Chapter 1151 Battle against Weining 3
This is the last thing she wants to see!

But facing Wei Ning's unreasonable words, how could she bear it, she walked out from behind Nalan Yue, staring at her, "Wei Ning, you and I know that you are not the real young master of the witch clan at all!"

As soon as these words came out, the faces of the women who had come to watch together immediately showed surprise expressions, why is this young master not their young master?

Even though she was exposed in public, Wei Ning remained calm, she pursed her lips and sneered, "Full of nonsense!"

"I'm talking nonsense?" Elder Lan Ling suddenly let out a self-deprecating wry laugh, couldn't help but take two more steps forward, and looked at her angrily, "Why are you so good at acting, thinking that just getting a silver Phoenix mark is really me?" The young master of the clan? Your acting skills are really clumsy!"

"Lan Ling, you clearly want to collude with human beings and try to push the witch clan to a dead end, why make these excuses!" Wei Ning pushed everything to nothing in a few words.

Lan Ling couldn't believe his ears, his eyes widened suddenly, "What are you talking about, I have dedicated my life to serving the witch clan, yet you are so slandering me!"

The audience next to them expressed that they were confused by these two people. At first, Elder Lan Ling announced that their young master had appeared, but now she said that this is not their real young master. What about playing witches?

"What's the matter!"

"That's right, how can it be the young master for a while, and not for a while..."

"Elder, what is going on??" Finally someone couldn't help it.

Elder Lan Ling took a deep breath, said immediately, and introduced Nalan Yue to everyone, "Wei Ning, this woman, was designed to be unconscious in the desert at the beginning, in order for us to discover the phoenix mark between her eyebrows, so as to let us We mistakenly thought that the young master was her, but I didn't realize until today that she is not the young master of our clan at all, our real young master is Miss Nalan behind me!"


For a moment, everyone was caught off guard by the news.

"Lan Ling, you are so courageous. Not to mention colluding with human beings, you are still here to confuse people! Believe it or not, this young master will let you die immediately!" It took her so much effort to sit firmly in this young master's position. She backed down, it was impossible!

Especially, that person is Nalan Yue!

"Are you angry and want to kill someone?" Lan Ling met her eyes without fear.

Wei Ning snorted coldly, and refused to admit it even if he was beaten to death, "Everything pays attention to evidence, Lan Ling, I think you are a highly respected elder of the witch clan, and you have only endured it repeatedly, but you are getting bigger and bigger."

It's fine if she doesn't admit it, and she just wants to pour all the dirty water on Lan Ling!
"Is the evidence..." Lan Lingqi frowned, and just as he was about to continue, a figure flashed in front of him.

Focusing her eyes, Nalan Yue was already standing in front of her.

Nalan Yue frowned, and glanced at Wei Ning, "Have you said enough?"

The few words that were light and fluffy, but when they came out of her mouth, they seemed extremely coercive, making people afraid to say anything more.

"The phoenix between your eyebrows is..." Nalan Yue raised her lips, hugged her chest, and glanced at the shining phoenix on her forehead, "It was painted with silver powder..."

"Nalan Yue, are you interested or not, you slander me like this!" Her gaze made Wei Ning's scalp tingle, but she was still able to retort blankly.

hateful!Didn't it mean that Nalan Yue, a bitch, has been deprived of his strength, but why is he here now?
At this moment, a slender and enchanting witch walked out of the group of witches, and scolded Nalan Yue in a cold voice. "Presumptuous, dare to talk to our young master like this, do you want to die?"

(End of this chapter)

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