Chapter 1139 Heading to Chu State 2
Hearing the words "it's okay", Ye Jin suddenly stopped in her footsteps, lowered her eyebrows and looked at her pretendingly indifferent face, the girl's eyelashes were long and thick, like a small fan, gently moving, covering her face The brilliance of the eyes.

"The demons are becoming more and more arrogant. Many places in the mainland have been occupied, and I... have no choice!" While speaking, there was a trace of helplessness in his voice.

Nowadays, the demons are extremely arrogant at the border of the mainland. Almost all cultivators go to the border spontaneously to defend the mainland. As for him, as the leader of the army, it was already irresponsible to leave recklessly before. Arrogant, he also had to shoulder his own responsibilities.

Nalan Yue pursed her lips, looked at him closely, then stretched out her green hand like a white onion towards him, and held him firmly, "We won't be separated for too long, as soon as I finish the grade skipping exam, I will immediately go Looking for you."

Ye Jin didn't answer, but just looked at her with gentle eyes, everything didn't need words at all.


The second day, morning.

The quiet imperial city that was originally shrouded in morning mist was suddenly broken by an exclamation - "Dead, dead!!"

And the place where it happened is the moat.

After hearing the news, the officers and soldiers and the people gathered by the moat, looking at the female corpse floating on the lake.

It was summer again at this time, and the rotten smell from the corpse could be smelled from a distance.

"Get out of the way, get out of the way, don't interfere with the investigation..." Several people dressed as officers and soldiers immediately formed a human wall, pushing the crowd away from the moat for a certain distance to facilitate the investigation.

On the surface of the lake, someone has already called a boat to salvage the female body, because her face was swollen due to soaking in the water for too long, but her facial features can still be seen clearly.

When the female body was placed on the shore, the onlookers immediately stared at it carefully, wondering whose girl it was and how it could have died.

But after looking at it for a long time, I always feel that this girl looks familiar, but I can't remember who it is.

"Is this the girl from the old Wang's family next door?"

"Impossible, look at the clothes she wears, she must be either rich or expensive."

"Don't guess, she is clearly the crown prince's concubine, the eldest daughter of the prime minister, Nalan Yu!"

After this person broke the news, the people around immediately exploded and asked in a hurry, "I said, you can't talk nonsense."

"That's right, even if she is a lowly concubine, she is still a member of the royal family. If you say that, your head will be beheaded!"

"Cut." The man snorted disdainfully, and continued, "I'm not talking nonsense. Didn't she lose her naked body in the Imperial City competition that day? I clearly saw a red mole on her leg. I don't believe you! See for yourself."

After being reminded by him, the people stopped by the officers and soldiers immediately moved forward desperately, wanting to see if there was that red mole on the girl's leg.

Ever since Nalan Yu was salvaged from the river, her clothes were a little disheveled, and her two white |swaying|swaying|swaying|thighs were|exposed.

Sure enough... On the outside of her thigh, there is a red mole the size of a wobble. Could it be that she is really the prince's concubine Nalanyu? ? ?

"Wu Zuo is here." Someone shouted, and everyone's eyes immediately fell on Wu Zuo.

Wu Zuo squatted down and glanced at Nalan Yu, who was already dead and could not die any more. After a while, he stood up and said to the officers and soldiers, "I am afraid that this person was killed in the middle of the night, and he was also raped. There are traces of rice, she is indeed the prince's concubine, the prime minister's daughter Nalan Yu, you should immediately notify their family members to deal with it."

(End of this chapter)

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