1135 Framing 3
Nalan Yue raised her eyes to meet the emperor's sharp but implied gentle eyes, she couldn't help being startled, why did she suddenly feel that the reason why the emperor picked up this topic was to hear what she meant?

"A woman, what constructive advice can she put forward on state affairs?" The gray-haired Wang Guogong slapped the table again, with deep disdain in his eyes.

The prince also snorted coldly.

Nalan Yue: "..."

"It's enough!" The emperor had a headache, he just wanted to hear what Nalan Yue meant, whether these people were just trying to make things difficult for him.

"Leave them alone, tell me."

The emperor made it clear that he was partial to Nalan Yue, and now Wang Guogong didn't dare to refute the emperor in public no matter how dissatisfied he was, so let's see what this yellow-haired girl can say.

Nalan Yue pondered for a while, then looked at the emperor, and said, "In this form, it is simply stupid for the Three Kingdoms to go to war!"

As soon as these words came out, there was an uproar!
No one expected that Nalan Yue would make others' prestige and prestige destroy her ambition so much.

"Little Huangkou, what do you know!" Wang Guogong stood up again and pointed at her with a long walking stick.

"I don't understand? Do you think you understand it yourself?" Nalan Yue's complexion suddenly turned cold, thinking that she was easy to bully, and tried to challenge her patience over and over again?

Then, don't blame her for not respecting the old!

With a slight movement of the toes, a stone immediately bounced off the ground, spun and flew, and hit Wang Guogong's walking stick directly.

Obviously it didn't use much force, but the crutch was beaten so that there was not even a scum left, it turned into dust and dissipated.

"You..." Wang Guogong took a step back quickly, with a look of panic in his eyes, he could hardly imagine what would happen to him if the stone hit him.

But at the thought of being so insulted, Wang Guogong gritted his teeth with hatred, burst into tears immediately, his wrinkled face looked extremely pitiful, and knelt down towards the emperor, "Your Majesty, you have to make decisions for the old minister, this yellow-haired girl dares to be in public Unreasonable to the old minister."

The emperor didn't even look at him, and nodded directly at Nalanyue, "Continue."

"Hey... Your Majesty, old minister..." Wang Guogong was dumbfounded when he saw that he was ignored.

Nalan Yue glanced at Wang Guogong, and continued, "I think everyone knows that the domain master tried to destroy the mainland, but now, although the domain is destroyed, the domain master is not dead. With the strength of the domain master, one person can destroy a whole land." The country will never speak again."

"Nalan Yue, what nonsense are you talking about? Who can destroy a country by one person!" The prince immediately stepped down from his seat and glared at her.

Nalan Yue sneered lowly, without even looking at him, "The domain owner can destroy a country by himself, does the emperor think the struggle between the three kingdoms is still necessary? Could it be that the domain owner just took advantage of the loophole and let us both lose and die?" He just sits and enjoys what he gets?" Once the war starts, the people will be in dire straits, and even if they win, it will take a long time to recover, who can guarantee that the domain owner will not be a fisherman?
"That's right." The emperor smiled at her and looked at her appreciatively, but suddenly he frowned, stared at her, and said, "But..."

For some reason, Nalan Yue suddenly had a bad feeling, why did she feel that the emperor's smile was very malicious...

So she immediately said, "It's nothing but that, let's leave now."

Nalan Yue has always believed in her intuition, so she immediately nodded to the emperor, and was about to pull Ye Jin away, "Let's go, I always feel that your father is going to find trouble for me!"

(End of this chapter)

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