Chapter 1146 The real young master 2
The little witches all looked puzzled and shook their heads, "I don't know, the young master personally picked them and took them away."

Hearing this, Elder Lan Ling could only sigh, and waved at them, "You step back first, remember that I must keep the matter of bringing humans here today, even the young master can't tell!"

"Yes." Several little witches responded immediately.

Although the young master is their supreme leader, the Elder Lan Ling is the one they are most convinced in terms of aptitude.

After those witches left, Elder Lan Ling led Nalan Yue to continue walking.

On the way, Nalan Yue raised her lips lightly, thinking that she ordered other witches not to tell this matter just now, but she couldn't tell that the elderly witch in front of her was quite prestigious!
However, she still couldn't help but sneered, "Did you just steal the show?"

"Not really." Lan Ling's face was full of melancholy. Hearing her question at first, the sadness on her face became heavier, and she said in a barely-there voice, "Besides, Wei Ning she...she might not be us. The young master of the witch clan."

Although her voice was very small, Nalan Yue still listened to the words verbatim, and then smiled sarcastically, "I'm not interested in participating in the mess between you."

"What if this matter is also related to you?" The blue-collar elder raised his head and stared at her with those shimmering eyes, with a very solemn tone and serious expression.

"Would it be?" Nalan Yue didn't want to answer her stupid question. How could this matter be related to her? Could it be that she is the young master of the Witch Clan?

Elder Lan Ling pursed his lips, but did not speak again, and led her into a very majestic house.

It's a tall house, but that's just in her eyes, but according to Nalan Yue, this house is even shorter than ordinary houses.

However, it is really not easy to find a house that can accommodate her in this "Lilliputian".

Once inside, Nalan Yue went straight to the point, "What exactly do you want to prove?"

"You'll know soon." Elder Lan Ling just nodded at her, then left in a flash, leaving a sentence, "Wait here for me."

Nalan Yue frowned, and found a chair to sit down. The furnishings inside the house were very simple, peppers, corn and other crops were hung outside the window, and all kinds of wild flowers were blooming vigorously. It looked like a small farmyard.

After sitting down, she thought of Wei Ning taking the witch to kill people, she immediately sent a message to Murong Qing'er, this witch looks weak, but her soul-stirring technique is very powerful, if Wei Ning sneaks behind her, I'm afraid ...

Not long after Nalan Yue posted, Murong Qing'er replied, promising that she would be more careful.

At this moment, Elder Lan Ling left and returned with a bronze mirror in his hand.

Bronze mirror?

Nalan Yue frowned slightly, then said coldly, "What is this?"

Elder Lan Ling shook his head lightly, "I don't do anything, I just want to take a picture of you. This is the phoenix mirror handed down from generation to generation by the witches."

Nalan Yue thought she would say "Demon Mirror".

But Phoenix Mirror?Nalan Yue couldn't help but think of her phoenix bracelet, but the thought was only fleeting, and soon she recovered, looking at her with a blank expression.

"Don't underestimate the phoenix mirror, it is very mysterious and can reveal some hidden or unknown existence!" Elder Lan Ling stepped forward and was about to turn the mirror straight and shine it on her face.

"Wait!" Nalan Yue immediately moved away, looking at her coldly, if she wants to take a picture of herself, does she have to take a picture of her?
(End of this chapter)

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