charming male voice came from the door, as sweet as the trickle of a mountain stream.

"This king wants to see who dares to marry this king's woman to someone else!"

A tall and slender man came in with the voice. His face was like a Nordic god, his eyes were like stars, his nose was as straight as a snow mountain, and his lips looked like flowers.

Hearing this familiar voice, Nalan Yue turned her head and happened to see Ye Jin walking against the light. The layers of light and shadow made him look even more beautiful.

Nalan Yue's eyes suddenly became bright, her brows were smiling, and a warm breath emerged in her heart.

In such a situation of isolation and helplessness, if there is such a person who descends from the sky to bring you light and warmth, then even if her heart is made of diamond, it will be melted.

Ye Jin stepped forward gracefully, the black robe on his body was like a floating ink cloud, making him extremely domineering.

Walking in front of her, Ye Jin tapped her on the brain helplessly and pamperingly, "Silly girl."

Nalan Yue did not avoid his claws, but instead gave him a smile.

For a moment, the entire front hall fell silent, as if a needle could be heard falling on the ground, several pairs of eyes looked at the two in disbelief.

Especially Nalan Yu's eyeballs almost fell off,

After a while, everyone came to their senses, and the Prime Minister stood up in the lead to salute Ye Jin.

"I've seen Lord Jin..."

Ye Jin's indifferent eyes swept across the crowd, and he remained silent for a long time, which made everyone feel guilty for a while, and couldn't help but want to run away.

"Hmm." Ye Jin said a word indifferently, and out of the corner of his eyes, he saw a few mahogany boxes in the hall, and his whole body exuded a terrifying aura.

(End of this chapter)

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