Chapter 1110: Bai Ze Divine Beast 7
It turned out to be like this... Nalan Yue nodded, a malicious gleam appeared at the corner of her mouth.

Turning his head, staring at Lan Xin'er, he drew his sword and chased after her.

When Lan Xin'er saw that the beast of Bai Ze had been instigated by them, she knew that she had no chance of winning if she stayed here, so she ran outside as soon as she realized it.

"Bai Ze, grab her!" Little Phoenix commanded Bai Ze. As an elder who loves the younger generation, Bai Ze Divine Beast would naturally not refuse.

Lan Xin'er was not enough for Bai Ze's beast, so she was caught by him in an instant.

"Tear her apart!" Little Phoenix ordered again.

Just as Bai Ze was about to nod, he heard Nalan Yue's voice stopping her, "Wait a minute, don't kill her yet!"

"Master!!" Little Phoenix was puzzled, why, he saw with his own eyes how this Lan Xin'er framed his master, and now he could solve this disaster immediately, why did the master hesitate.

"Little Phoenix..." Nalan Yue called it, and gently stroked its furry head, "Little Phoenix, don't you think it would be too cheap for Master Bai Ze to finish her off with one move?"

"That's right..." Xiao Fenghuang suddenly realized, that's right, that's really too cheap for this dead woman.

"Bai Ze, don't kill her yet, Ben Fengfeng must kill her after making her life worse than death!"

Master Bai Ze was sweating wildly, and cast a cold glance at Nalan Yue, "Nothing is more ruthless than human beings!"

He complained and threw Lan Xin'er to Nalan Yue.

Nalan Yue took it, knocked her unconscious with a palm, and after stuffing it into the space, she raised her head and looked at Master Bai Ze, "You are wrong, the most ruthless is not human beings, but human hearts..."

Bai Ze Divine Beast frowned, and didn't seem to understand why she said that. In the world of beasts, they never mess with these complicated things. If they like it, they love it, and if they don't like it, they kill it!

Nalanyue saw the doubt on his face, she didn't say anything more, instead she approached him and pulled the black iron chain that imprisoned him.

"You can't open it." Bai Ze Shenshou glanced at her indifferently, then closed his eyes.

Nalan Yue did not give up because of his disbelief, but raised her palm, and there was a faint imprint in the center of the palm, which was the word "Jin".

She knew that there was a mysterious power here, but once she used it, she would suffer a lot of backlash.

Nalan Yue raised her hand, and without the slightest hesitation, she used this mysterious power, and struck the hard black iron chain with her palm.

"Zeng——" Following her palm, the black iron chain made a sound of breaking.

Startled, Bai Ze quickly opened his slightly closed eyes, and looked at the broken black iron chain in disbelief. How could she have such strength as a human being...

More importantly, why it can feel a trace of sacred power from that power, the pure aura that only the gods have.

Just as Bai Ze Shenshou was about to ask his own question, he saw Nalan Yue spit out a mouthful of blood, his face pale.

"Master?" Little Phoenix exclaimed, and immediately took out some pills and stuffed them around her mouth.

"I'm fine." Nalan Yue shook her head lightly, then looked down at the small golden characters on the palm of her hand secretly, and knew exactly what kind of power it was, to be so powerful.

Seeing Nalan Yue's pale face, Bai Ze Divine Beast couldn't help frowning, logically, it shouldn't be backlashed by its own power, could it be that the divine aura before was just his illusion?
(End of this chapter)

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